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From: Occlusion-related lateral connections stabilize kinetic depth stimuli through perceptual coupling Journal of Vision. 2009;9(10):20. doi:10.1167/9.10.20.

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Presentation on theme: "From: Occlusion-related lateral connections stabilize kinetic depth stimuli through perceptual coupling Journal of Vision. 2009;9(10):20. doi:10.1167/9.10.20."— Presentation transcript:

1 From: Occlusion-related lateral connections stabilize kinetic depth stimuli through perceptual coupling Journal of Vision. 2009;9(10):20. doi: / Figure Legend: a) Schematic representation of a kinetic depth cylinder stimulus. The spatial distribution and speed profile of the dots create the vivid impression of a three-dimensional cylinder rotating around a vertical axis. Without explicit depth cues the rotation direction is ambiguous and bistable. The axis drawn here was not present in the actual stimulus. b) Two coaxially presented stimuli have a strong tendency to be perceived as rotating in the same direction. c) Examples of modal and amodal completion with Kanizsa triangles (Kanizsa, 1979). In the top image, a white triangle appears to float in front of black circles. The illusory triangle surface is constructed through modal completion. The lower image's white triangle is perceived as through a set of apertures in a white ‘foreground’ (amodal completion) while the black shapes are perceived as part of an occluded black ‘background.’ d) Amodal spatial facilitation can resolve local ambiguities. An image of an occluded Schröder's staircase, looked at through three apertures. The image in the middle aperture has ambiguous depth information whereas the left and right are disambiguated by contextual information. If the middle aperture is combined with only one of the two flanking apertures, amodal facilitation disambiguates the depth structure in the middle aperture. Date of download: 12/17/2017 The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Copyright © All rights reserved.

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