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Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI of Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma

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1 Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI of Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma
Giesel Frederik L. , MD, Bischoff Helge , MD, von Tengg-Kobligk Hendrik , MD, Weber Marc-André , MD, Zechmann Christian M. , MD, Kauczor Hans-Ulrich , MD, Knopp Michael V. , MD, PhD  CHEST  Volume 129, Issue 6, Pages (June 2006) DOI: /chest Copyright © 2006 The American College of Chest Physicians Terms and Conditions

2 Figure 1 Tumor heterogeneity demonstrated by DCE-MRI. Top, A: color-coded display demonstrates a left MRM with heterogenous enhancement. Different ROIs are drawn in green lines (muscle, tumor ROIs 2 to 5 [R5, R4, R3, R2], aorta). Bottom, B: signal-intensity curves of different tumor regions in MPM. Tumor ROI-2 and ROI-3 represent strong and fast enhancement followed by a moderate washout (hot spots). Tumor ROI-4 and ROI-5 display less vascular regions of the tumor. a.u. = arbitrary units; S/Spre = signal intensity/signal intensity prior to contrast media. CHEST  , DOI: ( /chest ) Copyright © 2006 The American College of Chest Physicians Terms and Conditions

3 Figure 2 Median survival differentiated by kep per minute retrospectively between the responder group (n = 4) and nonresponder group (n = 15). The nonresponders demonstrate a higher kep, with a median of 3.6/min vs 2.6/min for responders. CHEST  , DOI: ( /chest ) Copyright © 2006 The American College of Chest Physicians Terms and Conditions

4 Figure 3 Differentiation of tumor, muscle, spleen and liver parenchyma using the pharmacokinetic parameters Amp (in arbitrary units and kel per minute). The ROI within the MPM tumor reveals a strong initial enhancement similar to spleen, followed by slow accumulation indicated by a negative kel. Pharmacokinetic clustering using Amp vs kel. See legend of Fig 1 for abbreviation not used in the text. CHEST  , DOI: ( /chest ) Copyright © 2006 The American College of Chest Physicians Terms and Conditions

5 Figure 4 A patient with a partial response to gemcitabine therapy with one pretreatment DCE-MRI examination (top left, A) and three posttreatment DCE-MRI examinations (top right, B, bottom left, C, bottom right, D) is presented. Prior to therapy (top left, A), chest wall infiltration and encasement of the parenchyma are visible in the right lung. Color-coding maps display the heterogeneity of tumor microcirculation with an initial kep of 2.7/min based on total tumor ROI. After the sixth cycle, a decrease in tumor volume is noted, and an increased kep of 3.7/min was calculated (top right, B). The patient was classified clinically as a responder. The patient left the hospital and returned after 3 months with pain and massive tumor growth in the right lung (bottom left, C). The kep rose to 4.3/min. Despite further chemotherapy, the tumor progressed with a kep of 6.0/min (bottom right, D), and the patient died. CHEST  , DOI: ( /chest ) Copyright © 2006 The American College of Chest Physicians Terms and Conditions

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