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Great Schism What is a Schism? In this case between 2 popes

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1 Great Schism What is a Schism? In this case between 2 popes
a split or division between strongly opposed sections or parties, caused by differences in opinion or belief. In this case between 2 popes Clement VII and Benedict XIII Papacy- the office or authority of the pope

2 Challenges to the Church
Catholic Church Inadequate and conflicted leadership Putting it under the domination of powerful states Demand from within to restructure from a papal hierarchy to councils made up from the clergy The growth of lay piety Mysticism

3 Challenges to the Church
The Babylonian Captivity 1309 – 1376 Refers to the instance that the Pope moved to Avignon, France rather than staying in Rome Caused division in the Catholic Church Under the domination of the French king (not in Rome) Focused on internal administrative reforms Return to Rome (after nearly 70 years) Dispute over who should be Pope Fueled by nationalism Two popes were elected Urban VI – Italian Clement VII – cousin of the king of France States supported according to their political interests

4 Challenges to the Church
The Great Schism Jan Huss, believes the authority of the Bible is higher than the pope’s authority.  Beginning of challenges to the authority of the Catholic Church that leads to the Reformation. John Wyclif (later his ideas were used by Martin Luther) The only source of Christian doctrine & practice – the Scriptures believes that God is sole authority Common religious practices were illegitimate Veneration of saints and pilgrimages Simony (buying/selling of church offices) Pluralism (holding several offices at the same time) Absenteeism (holding an office, but living in another place) Property ownership

5 Challenges to the Church
Religion & Politics Wyclif & Hus reveal the degree to which religious reform was tied to politics Seeds of Change Martin Luther would use their ideas a century later Martin Luther was able to bring about reform they could not (Wyclif and Hus opposition too powerful – supports too weak)

6 Challenges to the Church
Lay Piety(Clergy & Church Members) gain prominence Disorder & disunity disputes among various orders Disappointing performance of some priests Absence of priests The Black Death took many priests

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