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Chapter 3 Data Representation

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1 Chapter 3 Data Representation

2 Starter Test marks and results

3 Number bases Task 1 decimal digits: 745 25 2657 10
Task 2: Create the powers of 10 for: 60 600 60,000

4 G:\ICT\Miss Elliott\Year 10 2016-2018\Chapter 3 - Data Representation\worksheet1-decimal tables

5 Starter – convert decimal digits
5 8  3 2 x X 1000 100 10 1 5000  +  800 30  2 = 5 832 7 5  3 8 x X 10,000 1000 100 10 1  70000 +  5000 300  80 =75,387 8 9 5 1 x X 1000 100 10 8000  + 900  50 = 8951 Extension: What base is assigned to binary, decimal and hexadecimal? Base 2 – binary base 10 – decimal base 16 - hexadecimal 4 3  2 1 x X 1000 100 10  4000 + 300  20 = 4321

6 Binary

7 Hexadecimal

8 Hexadecimal G:\ICT\Miss Elliott\Year \Chapter 3 - Data Representation\worksheet 2 – hexadecimal digits

9 Starter 2: Questions G:\ICT\Miss Elliott\Year \Chapter 3 - Data Representation\worksheet 3-Questions template 1

10 Converting READ and LEARN

11 What is a nibble? What is a byte?
G:\ICT\Miss Elliott\Year \Chapter 3 - Data Representation\worksheet 4 – Binary tables

12 Hexadecimal to Binary

13 Task Extension: What would the table look like for the hexadecimal value 7E4A?

14 G:\ICT\Miss Elliott\Year \Chapter 3 - Data Representation\worksheet 4 – hexadecimal tables

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