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Do an internet search to answer the following questions

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Presentation on theme: "Do an internet search to answer the following questions"— Presentation transcript:

1 Do an internet search to answer the following questions
Do an internet search to answer the following questions. Include a graph or Table of relevant data for each answer.

2 How much energy does the world use today each year
How much energy does the world use today each year? Express your answer in Joules, BTUs, or TerraWattHr/yr or tonnes of oil equivalent (toe).

3 Answer slide

4 How much energy will the world likely in 2050
How much energy will the world likely in 2050? Express your answer in Joules, BTUs, or TerraWattHr/yr or tonnes of oil equivalent (toe).

5 Answer slide

6 What percentage of world’s energy comes from: Coal, oil, Natural Gas, Biomass, Nuclear, Geothermal, wind and solar, other (specify)

7 Answer slide Energy From Percentage Oil Coal Natural Gas Biomass
Nuclear Geothermal Wind and solar Other (specify)

8 How do total carbon emissions from different fossil fuels (Coal, oil, Natural Gas) compare with each other?

9 Answer slide

10 How fast has the solar and wind energy sector grown over the past 20 years or so?

11 Answer slide

12 Come up with your own question related to world Energy

13 Answer slide

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