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Workforce Planning – Restaurants

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Presentation on theme: "Workforce Planning – Restaurants"— Presentation transcript:

1 Workforce Planning – Restaurants
By: Arjun Gandhi

2 Key Features Transaction Driver Tables Projection Efficiency
Transaction Prediction Employee Planning based on Transaction Prediction Store Revenue Predictions Store Employee Cost Predictions

3 Welcome Screen

4 Driver Tables # of Employees needed by # of Transactions per hour
Employee Wages per hour Revenue per transaction

5 Store Planning: Projection Efficiency
This allows you to compare predicted transactions vs. Actuals by the time of day (breakfast, lunch, snack, dinner, and late night) Accuracy % of projection Use this to plan for the future

6 Store Planning: Transaction Prediction
Takes historical data based on previous weeks, the day of week, and predictions the number of transactions for the upcoming week. Make overrides for special days that may have extreme low or high transaction prediction.

7 Store Planning: Employee Planning
Employee prediction based on the number of transactions per hour (uses the transaction driver table). Make # of employee overrides if store may need the extra headcount.

8 Revenue vs. Costs Revenue vs. employee labor costs estimates by the time of day How profitable is the store based on labor costs and revenue Compare them both on a chart and see real-time revenue and costs updates based on overrides of transactions and employees.

9 Workforce Planning – Restaurants
Contact Us Arjun Gandhi – Consultant Aamer Patel – Managing Partner Evan Ransome – Managing Partner

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