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World Supply, Demand and Price Outlook for Oilseeds and Oilmeals

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1 World Supply, Demand and Price Outlook for Oilseeds and Oilmeals
GLOBOIL India in Goa, Sept 2016 Thomas Mielke, ISTA Mielke, Oil World, Global Market Research on Oilseeds, Oils and Meals Please fell free to contact me for assistance at

2 World production of 10 oilseeds doubling in the past 20 years
Strong demand. Is this trend sustainable? Grains taking acreage from oilseeds in South America


4 In 2015 prices have fallen below production costs for many farmers
Supply responses, for example in India & China Where are we going from here? In India prices my fall below Gov. support prices

5 + 75% Veg. oil imports up 75% within the last 5 years until 2015/16…
Will the world market be able to satisfy Indian demand in the future? Outlook 2016/17: Soya crop and crush in India?

6 In India the soybean crop seen to recover to 9. 5 Mn T in 2016 (from 7
In India the soybean crop seen to recover to 9.5 Mn T in 2016 (from 7.1 last year) Lack of farmer selling Soybean prices under pressure, but still too high to allow crushers to find buyers on world market Our estimates too high? Soya crush 7.4 (vs 5.4) Meal export 1.4 (vs 0.2)

7 Rapeseed production falling to a 5-year low of 60.6 Mn T 2016/17
Farmers losing interest. Biggest losses in EU-28(- 2.2 Mn T) China (-2.0 Mn T) Ukraine (- 0.4 Mn T) Swings factors to watch: Canada + Australia

8 Sunseed production to reach a record 46.0 Mn T in 2016/17 (+3.8)
Ukraine 13.2 Mn T (+1.4) Russia 10.4 Mn T (+0.8) EU Mn T (+0.6) Argentina 3.8 Mn T (+0.9) Larger sun oil and meal supplies

9 Setback in world production in 2015/16 by about 7 Mn T
BUT: record US soybean crop currently in the making, paving the way for a recovery to 331 Mn T …






15 Feed usage up 2-3% Soya consumption likely to rise by 7%

16 Further boost in world soybean crushings by 15 Mn T required in 2016/17, because
rising demand still insufficient palm oil supplies tightness of oth seeds low stocks of veg oil…



19 World stocks of soybeans at a record 85 Mn T at the end of 2014/15 season
BUT stocks already started to decline in 2015/16, and are likely to decline further in 2016/17, despite record US crop

20 But soybeans cannot solve an oil supply tightness in the world without creating a surplus in soya meal






26 Global protein needs are high …. and rising.
Lower soy meal prices will generate further growth in the expanding poultry, pig and aquaculture industries. … primarily in Asia



29 Company Profil and Services
ISTA Mielke GmbH – publisher of OIL WORLD - was founded in 1958 ISTA = International STatistical Agricultural Information Leading private authority for global research and market analyses for oilseeds, oils & fats and oilmeals Independent, not involved in trading, unbiased information Providing monthly and quarterly world supply and demand balances Daily, weekly and monthly publications. Now also a Chinese Report ! We want you to be our customer. Do not rely on Black Copies or secondary sources. Invitation to

30 There are many uncertainties ahead in the 2016/17 season (just started). I believe world soybean usage +19 MnT But what about 2017/18? Acreage? Yields? Palm oil will become more ample in 17/18. But we may be heading into a shortage in soybeans in 2017/18

31 Thank You for Your Kind Attention !
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