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Introduction to R Commander

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1 Introduction to R Commander
R Assignment #2: Introduction to R Commander (Due Sept 19 – by ) BIOL David Hyrenbach

2 Assignment for Week 3 Clear Workspace and History.
Install and run the Rcmdr package. Manually enter and edit data files (LecturerData) 4. Import RData files in 3 formats: xlxs, txt, csv 5. Calculate summary statistics and make plots 6. me your assignment, by Sept 19 (this exercise is worth 2.5 points)

3 Instructions Answer the questions in the spaces provided
Paste screen shots of the R Studio software Once you are done, change the title of this file, by adding your name (e.g., “R_Assignment2_Hyrenbach.ppt”) 4. this file to the instructor at using the following title: “BIOL4090 – 6090: “R Assignment #2”

4 Questions / Answers Once you have created these two datasets.
Copy and paste screenshots of the two dataframes: LecturerData (+0.25) LecturerOnly (+0.25)

5 Questions / Answers 2. Figure out how to import this csv file: RData3.csv Explain how you managed to import this file. Report the R commands you used (+0.375)

6 Questions / Answers 3. Once you have entered all 3 “RData#” datasets, document you did so in two different ways (+0.25 each) : Paste a screenshot of your RCmdr “Select the Dataset” scroll window, so it shows all the available datasets OR Paste a screenshot of your “Global Environment” window in R Studio

7 Questions / Answers 4. Enter the following information, from the three datasets: RData1, RData2, RData3 ( for each) Summary Statistics RData 1 RData2 RData3 Min 1st Quartile Median Mean 3rd Quartile Max

8 Questions / Answers 5. Create, save and paste three histograms: one for each of the three datasets: RData1, RData2, RData3. Paste each histogram in a separate slide and make sure you report the summary statistics you calculated in question 4. ( for each)

9 Questions / Answers 6. Create, save and paste three box plots: one for each of the three datasets: RData1, RData2, RData3. Paste each plot in a separate slide and make sure you report the summary statistics you calculated in question 4. ( for each)

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