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Fig 1: Nitrogen fertilizer application at V7.

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1 Fig 1: Nitrogen fertilizer application at V7.
Ethanol Yields as Affected by Nitrogen Fertilizer Rate in Sweet and Photoperiod Sensitive Forage Sorghums. Parikshya Lama Tamang, Kevin Bronson, Adi Malapati, and Robert Schwartz Texas A&M AgriLife Research, Texas Tech Univ., Lubbock, TX, and USDA-ARS, Bushland, TX Abstract Table 3. Ethanol from juice as affected by cultivar and N fertilizer rate, Lubbock, 2008 and 2009. Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L) grown in the Texas High Plains is mainly grain sorghum and the balance is forage sorghums. In this region, there is little information available on N fertilizer requirements for the ethanol production from these sorghums. This study was conducted in 2008 and 2009 on an Acuff sandy clay loam at Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension center farm near Lubbock. The total dry matter (TDM), total N uptake, juice yields, juice ethanol, cellulosic ethanol and total ethanol yields were higher in 2009 than in In 2009, TDM was in higher forage sorghum than in sweet sorghum cultivars. In 2008 N application did not increase juice ethanol yields, but in 2009, cultivar M81E showed N response. As expected, cellulosic ethanol yield was higher in forage sorghum cultivars than sweet sorghum cultivars in In 2009, sweet sorghum cultivars, especially M81E, had the highest total ethanol yield than the forage sorghum cultivars. The optimum N fertilizer rate for ethanol and TDM across all four sorghums was 107 kg ha-1 and 108 kg ha-1 respectively in 2009. 2008 Cultivar N rate Della M81E Means kg ha L ha 984 569 777 a 67 902 1013 957 a 101 998 527 763 a 134 1041 1442 1242 a 168 1178 608 893 a 1021 A 832 A 2009 1418a 1118c 1268 1486a 1651ab 1568 1341a 1858a 1600 1294a 1471bc 1383 1717ab 1506 1366 1563 Fig 3. Fermentation of Sweet Sorghum Juice with the help of yeast. Objectives To compare ethanol yield from sweet sorghum and photoperiod sensitive forage sorghum with limited irrigation in the Texas High Plains. To determine optimal Nitrogen fertilizer needs for ethanol production from sweet sorghum and photoperiod sensitive forage sorghum with limited irrigation in the Texas high plains. Materials and Methods Experimental design: Randomized complete block design with three replications. N treatments: , 67, 101,134 and 168 N kg ha-1 (sidedressed as UAN at V7, Fig. 1) Sorghum Varieties: Della, M81E (Sweet sorghums), Maxigain and Sugar graze ultra (Photoperiod sensitive forage sorghums). Planting Date: May , May Canopy spectral reflectance measurements taken in mid July. Harvesting Date: mid-September and 2009 (Fig. 2). Data collected: Initial soil test nitrate, total dry matter, total N uptake, biomass yield, juice, brix, juice ethanol, cellulosic ethanol, and total ethanol. Ethanol yield was estimated from fermented sweet sorghum juice (Fig. 3) and the biomass. Ethanol yield from forage sorghum and sweet sorghum bagasse was calculated from the analysis of Neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and NDF digestibility. *Means with same alphabets are not significantly different from each other at P=0.05 Table 4. Cellulosic ethanol yield as affected by cultivar and N fertilizer rate, Lubbock, 2008 and 2009. 2008 Cultivar N rate Maxigain Sugar graze ultra Della M81E Means kg ha-1 L ha 1293 1153 997 741 1046 a 67 1550 1104 879 884 1104 a 101 1479 1265 833 796 1093 a 134 1189 1432 813 812 1062 a 168 1397 995 983 1007 1096 a 1382 A 1190 A 901 A 848 A 2009 1191 1398 546 1098 1058 b 1556 2159 971 1391 1519 a 1892 1899 846 1485 1530 a 2047 1798 874 1308 1507 a 1769 1493 1092 1409 1441 a 1691 A 1749 A 866 C 1338 B Fig 4. Pre-plant soil NO3-N content by depth, Lubbock, 2008. Results and Discussions In 2008, pre-plant soil NO3-N was high in all plots. In the surface 0.15 m and m soil profile, all plots averaged 30 and 65 kg NO3-N ha-1 respectively (Fig 3). In 2009, the residual soil NO3-N at depth was greater with the 134 and 168 kg N ha-1 fertilizer rates. In 2008, no cultivar response, N rate response and no cultivar X N rate interaction was noted in TDM. Total dry matter increased in 2009 compared to 2008 for all the cultivars except Della. In 2009, cultivar differences and N rate response was found in TDM, but no cultivar X N rate interaction (Table 1). M81E produced TDM of 13,524 kg ha-1 in 2009, much less than the report of Wu et al.,(2009) who reported that M81E TDM yields of 18, ,000 kg ha-1 in Kansas in Total N uptake was higher in 2008 than in 2009 i.e. 169 kg N ha-1 vs. 99 kg N ha-1 ( Table 2). This was probably due to high 2008 spring pre-plant NO3. Nitrogen uptake was higher in forage sorghum cultivars across N treatments than sweet sorghum cultivars in both years. Total N uptake responded to N fertilizer rate across the four cultivars in 2009, but not in 2008 (Table 2). *Means with same alphabets are not significantly different from each other at P=0.05 Table 5.Total ethanol yield as affected by cultivar and N fertilizer rate, Lubbock, 2008 and 2009. 2008 Cultivar N rate Maxigain Sugar graze ultra Della M81E Means kg ha-1 L ha 1293 1153 1982 1301 1434 a 67 1550 1104 1781 1897 1583 a 101 1479 1265 1831 1324 1475 a 134 1189 1432 1855 2073 1637 a 168 1397 995 2161 1783 1584 a 1382 A 1190 A 1922 A 1677 A 2009 1191 1398 1964 2216 1692 b 1556 2159 2457 3042 2304 a 1892 1899 2187 3343 2330 a 2047 1798 2168 2780 2198 a 1769 1493 2386 3127 2194 a 1691 C 1749 C 2232 B 2902 A Fig 5. Pre-plant soil NO3-N Content by Depth as Affected by N Fertilizer rate Lubbock, 2009. Table 1. Total Dry Matter as affected by cultivar and N fertilizer rate, Lubbock, 2008 and 2009. 2008 Cultivar N rate Maxigain Sugar graze ultra Della M81E Means kg ha 14011 12330 10487 8033 11215 a 67 17374 12143 10024 9527 12267 a 101 16626 13451 91378 8406 11905 a 134 13077 15692 10415 9519 12176 a 168 10835 11414 11236 12294 a 15356 A 12890 A 10296 A 9344 A 2009 11790 13639 6919 11289 10909 b 15728 19255 10979 14091 15013 a 17932 17443 10215 15111 15175 a 19974 16128 10329 13013 14861 a 17174 13645 11590 14114 14131 a 16520 A 16022 A 10006 C 13524 B Fig 1: Nitrogen fertilizer application at V7. * Means with same alphabets are not significantly different from each other at P=0.05. Juice ethanol yields had no treatment effects in Ethanol from juice yields were higher in 2009 than in Juice ethanol responded positively to N rate only in the case of M81E and only in 2009 (Table 3). Cellulosic ethanol yields did not respond to cultivar or N in 2008 (Table 4). Forage sorghums had greater cellulosic ethanol yields than the sweet sorghums in Cellulosic and total ethanol yields responded to N rate in all sorghum cultivars in 2009 (Table 4). However, M81E had the greatest total ethanol yield in 2009, followed by Della. Forage sorghums had the lowest total ethanol yields in Regressions (not shown) of the 2009 TDM and total ethanol yields vs. N rate indicated that the optimum N rate was 108 kg N ha-1, regardless of sweet or forage sorghum cultivar. This compares well with the optimum N rate of 112 kg ha-1 reported for sweet sorghum in Georgia by Gascho et al., (1984). Conclusion Dry matter, juice, or ethanol yields did not respond to N fertilizer in This was probably due to the pre-plant soil NO3-N, which averaged 140 kg NO3-N ha-1 for the m soil profile. Total N uptake was higher in all cultivars in 2008 than in 2009, i.e. 169 kg N ha-1 vs. 99 kg N ha-1 presumably due to the luxury N uptake of high soil profile NO3-N content in 2008. Juice ethanol yields responded positively to N rate only in case of M81E and only in 2009. Cellulosic ethanol yields were higher in photoperiod sensitive forage sorghum cultivars compared to sweet sorghum cultivars in 2009 Total ethanol yields were higher in 2009 than in 2008 i.e L ha-1 and 1543 L ha-1 respectively. Total ethanol yields were less with photoperiod sensitive forage sorghum cultivars than with sweet sorghum cultivars in 2009. Among the cultivars, M81E had the highest total ethanol yield of 2902 L ha-1, and the control plots had the lowest total ethanol yield across the cultivars. The optimum N fertilizer rate for ethanol and TDM across all four sorghums was 108 kg N ha-1 in 2009. * Means with same alphabets are not significantly different from each other at P= 0.05 Table 2. Total N uptake as affected by Cultivar and N fertilizer rate, Lubbock, 2008 and 2009. 2008 Cultivar N rate Maxigain Sugar graze ultra Della M81E Means kg ha 183 200 92 78 138 a 67 289 228 88 79 171 a 101 325 232 105 81 186 a 134 225 214 111 102 163 a 168 301 175 126 129 183 a 26 A 210 A 105 B 94 B 2009 93 45 61 66 b 108 130 65 84 97 a 135 68 99 108 a 149 139 75 82 111 a 154 124 76 91 123 A 66 B 83 B References Gascho, G.J., R.L. Nichols, and T.P. Gaines Growing sweet sorghum as a source of fermentable sugars for energy. Research Bulletin, 315, University of Georgia, Athens, GA. Xiaorong, Wu., S. Staggenborg, J.L. Propheter, W.L. Rooney, Y. Jianming, and D. Wang Features of sweet sorghum juice and their performance in ethanol fermentation. Industrial crops and products 31: Fig 2. Sweet sorghum pressed under Mechanical Roller Press in order to obtain the juice. * Means with same alphabets are not significantly different from each other at P=0.05.

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