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Presentation on theme: "Croeso."— Presentation transcript:

1 Croeso

2 Clybiau / Clubs Ysgol Iach / Healthy School Diodydd / Drinks Cinio
Dinners Byrbrydau Snacks Clybiau / Clubs Addysg Gorfforol / P.E.

3 bocsys brechdannau/lunch boxes
DIM CNAU! gwibdeithiau/trips cacen penblwydd/birthday cake NO NUTS! Diolch am helpu i ddiogelu ein plant./ Thankyou for helping to keep our children safe.

4 Addysg Gorfforol / P.E. Milltir y dydd – Mile a day (dewch a potel ddwr/ water bottle) *Gwersi bob Dydd Mawrth a Dydd Iau *Gwisg addas (dibynnu ar y tywydd!) Crys-t i newid ac esgidiau addas! *Lessons every Tuesday and Thursday. *Appropriate kit (weather appropriate also!) Plain white t-shirt to change into and appropriate footwear! Os nad oes llythyr yn esgusodi eich plentyn, byddant yn benthyg cit o’r ysgol. If we don’t receive a letter explaining why your child cannot take part in P.E. they will be given appropriate kit to wear

5 URDD Aelodaeth yr Urdd / Urdd Membership
£7 erbyn hanner tymor/NEU £8.50 ar ol Rhagfyr 5ed Eisteddfod 2017 / Rugby / Football/ Netball Clwb yr ysgol – Nos Lun / Urdd Club - Monday Llangrannog (Chwefror 5ed/ February 5th) Deposit of £30 by 23rd October Total cost - £205 (can pay in instalments ) You will receive a letter informing you what the children need to pack before we go. Medical form – WITHOUT ONE , YOUR CHILD WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO GO!!!

6 Presenoldeb a Phrydlondeb
Attendance & Punctuality Mae’n bwysig bod eich plentyn yn cyrraedd yr ysgol yn brydlon erbyn 9.00 y.b. Os yn hwyr, mae’n bwysig eich bod yn mynd at y swyddfa i lofnodi os gwelwch yn dda. Os yw eich plentyn yn dost, ffoniwch yr ysgol yn y bore i esbonio neu ysgrifennwch lythyr er mwyn iddynt dderbyn y côd ‘absennol gyda chaniatad’. *Gwyliau – cofiwch am adeg y profion cenedlaethol wrth fwcio’ch gwyliau! It is important that pupils arrive promptly by 9.00a.m. If late, please sign the book at the main entrance. If your child is ill, please phone the school in the morning or write a letter on their return in order for them to receive the code ‘excused with permission’. *Holidays – please remember the National Tests in May if you have to book a holiday during term time!

7 Rheolau Ysgol Y Castell :
Cymreictod Dangos Parch Gwrando ar a dilyn cyfarwyddiadau Cadw dwylo, traed a geiriau cas i’ch hunan!

8 Rheolau’r Dosbarth a Chamau Pendant Class Rules and ‘Positive Steps’
Wal Graffiti / Graphiti wall

9 Gwaith Cartref / Homework
Dosbarthu ar Ddydd Iau/Gwener a’i ddychwelyd erbyn Dydd Mawrth Angen dangos parch – paratoad da at Y Gwyndy Eistedd wrth y bwrdd. Diffodd y teledu. Defnyddio berol / pensil fel yn yr ysgol – nid peniau ffelt ac ati Gludo y gwaith yn daclus yn y llyfr Distributed on Thursday/Friday and returned by Tuesday Show respect – good preparation for Y Gwyndy Sit by a table. Switch the T.V / distractions off. Use a Berol / pencil as you would in school – don’t use felt pens to write! Please glue / stick your work in your homework book.

10 Darllen yng Nghyfnod Allweddol 2 Reading in Key Stage 2
Rydym yn cynnal sesiynau darllen yn ddyddiol. We read on a daily basis with the children one group at a time. Llyfrau Darllen / – Cymraeg /Saesneg bob yn ail Reading Books – Welsh / English Dylai’r plant ddod a’u llyfr adref yn ddyddiol a nol i’r ysgol BOB dydd er mwyn darllen peth cyntaf bob bore. Children SHOULD remember to bring their reading books home every night, and return to school every morning. Cofiwch wneud unrhyw sylwadau am ddarllen eich plentyn yn y llyfr gwaith cartref. Remember to write any comments about your childs reading in the homework book. Bydd angen talu £5.00 os collir llyfr darllen! You will need to pay £5.00 for a lost book!

11 Rhestr sillafu / Spelling lists Yn CA2 mae’r plant yn derbyn profion sillafu yn wythnosol (ar Ddydd Mawrth/Iau!) Mae llyfryn ysgol ac un ar gyfer adre.Fe fydd y plant yn derbyn geiriau Cymraeg/Saesneg fesul am yn ail wythnos.Mae yna batrymau i’r geiriau. KS2 pupils have weekly spelling tests (on a Tuesday/Thursday!) There is a spelling pack for home and for use in school. Your child will receive spelling words in Welsh one week and in English the following week. There are spelling patterns to the words.

12 Profion Cenedlaethol National Tests (link on school website)
Cynulliad Welsh Assembly Plant yn derbyn profion Cymraeg, Saesneg, Mathemateg (rhesymu a gweithdrefnu), Children will receive tests in Welsh, English, Mathematics (reasoning and operational) Parents will receive a copy of the results at the end of the summer term.

13 Taro’r Targed Bl.5 - Plant i gymryd cyfrifoldeb dros eu dysgu eu hunain Yr.5 – children need to take responsibility for their own learning

14 Setio Mathemateg/ Setting for Mathematics
Blwyddyn 5 a 6 Years 5 and 6

15 Pam y newidiadau? Why the changes?
Codi safonau Mathemateg ar draws y cwricwlwm Cynllun Datblygu Ysgol Hyfforddiant EAS - Fframwaith rhifedd Hyfforddiant ‘Big Maths’ Miss Griffiths yn dilyn cwrs CGA – Prif Arweinydd Mathemateg Ysgolion clwstwr – ymweliadau Mr Davies Paratoi ar gyfer yr ysgol gyfun Why the changes? Raising standards in Mathematics across the curriculum School Development Plan EAS training – Numeracy Framework ‘Big Maths’ training Miss Griffiths participating in EAS course to be a lead practitioner in Mathematics Cluster schools - Mr Davies’ visits Preparation for secondary school

16 Sut awn ati? How will we proceed?
Profion – prawf gweithdrefnol Prawf cenedlaethol prawf rhesymeg Prawf Alfie How will we proceed? Testing – procedural test National end of year test reasoning test Alfie test

17 Ar ôl trafod yn ddwys, fel athrawon, cawsom ddiwrnod i edrych ar yr holl sgoriau safonedig y profion cenedlaethol a chanrannau profion Alfie i gael cyfuniad o’r tri er mwyn rhannu’r plant i ddau grwp o fewn eu carfan. Bydd dau grwp blwyddyn 5. Enwau’r grwpiau bydd Fibonacci a Boole. . After careful consideration and interpretation of the data of the standardised scores from the national tests and percentages of the Alfie, we the staff of upper KS2 have now grouped the children within their cohorts. Therefore there will be two groups in Year 5 and the groups will be called Fibonacci and Boole.

18 Amserlen Bydd cyd-gynllunio manwl, fel yr arfer, a bydd y plant yn dilyn yr un elfennau o’r cwricwlwm ar yr un pryd. Bydd y llyfrau yn cael eu cadw yn y dosbarthiadau a’r athro grwp fydd yn gyfrifol am y marcio a’r adborth a’r asesu ar gyfer dysgu. . Timetable Detailed planning and preparation will continue within the cohort and children will follow the same elements within the curriculum at the same time. Books will be kept within the classroom with the group’s teacher responsible for marking, feedback and assessment for learning.

19 Gobaith yw y bydd hyn oll nid yn unig yn codi safonau ein dysgwyr ond hefyd yn eu paratoi ar gyfer yr ysgol uwchradd. Byddwn yn monitro ac yn asesu’n gyson er mwyn sicrhau bod pob plentyn yn cyrraedd ei lawn botensial. *We hope that these changes will not only raise standards within our school, but also prepare our children for secondary school. *We will be monitoring and assessing the pupils’ progress continuously in order to ensure that each child achieves his/her full potential.

20 Profion Mathemateg Mawr Big Maths Tests
Wythnosol ar Ddydd Gwener Weekly every Friday Bob yn ail wythnos gyda prawf geiriol/ Every other week with word problem solving questions

21 Disgwyliadau diwedd Blwyddyn 5 – maths End of year expectations in maths for Yr.5

22 Gwefan/ School Website Tudalen Maths Bl
Gwefan/ School Website Tudalen Maths Bl.5/ Year 5 Maths Page TRYDAR/TWITTER @ysgol_y_castell

23 Apwyntiadau / Appointments
Eisiau gweld Athro/athrawes eich plentyn/Y Pennaeth? Would like to speak to your childs teacher/Headmistress? Mae’n rhaid gwneud apwyntiad. You need to make an appointment. Ffoniwch/Telephone: Mrs Dainton

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