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Educator Effectiveness Liaison Network

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Presentation on theme: "Educator Effectiveness Liaison Network"— Presentation transcript:

1 Educator Effectiveness Liaison Network
9/5/2018 Educator Effectiveness Liaison Network 3rd Convening – Denver, Colorado March 2nd and 3rd, 2016

2 9/5/2018 Welcome Back! Please: Find your name badge Grab convening’s Power Point Copy March Thumb Drive folder to your computer Reconnect with your colleagues as you enjoy lunch! After lunch: Re-Introduce Joslyn Materials (PP & thumb drive)

3 9/5/2018 Reconnecting Fill in an index card with an answer to one of the following sentence stems: One success I’ve experienced with increasing IRA in my district is… One assumption I have while I work to increase IRA in my district is… One challenge I am facing while working to increase IRA in my district is… Independent think time…then walk around the room reading card, discussing, give partner card and move on. Reconnect them to Walk-through Process – District Implementation Level from last convening 3

4 Outcomes Outcomes for our two days together are to:
9/5/2018 Outcomes Outcomes for our two days together are to: Deepen the impact feedback has on teacher effectiveness Reflect on the impact of the tools and processes that Liaisons have introduced or supported to build capacity of your evaluators in your district/BOCES Increase your toolkit to support inter-rater agreement in your districts Refine each district’s Action Plan to ensure evaluators are supported Independently read the provided text highlighting words or short phrases that capture important or interesting ideas. 4

5 9/5/2018 “Tell Me So I Can Hear” With a partner, share and discuss the individually highlighted items from the article Think about a few of the evaluators you work side by side with. What are your hunches about their specific “Ways of Knowing?” How has this article influenced the way you will work with them? In pairs take turns talking about a highlighted thought and the questions provided. As a table…talk about how this new learning fits into your work as a liaison. Small group reflect (now that you know it how will you use it) 5

6 9/5/2018 Take a break 6

7 CDE Update Hot Topics CDE Leadership Educator Effectiveness Leadership
9/5/2018 CDE Update Hot Topics ESSA Legislation Session Teacher Status Appeal’s Process CDE Leadership Rich Crandall, Commissioner of Education Katy Anthes, Chief of Staff Educator Effectiveness Leadership Toby King, Deputy Director Exceptional Student Services Colleen O’Neil, Executive Director-Educator Preparation, Licensing and Educator Effectiveness Handouts for NP status and appeal’s process (on thumb drive) 7

8 Teacher and Principal Feedback Surveys
9/5/2018 Teacher and Principal Feedback Surveys Post Feedback Survey Data Reports for June Convening Spring Window 2 weeks from April 18th – May 13th Agreed upon 2 weeks for entire EELN Considerations: How can we increase participation? (remember N=5 for reports) When will your final evaluation meetings be complete? How can you/have you communicated purpose of the feedback to help increase participation and understanding? Pick window through consensus/table talk 8

9 Colorado Evaluation Process
9/5/2018 Colorado Evaluation Process 9

10 Final Evaluation Best Practices
9/5/2018 Final Evaluation Best Practices During the final review conference, the principal and teacher draft PGPs for next year. Evaluator shares the final rubric with the educator prior to the conference with the expectation for them to come to discuss areas that need clarification. Finalize any group MSLs with full staff or teams prior to final conferences. Finalize all conferences by May 1st (dependent on your end-of-year calendar, but ensuring that is at least 2 weeks prior to the end of school year.) Ensure that you have a body of evidence that supports the summative comments written in the final evaluation. Here is a sample of best practices from your December thinking…as you consider these and others you remember… What have you done to support evaluators and educators in being prepared for the final conferences? What are areas you need to focus on in the coming months? Stir room to gain 5 new strategies, then table groups to share the one they are going to implement. Jot down ideas for Action Plan 10

11 End-of-Year Activities COPMS (RANDA)
9/5/2018 End-of-Year Activities COPMS (RANDA) Steps 7, 8, 9 End-of-Year Review Final Evaluation Rating Goal-Setting and Performance Planning What needs to be completed first? Mid-Year Evaluator Assessment MSL Worksheet Best Practices Resources Joslyn’s slide…into COPMS training demo site 11

12 9/5/2018 Reflection As you reflect on what has moved evaluators in your district(s) to believe that observation and feedback will increase the effectiveness of teachers, what levers have you implemented that have had the greatest impact? Individual reflection time, then whole group share out. Capture share out on chart paper to create our 5 topics for tomorrow’s table conversations. 12

13 Welcome – Day 2 Welcome Back!
9/5/2018 Welcome – Day 2 Welcome Back! Enjoy some breakfast while reconnecting with the other Liaisons! Connect with 5 Liaisons who can speak to selected topics from yesterday’s brainstorm 13

14 Outcomes Outcomes for our two days together are to:
9/5/2018 Outcomes Outcomes for our two days together are to: Deepen the impact feedback has on teacher effectiveness Reflect on the impact of the tools and processes that Liaisons have introduced or supported to build capacity of your evaluators in your district/BOCES Increase your toolkit to support inter-rater agreement in your districts Refine each district’s Action Plan to ensure evaluators are supported 14

15 Evaluation Levers Identified Levers:
9/5/2018 Evaluation Levers Identified Levers: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Sign up on charts to rotate to three of the five topics Share 5 identified levers and allow identified Liaison to speak to each. Then have everyone sign up for 3 rotations. 15

16 9/5/2018 Group Discussions What are the components that lead to this lever being effective? Why are these strategies important within this lever? How are the strategies used? What implications does this lever have for my work as a liaison? 16

17 Take a break Before we break, stack and pack
9/5/2018 Take a break Before we break, stack and pack Set up table tents for afternoon next conversations 17

18 Reflection and Planning
9/5/2018 Reflection and Planning What can you do in the next few months to leverage your work to impact beliefs, knowledge and implementation of observation and feedback? After table conversations: thinking about yesterday, this morning, and this conversations…jot down ideas in your Action Plan. 18

19 Developing Inter-rater Agreement
9/5/2018 Evaluators understand: Outcome Evaluation process Perceptions of system fairness and credibility Inter–rater Agreement (Consistent/Dependable Ratings) Student and educator standards Increased Educator Effectiveness Feedback that is: Actionable Clear Growth-producing Timely Quality adherence to the evaluation process Positive Impact on Student Outcomes Art and skill of evaluating

20 Inter-rater Agreement Protocol
9/5/2018 Inter-rater Agreement Protocol With a partner talk about: Any ah-has you may have had about IRA This protocol to work on increasing inter-rater agreement How might you use all or part of this process in your district(s)? 20

21 June and Beyond… As you think about what has been
9/5/2018 June and Beyond… As you think about what has been valuable in our year and a half together, what would it be? June Convening: As you think about those areas, who would need to be at the June convening to move items into implementation? What activities or conversations would you like to see facilitated for your district teams? 21

22 Closure Plusses and Wishes
9/5/2018 Closure Schedule next site visit with Sue or Mary before you leave today Plusses and Wishes 22

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