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GrAphic Design for the moving image task 1 (movies)

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1 GrAphic Design for the moving image task 1 (movies)
ISAAC: Good morning, my name is Isaac Vella,and together with my group of this assignment we are going to present our presentation for task 1. GrAphic Design for the moving image task 1 (movies) By: Andriy Camilleri, Kurt Micallef, Isaac Vella, Ian Sargent, Kyle Santanatoglia

2 Wall – e - Title Design and Director - Production Studio
- Art style and Text - The style chosen - Techniques

3 Captain America: Civil War
- Creative Director - Production - Art style and Text - Techniques

4 Austin Power: International Man of Mystery
- Choreographer - Production Studio - Style - Inspiration

5 Alien (1979) Title Sequence Designed by Richard Greenberg.
Manages to plant fear by using very simple elements. A broken-down version of the font Helvetica Black is used to create fear. The straight shapes and letters are broken down into pieces to create the Word Alien. Kurt Micallef

6 Catch Me If You Can (2002) Title Sequence Designed by Olivier Kuntzel and Florence Deygas. The Opening Sequence establishes the story and sixties vibe of the film. The Sequence was created using simple hand – carved stamps. The colours help to signal geographical and temporal transitions. The most important text in the sequence is kept at the centre of the frame. Kurt Micallef

7 Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)
Title Sequence directed by Erin Sarofsky. Created mainly using Adobe After Effects, Nuke, Maxon Cinema 4D, and Softimage. The sequence helps to set the genre of the film. Includes a fixed black, white, and red colour scheme. Black to create contrast and white to create contrast and red to show impactful moments. Kurt Micallef

8 Deadpool The designer is Justin Claus Harder.
The software used is 3ds Max, V-ray, NUKE. Started by an animatic. BLUR edited it. They had a change of shooting. Andriy Camilleri

9 split It’s a horror story.
Have a white typography and a typeface Helvetica. They used After effects. The techniques were mostly on the typography. The designer was Aaron Baker along with filmography studio. Andriy Camilleri

10 THE JUNGLE BOOK (2016) This title sequence was created by CGI.
It was based on the 1967 edition of the movie. The animals are key framed. The designing company is WETA. NUKE was the software used. Moving Picture company was in charge from 3D. Andriy Camilleri

11 James Bond: Diamonds are Forever
Iconic and memorable song sung by The whole thing is like a dream sequence and is supposed be like that.

12 Monty Python: Life of Brian
Quite a ridicules film which shows in the title sequence. Stop motion animation of paper cut-outs Iconic and recognisable style Basically take something a class and style then make it funny First used in the TV series ‘Monty Python’s Flying Circus’

13 Ghost in the Shell Switches between cyborg being built and code text
The visuals fit in nicely with the accompanying score by

14 Monsters, Inc. (2001) Geefwee Boedoe would often do drawings traditionally in his storyboards Used pencil pines to create a lot of doors and characters After made use of Photoshop and After Effects

15 Goldfinger (1964) Remarkable swift imagery and how the music goes with the theme. The erotic visual elements and silhouettes were provided it's a way of showing us that a James Bond movie was about to start.

16 Sweeny Todd: The Demon Barber Of Fleet Street (2007)
Richard Morrison wanted to create an eerie image Had to build special platforms which imitated blood movements

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