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课标人教实验版高一 Module 1 Unit 5.

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1 课标人教实验版高一 Module 1 Unit 5

2 Listening

3 Using Language Listening P38

4 1. Discuss the question in pairs before listening: What things do you think were unfair in South Africa. 2. Listen to the tape and write down the main idea. _______________________________ The main idea is the three reasons why Elias joined the ANC Youth League.

5 3. Listen again and compare the life and work of white and black people at that time. Fill in the chart below. Differences White people Black people The jobs they did Where the workers lived needed a passbook to work no need for a passbook to work with their families with their workmates

6 How much land they owned
Their hospital and schools most of South Africa poorest parts of South Africa the best the worst

7 Listening on P69.

8 He wrote the Bible in English so all could read it
He wrote the Bible in English so all could read it. He died for his ideas but his work was later used in the Bible.

9 True or False. F F T T F 1.William Tyndale wrote the first Bible.
2.He was born in the fifth century. 3.Many years ago the Bible was written in the Greek and Hebrew languages. 4.William Tyndale later moved to Belgium to complete his work. 5.Everybody in Europe loved the Bilbe written by William Tyndale. F F T T F

10 Listen to Part 1 again and complete the passage.
William Tyndale was born in ________ in the _________ century. He lived from _________ to ________. He was only _________ years old when he died. At that time the Bible was not written in ________, so most people in _________ couldn’t read it at all. So William Tyndale wrote the first ____________. People still use his ______ and __________ today. London fifteenth 1494 1536 42 English Britain English Bible words expressions

11 Answer the following questions.
1.Why was the king not happy with William Tyndale? 2.What happened to him after he was found in Belgium? 3.What do people think of his work now?

12 1.Why was the king not happy with William Tyndale?
The king was not happy because he did not want the people to read the Bible in English. (He wanted to have power over what people thought about Christianity. He knew that when people read the Bible for themselves they could decide for themselves.

13 He was right because once people did read the translated Bible, they started arguing with the traditional way of understanding it.)

14 He was put in prison and later killed.
2.What happened to him after he was found in Belgium? 3.What do people think of his work now? He was put in prison and later killed. They love his work very much. His Bible is still the most popular and his words are still used today.

15 Listening Task Workbook on P72.

16 1.Listen and choose the sentence that
describes the main idea. Then explain why the other two are wrong. A. It is about an accident and two people’s ideas of what happened.

17 B. It explains what a point of view is and gives an example of describing an accident.
C. It explains what a point of view is and asks you to explain an accident. B

18 2.Listen and answer the questions.
1.What does a “point of view” mean ? 2.Why do the police not just ask one person who was there after an accident ? 3.Why do people tell different stories after an accident?

19 Answer key for this Exercise.
A point of view means one way of looking at things. Because one person may not have seen everything.

20 Listen and complete the following tables.
INFORMATION ON A CAR ACCIDENT A Where did it happen? How many people in the accident? BEFORE THE ACCIDENT Where was the boy? On the road. 2 Walking along the road.

21 Coming up behind the boy.
Where was the car? What happened? Who caused it? The car was going too fast and did not look. It hit the boy and hurt him. The car driver.

22 How many people in the accident?
INFORMATION ON A CAR ACCIDENT B Where did it happen? How many people in the accident? BEFORE THE ACCIDENT Where was the boy? On the road. 2 Walking in the road.

23 Where was the car? What happened? Who caused it? Came up behind the boy. The boy moved farther into the road. The car tired to stop but it couldn’t and hit the boy. The boy was hurt. The boy.

24 Homework 1. Write down the cause of the accident. 2. Preview Writing.

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