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MICE Beamline PID w Aerogel Counters

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1 MICE Beamline PID w Aerogel Counters
Ghislain Gregoire, Don Summers, Lucien Cremaldi*, MICE Collaboration Meeting, FNAL, Jun 06

2 ISIS Beam Line A B C

3 Array is offset from x,y = 0,0.
Beam Spot at z = m 4x4 Aerogel Array Provides ample coverage. ~95% containment in 3x3. Array is offset from x,y = 0,0. Triangle tiles can reduce cost. Variation of Beam Spot size over counter length is minimal. Triangle tiles

4 Matsushita Electric Works

5 Matsushita Aerogel Samples
n=1.03 n=1.07(1.08) n=1.12 115 x 115 x 10.5 mm3 115 x 115 x 11.5 mm3

6 T = A exp{ -t C/l4} Rayleigh-like
Transmittance T = A exp{ -t C/l4} Rayleigh-like C =0.041 1.03 n A C t(nm) sample thickness (nm) wavelength 0.252 1.07 0.638 1.12 Blue photons are scattered w dN/dq = 1+cos2. Absorption minimal.

7 Performance (1) Run Configuration of good Mu/Pi (T.Roberts)
Muons Peaking at 220 MeV/c Pion show high energy tail (p>350 MeV/c removed by tracking??) 16200 280

8 Muon Detection Efficiency
The efficiency drop at low momenta is due to the proximity of the muon threshold in n=1.12 aerogel The efficiency at low momenta could be improved by increasing the thickness of the radiator

9 Momentum distributions of triggers
Remember: the pion sample is exaggerated by a factor 40 Misidentified pions in the range 285 to 320 MeV/c Unambiguous separation of muons and pions (32 pions / 385 muons) There is no need for a momentum cut i.e. an actual pion impurity in this configuration only

10 Purity Matrix(4) Purity (4)
Purity = Percent of good muons for a particular Trigger Configuration. P = Muon Purity >99% P = Pion Misid < 1.2 x 10-4

11 Design (1)

12 Aerogel Counter Design

13 Dimensions (3)

14 Radiator (2) Collection Mirror Radiator

15 Fermilab Test Beam July ‘06
Beam 200 GeV  Aerogel 1.03, 1.07, 1.12 PE yield vs incident angle Sr90 Measurements aerogel 200 GeV  mirror Rotating Table

16 Summer ‘06  = 1 @ FNAL 1x1x1 module white reflector Measure pe yields
Pricing/Road Map Price (2 det) -64 Aerogel x $350USD ~ $20K -Reflectors $5K -Steele Boxes $5K -Table $5K -Installation and checkout $5K -Shipping $5K -(8-10) PMTs HARP - -Parts Fabricated in UM shop. -Mechanical Drawings UL. Summer ‘06  = FNAL 1x1x1 module white reflector Measure pe yields Spring ‘07 Assembly Fall- 06 Mechanical fabrication Reflectors/Cones Aerogel purchase Summer ‘07 ready

17 Milestone Progress Report

18 Conclusion Aerogel Technology well suited to tag  in MICE beamline. Photoelectron yield adequate for high efficiency and low misid rate. Mechanical design highly advanced. Fabrication staightforward. Ready to install in MICE in summer ‘07. TRD Update & Saftey Sheets completed (Ghislain).

19 Muon Detection Efficiency (5)

20 Performance (3) n=1.12 muon n=1.12 pion n=1.07 muon n=1.07 pion

21 Performance (2) n Npe/cm L-cm e Npe(b=1) 1.07 11.4 2.3 0.6 16

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