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… and the boys A play Athol Fugard

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1 … and the boys A play Athol Fugard
“Master Harold” … and the boys A play Athol Fugard

2 Apartheid Origin 1940s: from Afrikaans, literally separateness, from Dutch apart separate + -heid (equivalent of -hood). the policy of institutionalized racial segregation and political and economic discrimination against blacks, those of mixed race and Asians enforced by the South African white minority government under Nationalist Party rule from

3 “MASTER HAROLD” … and the boys
Sam Willie Hally


5 Warm Ups! For this unit, we will start each class period with a Warm Up. The questions will relate to the reading, and some questions you will see on your exam. You will hand them in at the end of the unit. Please don’t lose them. Write down the Warm Up #, the date, and the title.

6 Warm Up #1 Video information
First, write down what you think apartheid is, in your own words. Be prepared to share out. Then, write down one question you have about apartheid. While watching the video, write down TWO things you’ve learned about apartheid. Try to answer your first question. We will share this information out. .

7 Warm Up # 2 Man of Magnitude
Sam and Hally discuss who they find to be a “man of magnitude.” They say it needs to be someone who “benefited all mankind.” Who does Hally pick? What does that reveal about his character? Who does Sam pick as his “man of magnitude”? What does that reveal about his character? Who would you pick as a “man of magnitude”? (Does not have to be a “man”.)

8 Warm Up #3- Hally’s Favorite Memory
What is Hally’s favorite memory? Write down 3 CONCRETE DETAILS Hally provides about the kite (what it looked like, or flying it). Remember, CDs are specific. You can find some details on pages What happened at the end of his favorite memory? Where was Hally? Where was Sam? **** This kite imagery is a symbolic motif throughout the play. Remember the details of this memory so that you can later explain what the kite, and kite-flying, could represent!!

9 Warm Up #4- Key Terms This play explores Hally’s relationship with Sam and Willie, two employees at his parents’ tea room. Through their relationship, author Athol Fugard makes some statements about racism, inequality, friendship, hope, and conflict. Write down each of the key terms bolded above. Then, write down what your attitude is towards each term. You can give an example of each, or just your opinion about each topic.

10 Warm Up #5 Ballroom Dancing
Readers see the motif of ballroom dancing again when Hally, Sam, and Willie discuss the competition for Hally’s homework assignment. Based on their discussion, (especially Sam’s commentary on page 46), what do you think ballroom dancing could symbolize? Explain how ballroom dancing could represent that idea or concept in 2-3 sentences. Consider the key terms – racism, inequality, conflict, friendship, hope – in your thinking.

11 Warm Up #6- The Bench Analyze the following passage. Remember the steps for commentary (or how to analyze) – Explain the passage in your own words, summarize what is going on, providing context. Pick-it-apart and look at smaller parts of the passage, writing down what readers can infer, or what the author implies. Connect it back to a larger idea, or loopback to a theme. “You don’t have to sit up there by yourself. You know what that bench means now, and you can leave it any time you choose. All you’ve got to do is stand up and walk away from it.”

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