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Early Writing Experiences
Jana Crosby, Reading Specialist Read to Succeed Initiative Alissa Ongie, Preschool Project Coordinator Tennessee State Improvement Grant
Researchers agree that children go through certain developmental stages of writing – these stages may vary in length from child to child. Development typically spans from 2 or 2 ½ to 5 years of age – from the late toddler stage to the end of the preschool years. (Baghban, 1984; Clay, 1987; Schickendanz, 1990)
Points to Remember: Reading and writing develop together, not separately. Models, collaboration, and choices promote writing. Intentional teaching of writing develops young writers. Karen Bromley, 2000
Stages of Writing Drawing Scribbles Letter-like Forms Letter Strings
Copying Environmental Print Invented Spelling Conventional Spelling Researchers agree that all children go through developmental stages of writing – again, like reading, there is no magic day that children are ready to become writers or to “learn to write” – Writing is a process. Scribbling – children learn to distinguish writing from drawing Letter-like forms begin to show some similarities to letters Letter strings emerge as children start to learn different shapes and names of letters Letters that are in their name are some of the most common letters at this stage of writing development Eventually, children begin to spell things by sounding them out – “kat” Conventional writing and spelling develop over a period of time
“If children are provided with marking tools, a suitable surface on which to write, and a safe place to play, they begin to make marks at quite an early age.” Judith Schickendanz, 2000
During scribbling, children learn to distinguish writing from drawing.
Scribbles start out as random marks and transform to marks with meaning! “Scribbling is it’s own reward… it furnishes an unparalleled opportunity for learning the relations between the finger movements that guide the tool and the resulting visual feedback.” Eleanor Gibson, 1975. There are many kinds of scribbles – Some look like pictures Some look like writing – these may be linear, circular, horizontal, or vertical… they may contain repetitions of a particular kind of line segment.
Children begin to produce letter-like forms that show some similarity to letters.
Some children will use the lines and shapes that they are observing and learning about letters and make “mock letters” during this stage.
As children learn the names and shapes of letters, they begin to produce letter strings.
Letters from children’s names often begin to emerge during this stage of writing. Many children learn to write the 1st letter of their 1st name first!
Once children are able to form letters, they can look at environmental print (such as food labels or a grocery list) and copy the letters and words. This stage comes before invented spelling, even though there is more accurate spelling in this stage, because creating words to convey meaning is a more advanced skill than copying words someone else created.
Eventually, children move to conventional spelling and writing.
As children develop they will start to use invented spelling; they may use one letter to represent each word they want to communicate. Eventually, children move to conventional spelling and writing. More advanced invented spelling will use one or more letters to represent each syllable of the word; children may use the sounds of the word to spell it phonetically.
Stages of Writing Drawing
Stages of Writing Scribbles
Stages of Writing Letter-like forms
Point out the letter-like forms at the top and near the middle of the page.
Stages of Writing Letter strings (letters reversed)
It is developmentally appropriate for children to reverse letters and words as they are learning to write; this is a part of exploring the physical properties of print.
Stages of Writing Copying environmental print
This child asked her teacher to write a message, and now she is looking at the message and copying what the teacher wrote.
Stages of Writing Invented spelling and conventional spelling (first name) This child used “ODBYPE” to stand for “May you please not knock it down” while making a sign for a block structure; “YPE” is “you please”. She spelled her name conventionally.
What kinds of activities do children need to participate in to develop the fine motor skills that will help them “prepare to write”? Object-handling activities that emphasize motor control, precision, and accuracy of movement.
Suggested Activities Water play Writing in shaving cream/fun foam
Lacing cards Tweezers games Play-dough Scissors Using a hole punch Clay Eyedroppers Pegboards Cotton swabs Sorting games Clothespins Puzzles Paintbrush and water Tearing paper Stringing beads Easel painting Writing with different tools Self-help skills Finger-painting Puppets Chalkboard writing Finger plays Point out that clay requires more motor control than play-dough, so make sure to use clay sometimes.
Things to Write On: Stationery Note pads Order forms Receipts
Calendars Chalk boards Dry erase boards Theme-shaped paper Post-it notes Unlined paper Variety of paper Clipboard with paper Ready-made books Paper plates Old forms Junk mail Etch-a-sketch Magnadoodle Textured paper Lined paper Point out that if your child uses lined paper, do not emphasize writing on the lines; focus on the process of exploring writing, not the product.
Things to Write With: Chubby markers Thin markers Pencils
Colored pencils Crayons Ball point pens Chalk Sidewalk chalk Dry erase markers Alphabet stamps Paint Gel pens Point out that pencils require more motor control than markers, so make sure to use both.
Accessories and Tools:
Marker stand Tape Envelopes Writing caddy Ruler Stamps Magnetic letters Ink pad Index cards Stencils Yarn Scissors Wallpaper samples Magazines Catalogs Journals Word cards Sentence strips
Kinds of Writing Activities include: Journals Message boards
Letters, cards Lists Write the room Response to literature Dictation Children need many opportunities to practice writing independently!
Journal Writing Gives children opportunities to practice writing.
Develops the concept that writing has a purpose. Provides opportunities for self- expression. Is an activity you can do with your child by keeping your own journal, too. IDEALLY, journals should contain UNLINED paper. LINED paper can be used IF CHILDREN ARE NOT EXPECTED TO STAY BETWEEN THE LINES WHEN WRITING! (Pinnell)
Message Board You may use a dry erase board or post-it notes on the refrigerator to leave messages or reminders for other family members. Let your child help you write the messages and/or write his or her own messages.
Letters & Cards Technology has led to less communication by handwritten letters. Revive the lost art of letter-writing by sending letters or cards to family and friends for special events and holidays. Let your child write a portion of the letter, or at least sign his or her name. Help your child send thank you notes after receiving presents; it increases literacy and reinforces good manners.
Lists We write many types of lists on a regular basis, including grocery lists and to-do lists. Before going to the grocery store, let your child write his or her own list or help you with yours. During the shopping, let your child be in charge of marking items off the list; this increases literacy and keeps them occupied during grocery shopping.
Write the Room Give your child a clipboard, paper, and pen or pencil.
Choose a room in the house with a good amount of environmental print (the kitchen has food labels; the living room may have book covers) Let your child go around the room and write the words that he or she sees.
Response to Literature
After reading aloud to your child, choose a writing activity to respond to the story in some way. Examples: write a new ending to the story, write a letter to a character in the story, write a list of characters in the story.
Dictation Dictation is writing down the exact words your child tells you. Dictated activities: Demonstrate that what we think/say can be written. Provide a model for writing. Encourage children’s use of language. Values children’s words.
When taking dictation…
Write EXACTLY what your child says. Remember, we are working on writing, NOT grammar! Encourage all attempts your child makes. Ask questions to extend language. Make sure your child can see you write. Read the dictation back to your child, following the print with your finger as you read it. Encourage your child to reread the dictation by themselves, to friends, or to other family members.
SIG Preschool Literacy Toolkit
You are receiving a toolkit from the TN SIG Preschool Literacy Training Project. The purpose of the toolkit is to provide literacy materials and activities that you and your child can do together. You can pick up your Preschool Literacy Toolkit when you turn in the workshop survey.
Questions? Thank you for participating in this workshop.
You are your child’s first and most important teacher, and you are well on your way to helping your child become a writer.
References Bredekamp & Copple Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Early Childhood Programs revised edition. Washington D.C.: National Academy Press. Morrow, Lesley Mandel Literacy Development in the Early Years, Helping Children Read and Write. Boston, Massachusetts: Allyn & Bacon. National Research Council Preventing Reading Difficulties in Young Children. Washington D.C.: National Academy Press. National Research Council Starting Out Right. Washington D.C.: National Academy Press. Neuman, Copple, Bredekamp Learning to Read and Write: Developmentally Appropriate Practices for Young Children. Washington, D.C.: NAEYC.
References Ranweiler, Linda Preschool Readers and Writers: Early Literacy Strategies for Teachers. Ypsilanti, Michigan: High/Scope Press. Schickendanz, Judith and Casbergue, Renee Writing in Preschool: Learning to Orchestrate Meanings and Marks. Newark, Delaware: IRA. Shickendanz, Judith Much More Than the ABCs: The Early Stages of Reading and Writing. Washington, D.C.: NAEYC Strickland, Dorothy and Morrow, Lesley Emergent Literacy: Young Children Learn to Read and Write. Newark, Delaware: IRA. Center for Improving the Readiness of Children for Learning and Education National Head Start S.T.E.P. Trainer’s Manual. Houston, TX: National Head Start/CIRCLE.
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