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the APEC Expert Group on New & Renewable Technologies

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1 the APEC Expert Group on New & Renewable Technologies
EWG 53 Agenda Item 11(a) Progress Report of the APEC Expert Group on New & Renewable Technologies (EGNRET) Keng-Tung Wu, PhD EGNRET Secretariat 26-27 April 2017

2 EGNRET Activities Since EWG 52
EGNRET 48 + Joint Meeting with EGEEC The Expert Group on New and Renewable Energy Technologies (EGNRET) has met once since EWG 52. EGNRET 48th Meeting was held on 27 to 31 March, 2017 in Jeju, Republic of Korea. A two-session Joint Meeting with the APEC EGEE&C was held in the afternoon session on March 28 and in the afternoon session on March 30, 2017. A site visit to Carbon Free Island and wind farm was scheduled on March 31. ToR was revised and endorsed at EGNRET 48.

3 EGNRET Activities Since EWG 52
Participating Economies & Organisations Economies (10): Hong Kong, China; Indonesia; Japan; Korea; Malaysia; The Philippines; Singapore; Chinese Taipei; Thailand; United States APEC Fora (6): APEC Secretariat (video conference), EGEDA, APERC, LCMT, APSEC, and PPFS Non-APEC Organisations (5): IRENA, IEA (video conference), ICA, Clean Energy Solutions Center (CESC), Malaysia Biomass Industries Confederation (MBIC)

4 EGNRET Activities Since EWG 52
EGNRET 48 + Joint Meeting with EGEEC Three APEC Workshops were held alongside the meeting: (1) (EGNRET) APEC Workshop on Filling the Gap to Reach the Goal of Doubling Renewable Energy in the APEC Region (2) (EGEE&C) APERC Workshop for Energy Efficiency Policy Evaluation (3) (EGEE&C) Workshop for Energy Efficiency Standard of Transformer All EGNRET 48 meeting presentations are available on the website at:

5 EGNRET + EGEE&C Joint Meeting 2017
EGNRET Activities Since EWG 52 EGNRET + EGEE&C Joint Meeting 2017 27-31 March, 2017 in Jeju, Republic of Korea

6 EGNRET Activities Since EWG 52
EGNRET March, 2017 in Jeju, Republic of Korea Great support on hosting EGNRET 48 by Republic of Korea is acknowledged.

7 EGNRET Activities Since EWG 52
APEC Workshop on Filling the Gap to Reach the Goal of Doubling Renewable Energy in the APEC Region 27-28 March, 2017 in Jeju, Republic of Korea Great support on hosting EGNRET 48 by Republic of Korea is acknowledged.

8 EGNRET Activities Since EWG 52
Highlights from Economy Presentations Meeting Theme How to achieve the RE goal in APEC Region Presentation Highlights Efforts to increase the use of renewable energy clearly observed throughout Economies. Some barriers remained to be overcome, i.e., grid stability, financing, public consensus, etc. Strengthened experience exchange among APEC Economies, international organisations needed.

9 EGNRET Activities Since EWG 52
Confirmed Strengthening Collaboration APEC Fora Collaboration with other APEC fora: APERC, EGEE&C, EGEDA, APSEC, LCMT Task Force, PPFS, and PPSTI Disseminating results of APEC projects, e.g., PRLCE, PREE, LCMT, etc. Non-APEC Organisations IEA, IRENA, CESC (Clean Energy Solutions Center), ERIA (Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia), ERIN (Energy Research Institute Network), and ICA

10 Next EGNRET Meeting: EGNRET 49
EGNRET 49 and Associated Workshop 23 – 27 October, 2017 Tokyo, Japan Special gratitude are due to METI, IEEJ, and APERC for their kind arrangement on hosting EGNRET 49.

11 New EGNRET website New EGNRET website

12 New EGNRET website EGNRET website: 12

13 New EGNRET website EGNRET website:

14 EGNRET Project Update (2015-2017)
Success Rate of EGNRET Project Submission Approved (%) Session 14

15 EGNRET Project Update (2015-2017)
Status Projects Note Completed (since EWG52) 4 4 Projects (2015) On-going 14 6 Projects (2016) 8 Projects (2015) Proposing Projects (Session 1, 2017) 5 Concept Note (Session 2, 2017) 3 15

16 EGNRET Project Update (2015-2017)
[1] Completed Projects since EWG 52 (4 Projects) Project Title Proposing Economy Project Number 1 Strategy for Large-Scale Implementation of Biogas Capture from Palm Oil Mill Effluent and Reuse for Renewable Electricity Generation United States EWG A 2 APEC Public-Private Dialogue on Promoting Trade and Investment in Renewable and Clean Energy Viet Nam EWG A 3 Case Studies on the Best Practices of Wind Energy Development in APEC Region EWG A 4 APEC Workshop on Promoting the Development of Biomass Energy EWG A

17 1. Strategy for Large-Scale Implementation of Biogas Capture from Palm Oil Mill Effluent and Reuse for Renewable Electricity Generation Goal: Develop a strategy to finance and implement biogas capture for renewable electricity generation at large scale encompassing a significant portion of the APEC region’s palm oil mills Approach: This strategy proposes the design for a public-private partnership (PPP) to address the challenges that hinder implementation of palm oil mill effluent (POME)-to-electricity projects in APEC economies Benefits: This strategy can result in more environmentally and economically sustainable growth and lead to electrification of remote communities surrounding palm oil mills, which can foster increased productivity and economic empowerment for the people in these communities

18 Recommended Next Steps
1. Strategy for Large-Scale Implementation of Biogas Capture from Palm Oil Mill Effluent and Reuse for Renewable Electricity Generation Recommended Next Steps Depending on available resources, the PPP could be implemented in full or as disaggregated stand-alone activities that would still reduce project risks Priorities for full implementation of the PPP Identify and engage interested donor and financing partners Secure donor funding for PPP start-up Priorities for partial implementation of the PPP through stand-alone activities Develop case studies and technical resources Conduct in-depth analysis of regions with electric utilities to prioritize project locations Conduct a market-level screening to identify mills with characteristics most likely to result in cost-effective projects Conduct mill outreach, engagement, and awareness-raising Develop and disseminate project-assessment templates and procedures Elaborate on the design of a blended capital facility Functions of the Proposed PPP Vetting parties for participation in the PPP Sustainability screening Early-stage development activities Facilitating buy-in of electric utilities and governments Feasibility studies Construction partnering and advising Finance partnering and advising Monitoring Communications and capacity building

19 2. APEC Public – Private Dialogue on Promoting Trade and Investment in Renewable and Clean Energy
Objectives: Identifying impediments, obstacles to the trade and investment in renewable and clean energy from the perspectives of governments, investors, international institutions, finance, and businesses in the sector; Discussing, sharing experiences and best practices in addressing the impediments to promote trade and investment in renewable and clean energy, which aims at building capacity for governments’ , local authorities’ officials who are directly/indirectly involved in the policy making or implementation process; Making practical recommendations to APEC on how to promote trade and investment in renewable and clean energy; Seeking cooperation opportunities among APEC’s member economies and various stakeholders.

20 2. APEC Public – Private Dialogue on Promoting Trade and Investment in Renewable and Clean Energy
Recommendations Governments should strengthen public and private collaboration (PPP) in development of RCE through facilitating mechanism to promote the private sector’s involvement (private bank, public financing, etc.,); Governments should provide technical capacity building for project implementation from the start up; Governments consider developing supporting industries and cooperation in supporting industries to promote trade and investment in RCE; Develop a guideline/framework for PPP in trade and investment in RCE. Related to APEC, it is recommend that APEC collect best practices on promoting RCE projects which contain experiences on how to reduce cost/ model of cost reduction, and how to harness potential benefits; or there should be assessment of RCE technologies among APEC member economies and other regions for sharing; etc.

21 3. Case Studies on the Best Practices of Wind Energy Development in APEC Region
Objective : To undertake five case studies in selected APEC economies to explore good practices in wind energy development and raise understanding on various aspects of wind energy development, including, the role and forms of legislations and regulations, how stakeholders (the public sector, investors, NGOs, local communities, etc.) react to environmental and social impacts of wind energy development. To conduct an information sharing a 2-day Seminar at the conclusion of the research element to increase awareness and share lessons of wind energy development in the Asia Pacific Region. To suggest recommendations to APEC economies on the way forward to develop wind energy”. To produce a report for APEC publication summarizing the case studies and the seminar’s discussions and recommendations.

22 3. Case Studies on the Best Practices of Wind Energy Development in APEC Region
Recommendations In the early stages of the wind industry having a research strand is important to help understand the details of the wind regime in a economy. The early research needs to be very applied and should focus on characterizing the wind resource ideally at hub height (e.g. 80+ meters) and linking that characterization to the operation of the electricity system. Various wind development scenarios should be modelled and electricity system integration issues assessed. Funding a research programme is an action that a government can take to support the development of an industry.

23 4. APEC Workshop on Promoting the Development of Biomass Energy
Objective : Provide the opportunities for renewable energy experts, especially those in biomass energy from APEC member economies, biomass energy producers and investors (business sector) to share advantages, disadvantages, obstacles and recommendations on how to remove the obstacles and facilitate the development of biomass energy. Create a platform for APEC member economies to discuss, exchange on experiences, current strategies, policies, regulations and technologies on biomass energy facilitation and development. Explore potential cooperation opportunities among APEC member economies in developing biomass energy.

24 4. APEC Workshop on Promoting the Development of Biomass Energy
Recommendations Overcome difficulties and promote biomass energy development at the domestic and regional level should be: To promote biomass energy at municipal level with evaluation on own resources to best use their biomass to generate energy; To develop firm policies and regulations to give good economic impacts/ specific targets on biomass energy utilization. To appoint a specific agency (i.e one-stop center) to facilitate biomass energy development; To promote competitive advantages at company level; Focus on 1 or 2 biomass energy priorities and respective technologies, especially key technologies on power generation system; Develop APEC common standards in biomass energy area as well as a harmonized regional standards on biomass palettes; Transparency in biomass energy regulation; Develop APEC case studies or best practices on biomass energy development; Set clear targets on biomass energy development; Set up joint projects among APEC members; Capacity building for APEC members on small low-risk projects Establish an APEC network for information sharing on biomass energy development Continue information sharing on strategies and experience to develop biomass projects, policies on research and development on new crops etc.

25 EGNRET Project Update (2015-2017)
[2] On-going projects (14 projects) Con’t

26 EGNRET Project Update (2015-2017)
[2] On-going projects (14 projects) Con’t

27 EGNRET Project Update (2015-2017)
[3] In-principle approval for APEC funding for S1, 2017 (5 Projects) Project Title Proposing Economy 1 Making the Case for Clean Energy Investments with Life-Cycle Impact Assessments USA 2 Economic and Life Cycle Analysis of Solar Photovoltaic Systems in APEC Region toward Low-carbon Society Malaysia 3 APEC Peer Review on Low-carbon Energy Policies (PRLCE) Phase 4 Japan 4 Technical Analysis to Support Development and Deployment of Renewable Energies in APEC Region China 5 Improving User-side Clean Energy Consumption in the APEC Region by Utilizing Distributed Solar PV and Energy Storage

28 EGNRET Project Update (2015-2017)
[4] The proposing Concept Notes for S2, 2017 (3 Projects) Project No. by EGNRET Project Title Proposing Economy NRE172-1 Empowering a Distributed Energy Resource Future Thailand NRE172-2 Strengthening Sustainable Growth by Promoting the Development of Offshore Wind Power in the APEC Region China NRE172-3 Integrated Energy System Planning for Equitable Access to Sustainable Energy for Remote Communities In the Northern Regions of North Sulawesi Australia

29 PPFS Collaboration with Other APEC Fora Further Cooperation with PPFS
Providing information on biomass resources by PPFS Applying renewable energy on agriculture and fishery sectors Cooperating on promoting both the goals of PPFS and EGNRET (Both fora discussed at EGNRET 48 on Mar 30, 2017 )

30 EGEDA Collaboration with Other APEC Fora 28th Meeting of APEC EGEDA
Nov 1-3, 2016 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia EGNRET Secretariat attended EGEDA 28 meeting; Updating EGNRET activities with EGEDA members; Seeking cooperative opportunities with EGEDA.

31 APSEC Collaboration with Other APEC Fora
2nd Asia-Pacific Energy Sustainable Development Forum November 3-5, 2016 in Tianjin, China EGNRET Chair attended the forum to report the Next Steps toward Achieving Renewable Energy Doubling Goal in APEC Region.

32 APERC Collaboration with Other APEC Fora
Seminar on Conducting APEC Renewable Energy Roadmap March 2-3, 2017 in Tokyo, Japan Delegates from EGNRET Secretariat visited APERC to seek cooperation regarding APEC renewable energy doubling Roadmap with APERC and EGEDA.

33 PPSTI (Thailand) Collaboration with Other APEC Fora
April 7, 2017 in Bangkok, Thailand EGNRET Secretariat visited Thai PPSTI Rep at Thai MOST in Bangkok, Thailand to discuss the cooperation between EGNRET and PPSTI.

34 PPSTI (Chinese Taipei) vs EGNRET (Thailand)
Collaboration with Other APEC Fora PPSTI (Chinese Taipei) vs EGNRET (Thailand) April 7, 2017 in Bangkok, Thailand PPSTI CT EGNRET Sec EGNRET Thai APEC Research Center for Advanced Biohydrogen Technology (ACABT) of PPSTI visited Thai EGNRET / EWG Rep at DEDE, Thailand to discuss the cooperation between EGNRET and PPSTI.

35 Prospects of EGNRET Works 2016-2017
The EGNRET will focus more on renewable energy doubling goal, smart grid, low carbon town, etc. which are directly related to the SE4All, ESCI and APEC Smart Grid Initiative (ASGI). EGNRET will expand the experience exchange or share of best practices for each economy to access the enough technology to further promote the renewable energy for RE doubling goal.

36 Prospects of EGNRET Works 2016-2017
The EGNRET will strengthen collaboration with APEC other fora such as PPFS, APERC, APSEC, LCMT Task Force, EGEE&C, EGEDA, Policy Partnership on Science, Technology, and Innovation (PPSTI). Possible collaboration with International Energy Agency (IEA), International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), Clean Energy Solutions Center (CESC), Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA), Energy Research Institute Network (ERIN), and International Copper Association Ltd. (ICA) on promotion of renewable energy in the APEC region will be pursued.

37 Thank you for your attention!
EGNRET website: 37

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