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Presentation on theme: "TEMPUS IV- FIFTH CALL FOR PROPOSALS"— Presentation transcript:


2 Outline of the presentation
Part I: Basic features of the Tempus programme Part II: Results of the 4th call for proposals Part III: Novelties under the 5th call for proposals Part IV: Simplified submission procedure Part V: Steps in the selection process and recruitment of experts

3 Basic features of the Tempus programme
Part I Basic features of the Tempus programme

Objectives: To support the modernisation of Higher Education in Partner Countries of the surrounding area of the EU and Central Asia To establish an area of cooperation between the European Union (EU) and the Partner Countries. To favour voluntary convergence with the EU developments in the field of Higher Education. Tempus supports and promotes the modernisation of the Higher Education sector in the Partner Countries and aim at establishing an area for cooperation in HE between EU and the partner countries, In line with the principles of Lisbon Strategy Modernisation of Education is the precondition for the achievement of the economic and social objectifs Education (and vocational training) have a central role in the European agenda for employ and growth as key factor for eccelency competitiveness and innovation. Bologna Establishment of an European AREA for HE three study cycles / new common degree system / recognition of degrees and study period abroad, etc. Restructuring of National Qualification Framework Refer also to the EU 2020 Strategy.

5 BASIC FEATURES (II) Approach: Institutional cooperation.
Bottom-up programme mainly implemented through calls for proposals seeking projects targeting reforms in higher education institutions and/or systems. Strong involvement of national authorities. Strong accent on dissemination, sustainability and exploitation of results. Complements other EU mobility programmes (e.g. Erasmus Mundus). Approach of the Tempus Programme is a bottom-up approach, in fact it is based on the procedure of Call for Proposals which means that the project proposals are presented by the future beneficiaries based on the general principles laid down in the Calls and they are evaluated, selected and then financed for implementation. Importance given to dissemination and exploitation of results to ensure sustainability and bigger impact on the process of modernisation of Higher Education (impact on teaching/learning processes; curriculum development/ upgrading Information Technologies/ staff mobility / promoting Bologna priciples, etc. COMPLEMENTARITY with Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Window (Tempus is not a mobility programme) which has been created to facilitate large scale MOBILITY FLOWS between EU and PC

6 BASIC FEATURES (III) Local Support:
National Contact Points (NCPs) in EU Member States National Tempus Offices (NTOs) in Partner Countries (PCs) Liason with the National Authorities is ensured at the Commission level by the EC Delegations in PC, which are also systematically consulted on the projects to be selected (consultation: proposals on which Delegations give a negative opinion won’t be selected) NCP and NTO In the Framework of the Tempus IV Programme, National Experts on Higher Education have been appointed by the National Authorities of the Partner Countries to promote HE reforms in PC. Thematic Training Seminars are implemented (such as the Bologna Expert in Rome end of March 2009, involving a limited number of HEREs, possibly from all partner countries, to discuss in-depth and exchange views and practices on specialised topics of general interest for Tempus participants. Regional Training Seminars, focusing on specialised topics of regional interest and involving a limited number of participants from neighbouring countries.

7 3 TYPES OF ACTIONS Joint Projects: implemented at institutional level to reform curricula, improve university governance, create more links with society. Structural Measures: implemented at national level for the development and reform of national higher education structures and systems in Partner Countries. Accompanying Measures: dissemination and information activities (conferences, studies, exchange of good practice, National Tempus Offices, Higher Education Reform Experts, etc.) JEP as a tool of promoting multilateral partnerships amongst higher education institutions. They can develop, modernise and disseminate new curricula, teaching methods or materials, boost a quality assurance culture, and modernise the management and governance of higher education institutions. SM with an impact at the national level. Structural Measures contribute to the development and reform of higher education institutions and systems in partner countries, to enhance their quality and relevance, and increase their convergence with EU developments. - Structural Measures provide advisory support for reform processes and HE strategic frameworks. Such projects typically address issues linked to the Bologna process such as QUALITY ASSURANCE, ACCREDITATION SYSTEM, CREDIT SYSTEMS, RESTRUCTURING OF NATIONAL QUALIFICATION FRAMEWORKS in line with common European developments. - It includes the establishment of representative bodies or organisations

8 PROJECT DURATION = 24 or 36 months
GRANT SIZE = € to € For both Joint Projects and Structural Projects. Minimum grant size for national projects from Montenegro and Kosovo: € 300,000. Minimum co-financing: 10% PROJECT DURATION = 24 or 36 months MINIMUM GRANT SIZE, not to be confused with the TOTAL BUDGET of a project. Project duration: MAX 3 years. Extension in exceptional and duly justified cases. Only once and no longer than 12 months.

National projects: (targeting 1 single Partner Country) Multi-country projects: (targeting more than 1 Partner Country) minimum of 6 Higher Education Institutions minimum of 7 Higher Education Institutions 3 from the involved Partner Country 2 from each involved Partner country (minimum 2 PC) 3 from 3 different EU countries Grant Applicants: institution applying for the grant, RESPONSIBLE for the administration of the grant (through their Legal Representative) and the coordination of the workprogramme (through the designated co-ordinator) Must be state recognised HE institutions and have adehered to the Erasmus University Charter (for EU institutions). Legally established by more than 5 years.

State-recognised public or private Higher Education Institutions (either in EU or PC) Associations, organisations or networks of Higher Education Institutions Structural Measures: Rector/teacher/student organisations EXPLANATION concerning Associations of higher education institutions (“umbrella institutions”): An association will count as one legal entity/partner institution, meaning that the association/network will be treated as one partner from the country where the headquarters are based. Ineligible Institutions Legal entities which have managed a Tempus project in the past two years which has been terminated by the /Agency for non-compliance with the contractual rules and requirements may not apply for a grant. Natural persons may not apply for a grant. Partners for whom a mandate has not been submitted are not eligible for participation. Partners for whom the mandate does not fulfil the formal requirements of the model mandate are not eligible for participation. Please note that an ineligible partner may turn the whole partnership ineligible.

11 ELIGIBLE PARTNERS State-recognised public or private HE institutions (either in EU or PC) Associations, organisations or networks of HE institutions Rector/teacher/student organisations Non-governmental organisations Social partners and their training organisations Private and public enterprises Research institutions Public administrations (Ministries, other national/regional/local administrations) or governmental organisations BUT with special funding conditions (only their travel costs and costs of stay can be reimbursed by the Grant )

12 Additional condition for Structural Measures
ELIGIBLE PARTNERS Additional condition for Structural Measures The Ministries responsible for higher education in each Partner Country must be involved as full partner. BUT under special funding conditions.

13 ELIGIBLE ACTIONS Themes structured around the main components of the modernisation agenda for higher education. Joint projects: Curriculum reform Governance reform Higher Education and Society Structural measures

14 PROGRAMME THEMES Curricular reform Governance reform
Modernisation of curricula: ECTS, 3 cycles, recognition of degrees Governance reform University management and student services Introduction of quality assurance Institutional and financial autonomy & accountability Equal access to HE Development of international relations Higher Education and Society Training of non-university teachers Development of partnerships with enterprises Knowledge triangle education/research/innovation Training courses for public services (Ministries/local authorities) Development of lifelong learning Qualifications frameworks Themes are structured around the main components of the EU’s higher education modernisation agenda. CR - adapt/modernise existing or to develop new (implementation) during project lifetime; - Study programme with double/multiple or joint degree Recognition + accreditation GR - Modernise management capacity of universities or their organisations (i.e. students organisations) - Promote quality assurance (deveoping methodologies and criteria comparable between HE institutions / National standards) HE & S - Strenghten the role of HEI in society (contribution to lifelonglearning); links with labour market (promotion enterpreneurship, etc.)

National projects (targeting 1 single Partner Country) Focus on the national priorities set for the Partner Country. Defined by the Ministries of Education in close consultation with the European Union Delegations.

Multi-country projects (targeting more than 1 Partner Country) Focus on the regional priorities common to all PCs within a specific region. Based on strategic documents of European Commission. Can address a national priority which is common to all participating PCs. Cross regional cooperation: Possible if the theme of the proposal is identified as a regional or national priority for all the participating PCs.

17 Priority given to project proposals that:
Demonstrate a wide impact on higher education institutions and systems. Involve a representative number of higher education institutions from a Partner Country. Structural Measures projects. Multi-country projects, when cooperation is relevant and justified by detailed analysis of common needs and objectives and the choice of the countries coherent with the objectives proposed. Projects actively involving students, women, enterprises, social partners, research institutions, Ministries of Education, NGOs and other non-academic organisations

18 Fourth call for proposals
Part II Fourth call for proposals Overview on the selection process and the results

19 Total number of applications received
2011 Received applications 525 proposals 102 (19.5%) PC applicants 2010

20 Breakdown of applications by target region (2011 vs 2010)

21 Breakdown of applications according to type
2010 2011

22 Breakdown of applications on subject areas

23 Overview on selection progress (1)

24 Overview on selection progress (2)
 REGION Received applications Eligible proposals Above the 50% threshold Proposed for consultation Recommended for funding Western Balkans 86 82 61 41 18 South Neighbouring area 105 92 68 33 15 Eastern Neighbouring area: Regional + Russian Federation 212 133+61 103+46 33+14 10+6 Central Asia 52 46 29 20 8 Multiregional 70 63 6 TOTAL 525 477 353 174 91% (from total received) 70% (from eligible applications) 49% (from scored > 50) 36,48% (from eligible) 12% (from total) 36,2% (from projects sent to consultation) Selection TOTAL 450 400 318 204 64 31.37% (from projects sent to consultation) 24

25 Participation of EU Member States organisations in selected projects

26 Participation of Partner Countries organisations in selected projects

The countries which are involved in 20 to 40% of Jordanian projects and they are the UK, Germany and Italy.

This map shows the countries that have chosen Jordan the most as partner in Tempus IV. The dark orange countries have chosen Jordan in more than 40% of their projects. The light orange countries have chosen Jordan in 20 – 40% of their projects. Apart from North African countries for obvious language reasons (with the exception of Egypt), Jordan has been chosen by countries from all Tempus regions.

29 Number of projects in which institutions from Partner Countries are involved in (regional)
Total National Multi-country JP SM IPA 18 10 8 13 5 ENPI East (regional allocation) 16 4 12 3 Russia (bilateral allocation) 6 2 ENPI South DCI 9 TOTAL Number of projects selected* 63 33 30 48 15 * These figures cannot be added, as several regions can be involved in the same project. The totals include the multiregional projects.

30 Selection Conclusions
Summary results 63 proposals recommended for funding 13 proposals have Partner Countries as coordinator (21% of the selected projects) 48 Joint Projects 15 Structural Measures (24% of the selected projects) 33 national projects 30 proposals are multi-country (48%) € = average budget size Average consortium size = 12

31 Selection Results/Tempus IV
1st Call 2nd Call 3rd Call 4th Call Proposals recommended for funding 76 69 64 63 Proposals with Partner Country co-ordinators 18 (23,6%) 15 (21%) (28%) 13 Joint Projects (82,8%) 50 (72,5%) (78%) 48 (76%) Structural measures (17,2%) 19 (27,5%) 14 (22%) (24%) Multi-country projects 46 (60,5%) 34 (49%) 31 (48%) 30 National projects (39,5%) 35 (51%) 33 (52%)

32 Novelties of the fifth call for proposals
Part III Novelties of the fifth call for proposals

33 TEMPUS IV Indicative budget for projects selected under 5th Call: 78,1 € million (60% increase compared to 2011) Southern Mediterranean € 22.8 million* * Plus an additional amount of €6.25 million under the reserve that the relevant financing decision is adopted by the European Commission. Eastern Europe/Caucasus (Russia not included) Bilateral allocation for Russia (for national and multi-country projects involving Russia) € 8.5 million Western Balkans € 14.5 million Albania € 1.9; Bosnia and Herzegovina € 2.3; Montenegro € 1.2; Serbia: € 6.6; Kosovo under UNSC Resolution 1244/99: € 2.5 Central Asia € 9.5 million 82% increase if the additional 12.5 €, under the reserve that the relevant financing decision is adopted by the European Commission, become available.

34 Novelties under the 5th Call for proposals
Terminology/Clarification – e.g., required level of higher education institutions (ISCED 5 and 6 levels); legal representative of an institution Clarification related to the status of HEI – Faculties/ Depts./ Centres part of a HEI, even if established as autonomous legal entities, cannot count for a partner / applicant. Main changes: National priorities – update + harmonisation of subject area titles with the Call Budget – significant increase, i.e. ENPI South and East and Russia REMINDER: NO CHANGE - SY and LY are eligible Partner Countries

35 Novelties under the 5th Call for proposals
Associations of HEI acting as applicant will need at least two higher education institutions which are not member of the association to participate in the consortium. Submission procedure – paper copy of eForm not required any more. All administrative documents can be copies or scanned version. Financial conditions – increase of rates for cost of stay during mobility periods for Partner Country staff within their own country and for monthly rates for student costs of stay in a European Union country and in the Partner Country. Sub-contracting – All subcontracting costs should be booked under "Other costs" budget heading. The ministries do not have to submit a mandate if they do not wish to receive reimbursement of travel costs and costs of stay i.e. their participation is fully self-financed. Invoices should not be split Sub-contracting: only over € previous autorisation for from Agency required.

36 Simplified submission procedure
Part IV Simplified submission procedure

37 Submission of the applications: E-form
One-phase submission, one deadline  23 February 2012, two steps: 1 - On-line submission of the eForm, including mandatory annexes (Declaration of Honour, Workplan and Budget Excel and Logical Framework Matrix) is considered to be the unique reference information for the submission deadline. 2 - Administrative and legal documents by post. NO paper copy of the eForm is needed anymore.

38 Submission of the applications: E-form
Step 1: On-line submission of the eForm Complete and validate the eForm + correct mistakes Attach the mandatory annexes: Declaration of Honour Workplan and Budget Excel Table Logical Framework Matrix Click on SUBMIT button of the eForm and an automatic notification is sent with the project Reference number The electronic applications forms for Joint Projects and for Structural Measures duly completed must be sent no later than the deadline (normally in February 2012), 12:00 Brussels time. After this time the on-line application system will be closed until it is re-opened for the next application phase.

39 Submission of the applications: E-form
Step 2: Administrative and legal documents by post Copy the Project reference number on each of the following documents: Declaration of honour by the legal representative of the applicant organisation Legal entity form Bank identification form Profit and loss accounts/ Balance sheet (if applicable) Mandates Send the complete application package, by the deadline of 23 February 2012 as defined in the Call (date of postmark), using registered post to the Agency postal address mentioned in the Call for proposals. Scanned versions are accepted for all supporting documents, even in case the project is selected. HOWEVER originals must be kept by the applicant administration. Upon submission, applicants receive the project registration number assigned to their application. The registration number shall be indicated in all future correspondence regarding the proposal. The on-line submission is considered to be the master copy. The administrative documents must be sent by the same deadline (date of postmark) to the Agency. Applications submitted after the deadline will not be considered. No changes to the proposal can be made after the application has been submitted. However, if there is a need to clarify certain aspects, the Agency may contact the applicant for this purpose. Applicants should send electronically a copy of their proposal, clearly indicating the project registration number received when submitting the eForm, to the Tempus National Contact Point (for EU-based applicants) and the National Tempus Office (for applicants based in the partner countries). Their electronic addresses are available from the Tempus website: [1] The project reference number received upon submission must be clearly indicated (by handwriting or using paper stickers etc.) on each Mandate which had been prepared in advance.

40 Sources of guidance The Instructions (for completing the Application form and the Budget Tables) Rules and guidance on eForm content and the entire application process The eForm User Guide Help with the technical aspects of completing the eForm Still need further assistance...?

41 Selection steps and recruitment of experts
Part V Selection steps and recruitment of experts

42 Indicative roadmap for selection process – 5th Call for proposals
Steps Date Publication of Fifth Tempus IV Call for Proposals Beginning November 2011 Deadline for submission of applications 23 February 2012 Expert assessment March - April 2012 Consultation of Ministries of Education in Partner Countries, EU Delegation and National Tempus offices May 2012 Award decision and publication of results July 2012 Preparation and signature of grant agreements July to September 2012 Start of eligibility period 15 October 2012

43 The Call requirements Exclusion Criteria Selection Criteria
The selection process is based on the assessment of applications against 4 types of criteria: Eligibility Criteria Exclusion Criteria Selection Criteria Award Criteria 43

44 Eligibility criteria Formal submission requirements
Grant size and duration Applicant, Partners and Partnership requirements (number of partners, status of the grant applicant & partners, etc.) National & regional priorities It does not matter how well the project has been designed if it does not fulfil the eligibility criteria: this will lead to the automatic rejection of the proposal Formal submission requirements (see section 14 of the Call): Official eForm and submission system Official language Respect of deadline (electronic submission and documents) Annexes (FEL, Mandates... – duly filled in) Documents signed by the legal representative of the institution

45 Main reasons for rejection on formal criteria 2011
Out of 525 receive projects, 48 were rejected for not complying with eligibility criteria: Minimum number of higher education institutions Applicant nature Obligation to provide legal supporting documents (Mandates) Relevant Parts of the application not completed (work plan and budget tables) 45

46 Exclusion and Selection criteria
The institution is not in one of the situations described in section 6. Exclusion criteria of the Guidelines (such as bankruptcy, profession misconduct, subject of fraud, corruption, administrative penalty, conflict of interest, etc) Legal person status of the applicant organisation Financial capacity to complete the proposed activities Operational capacity to complete the proposed activities The signature on the Declaration of Honour must belong to the same person that is indicated in Part A.3 of the application form: the person legally authorised to signed on behalf of the applicant institution. Based on supporting and administrative documents, like the declaration of honour, legal entity form, profit and loss accounts...

47 Award criteria Five award criteria defined in the Call and assessed by external experts: Relevance (25%) Good quality partnership (20%) Quality of the project’s content and methodology (25%) Dissemination & Sustainability (15%) Budget and Cost-effectiveness (15%)

48 Project assessment by external experts
Briefing session Two day briefing on site: general and specific presentations, one day assessment simulation, based on case study (team work) & handbook, debriefing Assessment Each application assessed by two different experts, by teleworking, supported by the Agency’s on-line assessment tool 1st stage: Each expert carried out individual assessment 2nd stage: the 2 experts assessing the same proposals  consensus discussions  consolidated judgements and scores Lead-experts - mediate consolidations, ensure quality assessment outputs; perform 3rd assessment wherever consensus is not reached Debriefing panel with experts Discussion on the quality of the proposals Suggestions for improvement of the evaluation process Briefing session Distribution of informative and formative materials (assessment handbook, case study, Tempus IV, fifth call for proposals) Two day briefing on site: general and specific presentations, one day assessment simulation, based on case study (team work), debriefing 48

49 Selection of external experts
Currently 400 experts names in database covering nationals from EU &Tempus Partner Countries 30% renewal each year, out of which 10% completely new experts An expert can assess Tempus projects maximum three years consecutively Lack of conflict of interest duly checked and respected Criteria: Professional experience in thematic areas covered by applications Competences in the Tempus working languages: EN, FR, DE Proved expertise in project cycle management, Tempus Programme and cooperation with the Tempus Partner Countries / Regions Knowledge of the higher education modernisation agenda 49

50 Recruitment of external experts for
the assessment of project proposals Establishment of a list of experts from EU and Partner countries to assist in the framework of the management of the EU programmes in the fields of education. Call for expression of interest published by the Agency Applications at any time, with a deadline on 30 June 2013 Update of the lists of eligible experts: twice a year More information:

51 Thank you for your attention!
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