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City-Wide Professional Development November 5, 2013

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1 City-Wide Professional Development November 5, 2013
Word Study City-Wide Professional Development November 5, 2013

2 Welcome! Icebreaker

3 Goals To gain an in depth understand of Word Study
To prepare for Word Study instruction Form Word Study Groups Plan for classroom instruction

4 What is Word Study? Differentiated instruction in phonics, spelling, and vocabulary that is tailored specifically to the student’s needs.

5 Why implement Word Study?
Helps student to recognize patterns in the English language and use these patterns to decode new words and word meanings. Students are given opportunities to manipulate words and look at them in different ways to find patterns; these patterns help them make sense of the English language.

6 Traditional Spelling vs. Word Study
Provides all students in the class with the exact same words. Provides students with words at their own developmental level Focused on memorizing the words and spelling them correctly for the test. Focused on recognizing and using patterns in words to decode and spell. Teachers tend to find that students misspell previously studied words. Students continue to use prior learning to decode new words, spell an unknown word, or determine the meaning of a new word.

7 Activity – Open Sort Discussion Topics:
How did you sort? What was the pattern? What are the characteristics of students who spell this way? (reading, spelling, writing characteristics) What is the next step for these students? Where does instruction go from here?

8 Word Study: A Developmental Progression
Spelling Stages: Emergent (K) Letter-Name (1 – 2) Within Word (1 – 4) Syllables and Affixes (Syllable Juncture) (3 – 6+) Derivational Relations (5+)

9 Emergent Scribbles  Letter-like forms  Use of Letters & Some Letter-Sound Matches Rhymes/Jingles Alliteration/Beginning Sounds Alphabet Knowledge Letter-Sounds Knowledge

10 Letter Name Early: Middle: Late:
Represents most salient sounds – usually beginning sounds Middle: Spells with beginning and ending consonants, frequently occurring short vowel words (cat, dog) Late: Spells short vowel words, uses blends and digraphs

11 Within Word Early: Middle: Late:
Nasals, R-influenced CVC (car, for, her) Middle: Common long vowel patterns (CVCe, CVVC) Late: Long-vowel patterns in one-syllable words

12 Word Study & PALS PALS Website:
Planning Instruction Tab Spelling/Phonics Knowledge Spelling/Phonics Knowledge Summary Sheet Right-hand column  Spelling Stage Blue Circles  Using but Confusing

13 Activity - Forming Sample Groups
Sample Spelling Summary How will we form groups? Where will each group begin instruction?

14 Activity – Forming Personal Groups
Create your Word Study Groups How many groups? Who is in each group? Where will you begin instruction?

15 Word Study Activities Sorting, Sorting, Sorting! Types of Sorts:
Introducing the Sort Video Types of Sorts: Closed Open Blind Writing Speed

16 More Activities Word Hunts Draw and Label Sentences
Visit the Wiki Page for more activities and information.

17 Weekly Word Study Routine
Monday: Introduce the Sort Students cut apart the words and sort them according to the headers Group discussion about features Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: Independent Station Activities Teacher – quickly reviews sort with students at teacher station Students complete independent activities – word hunts, etc. Friday: Assessment Writing Sort Do students need to review or move on?

18 Resources Word Their Way: Word study for Phonics, Vocabulary, and Spelling Instruction by Bear, Invernizzi, Templeton, & Johnston Words Their Way individual stage books Word Journeys by Kathy Ganske Word Sorts and More by Kathy Ganske PALS Quick Checks

19 Activity – Plan Your Weekly Instruction
Use the planning sheet to plan your first week of word study instruction for your students.

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