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Jim Munro Chairman IECEx Panel of Assessors

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1 Jim Munro Chairman IECEx Panel of Assessors
Feedback from assessments of ExCBs and ExTLs – Areas where difficulties are experienced Jim Munro Chairman IECEx Panel of Assessors

2 Scope of presentation This training session will:
Look at some common problems and how to overcome or avoid them Discuss IECEx and other documents ExCBs and ExTLs need to consider Discuss some of the approaches that can be used to help bodies be accepted Explore experiences that other assessors have had

3 Types of issues/problems
Applying IECEx Procedures System issues related to ISO/IEC Guide 65 and 17025 Technical issues Other Issues

4 Applying IECEx Procedures - ExCB
IECEx 02 IECEx Scheme rules of procedure OD/003 IECEx Assessment procedures OD/005 Quality System requirements for manufacturers OD/009 Issuing of CoCs, ExTRs and QARs ExMC/161/CD and OD025 Management of assessment and surveillance programs for manufacturers OD/017 Drawing and documentation guidance Other ODs

5 Applying IECEx Procedures – ExTL
IECEx 02 IECEx Scheme rules of procedure OD/003 IECEx Assessment procedures IECEx Operational Document OD/009 Issuing of CoCs, ExTRs and QARs Other ODs IECEx Technical Guidance Documents (TGDs) ExTAG Decision Sheets

6 Applying IECEx Procedures -
Use of data, subcontracting and off site testing For third party laboratories - hierarchy: IECEx IECEE Local accreditation No accreditation Assessment and control

7 Applying IECEx Procedures -
Appeals – to IECEx Manufacturing surveillance Adjustment where local system is different (not a Type 5 Scheme) Ensuring QARs are issued ExTRs Blanks in completed ExTRs Lack of supporting data Referencing to ATEX component certificates – see Decision Sheets 2004/006 and 2006/002

8 Applying IECEx Procedures -
Clear delineation of responsibilities of people within ExCB and ExTL, including: Who makes certification decision Who signs what Deputies where necessary

9 Guide 65 and 17025 Using uncontrolled pieces of paper:
For recording results For useful data such as conversion lookup tables Capturing and retaining original data Internal audits - Not always done to schedule

10 Guide 65 and 17025 Calibration Instruments not in calibration
Extending calibration periods Inconsistencies in quality systems Defining and recording competencies Correction of errors when writing down readings

11 Technical Issues Technical issues related to: Equipment Procedures

12 Technical Issues –Intrinsic Safety
Spark test apparatus Inductors and capacitors Periodic full calibration Temperature classification Measurement Assessment Small component ignition

13 Technical Issues – Flameproof
General Version control of software where computers used Condition and handling of measuring devices such as vernier callipers Lack of calibrated thread gauges

14 Technical Issues – Flameproof
Gas measurement Calibration of oxygen analysers Traceability of certificates for mixed gases Flameproof pressure determination systems Calibration approaches - static and dynamic Noise or other interference on the system

15 Technical Issues – Temperature Measurement
Location of tests – drafts etc Lack of attention to measurement techniques Making of thermocouples Thermocouple and system calibration Thermocouple attachment Measurement of ambient temperature Hot spot location

16 Technical Issues –IP Testing
Dust testing – keeping dust in circulation Humidity - heating Vibrators – rappers – hoses Slope of hoppers Viewing windows Chamber leaks Water testing – Temperature differential - control temperature or use of pressure balance Nozzle calibration

17 Feedback from other Assessors
Other experiences?

18 Conclusion Despite the seeming long list of issues here – everyone seems to get there in the end!

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