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University of Iowa.

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1 University of Iowa


3 President Mason

4 ITS organization

5 University Distinctions
Founded: February 25, 1847 A comprehensive public university with a long-standing commitment to teaching, research and service First U.S. public university to admit men and women on an equal basis. Home of the world-renowned Iowa Writers’ Workshop, the National Advanced Driving Simulator, and one of “America’s Best Hospitals” —Iowa's first public institution of higher learning when its doors opened to students in 1855 (ranked 17th in US in research)

6 IT the Iowa Way Focused on collaboration, community
Hybrid model of Central/Local Service Delivery Unit Staff (FTEs) Funding (Million) Information Technology Services (central) 220 $30 Healthcare Information Systems (clinical) 280 $40 Collegiate, Business Units 320 Total 800 $100 At Iowa, the IT staff and budget are roughly divided in thirds. Information Technology Services -- is the central IT unit HCIS supports the clinical enterprise (UIHC plus CCOM) Colleges and business units The Iowa folks in this program are all from the central IT organization so I’m speaking from that perspective. In ITS, we have 220 FTE’s 60 Students ITS Budget $30 Million Total University budget $2.441 Billion UIHC Budget $724 Million (included in total univ budget) Staffing is pretty lean – not enough people in central IT to do everything so we focus on collaboration We do joint planning with the Campus IT Leaders. We use the liaison model a lot where we have point people in the departments that we work with. We also invest heavily in our technical communities – ITADmins (operational level), Webmasters, Help Desk, Application Developers. Our annual Tech Forum provides professional development for the campus IT staff. In fact, Brian is the keynote speaker at this year’s Tech Forum. We also use a lot of student employees. It’s a good experience for the student; we hire the best ones into full time positions. We use a hybrid model for service delivery. We pay constant attention to that balance between Central and Local service delivery to find the highest value to the end user. Central – Enterprise services; often provide a foundation that enables local services Central examples Course Management (D2L), PSFT HR & Financials, Identity Services (ILM), Enterprise Authentication (Active Directory), Student Information System , Data/Phone networks (40,000 devices on the network), Security Office, Software Licensing Local – We rely on local support for High touch – An IT person located in a discipline can help a faculty member with customizations in ways that we cannot centrally. Both Storage, Web hosting

7 Security, Security, and more Security
ITS Hot Issues Budget cuts Data Center space Security, Security, and more Security Budget Cuts - We will reduce our spending in building renewal and equipment by an additional $5.1 million. - We will redirect $13 million of the unobligated stimulus funds. - We are asking our students to make a one-time, spring-semester only contribution of $100 that would provide $2.2 million. (This option must be voted on at the December Board of Regents meeting for final approval.) - All employees will take a temporary reduction of 2 percent in the employer contribution to their TIAA-CREF retirement benefit, which will generate $3.25 million in savings for the current fiscal year. Data Center Space: New data center has 7170 sq ft Building is 42,000 sq ft Jessup Hall 3000 sq ft last remodel was in 1985 Lindquist center is secondary data center 4000 sq ft last remodel was in 2008

8 Flood of 2008 17 building were off-line after the flood.
Today we still have 4 building that FEMA access as 50% or more total damage.

9 Sandbag Wall

10 IMU Building

11 Art Campus

12 Day after flood

13 Kirk Ferentz

14 Questions

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