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Parts of Plant.

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1 Parts of Plant


3 Main Parts of Plant Vegetative Part
- Organs concerned with the growth & nutrition of the plant - Responsible for the non-reproductive activity Root or Root System Stem Leaves

4 Main Part of Plant 2. Reproductive Part
- Responsible for the production of new individual plant Flowers Fruits Seeds

5 VegeTATIve part

6 ROOTS For anchoring the plant and absorption of water and mineral
Cylindrical in form and are usually colorless or have some color

7 Types of Root System Taproot
Has a primary root where the lateral root arises Typical of the dicot

8 Types of Root System 2. Fibrous
More or less the same size originating directly at the base of the stem Characteristic of monocot

9 Type of Root System 3. Adventitious - Arise from any part of the plant body

10 Parts of the Root

11 Stem Ascending axis of the plant body for support and conduction

12 Types of Stem Herbaceous Stem Woody Stem Soft and Green
Little growth in diameter Tissue chiefly primary Chiefly annual Covered by an epidermis Buds mostly naked Tough and not green Considerable growth in diameter Tissue chiefly secondary Chiefly perennial Covered by corky bark Buds chiefly covered by scales

13 Types of Stem Herbaceous Woody

14 Parts of Stem

15 LEAVES Expanded, flat and green For photosynthesis and transpiration

16 Reproductive part

17 Reproductive Part Flowers
Modified shoot that bears the gamete for sexual reproduction 2. Fruits Ripened ovary Formed as a result of union of gametes 3. Seeds Mature ovule Consist of embryo, endosperm, cotyledon and seed coat

Eudicot / Dicot Monocot Form the largest group of plants Netted vein leaf Flowe parts are in multiples of 4 or 5 Seeds with 2 cotyledon Stem is covered with bark and tiny pores called “ lenticel” Seeds have only one cotyledon Parallel vein leaf which are usually narrow Floral part is in multiple of 3 Stem do not have lenticel

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