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What are the 5 components of fitness?

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Presentation on theme: "What are the 5 components of fitness?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What are the 5 components of fitness?
Cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, body composition

2 What are the 3’c of a healthy relationship?
Communication Cooperation Compromise

3 What are the traits of good character?
Trustworthiness Respect Responsibility Fairness Caring Citizenship

4 Define mediation In mediation, a person who is not involved in a dispute helps to find a solution…

5 What is Prejudice? Judging somebody/something before meeting or knowing them/it.

6 What are common causes of conflict?
Power Struggles Loyalty Envy Territory/Space Property disputes

7 Define suicide, know symptoms where to get help?
The thought/action of killing one’s self Depression Saying goodbye to loved ones giving away valued items saying “I wish it would all end” Call a suicide hotline or get professional help immediately!

8 What is difference between anorexia and bulimia ?
Anorexia is classified as an eating disorder Characterized by eating very little food and /or excessive exercise. Perceives themselves with being overweight while being dangerously thin Results from a negative self-image of themselves If untreated can cause major body systems to shut down BULIMIA is an eating disorder where one eats large amounts of food and then purges (throws up) Stomach acid can erode the esophagus and tooth enamel. If untreated can cause major health problems

9 Define Bipolar disorder
IS a mood disorder….highs and lows (dramatic mood swings)

10 Define Obsessive compulsive disorder
process of performing actions over and over until you feel satisfied Ex. Washing hands excessively

11 What is schizophrenia? When a person loses touch with reality

12 What is being a good citizen?
Obeying laws, community service…respecting authority

13 Give examples of all 3 sides of health triangle
Mental /emotional- (positive attitude), Physical-(being active)-Social-(positive relationships)

14 What is Body language? Non-verbal communication…crossing arms, rolling eyes

15 Define Refusal skills Say no, tell why (reasons), offer other solutions, promptly leave Use Confident/strong body language

16 What is Negative and positive peer pressure
Neg. Friends forcing you to do something (smoking) Pos. friends help or encourage and motivating you (encouraging you to do your homework)

17 What are characteristics of a good listener?
Clarifying, reflective and encouraging listening

18 What are examples of Physical activity?
Doing laundry, raking leaves, walking in hallways, gardening

19 What are examples of good communication skills?
Speaking, listening, body language…writing a note, texting, calling, speaking

20 Eustress vs. distress Eustress is postive stress…helps motivate you. Distress is bad stress..has a neg. impact on you

21 Self-concept vs. self esteem
Self-concept is the VIEW of yourself. Self-esteem- is how you VALUE and FEEL about yourself

22 Define Drug abuse Using illegal drugs….using medicine you do not need

23 Name the stages of (grief) and dying…what each means?
Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance

24 How do you cope with death?
Thinking about the good times, talking with others, remembering the ways the person was special

25 What is a prescription? Medicine prescribed by a doc

26 What is a vaccine? Dead or weakened pathogens that causes the immune system to produce antibodies

27 Define tolerance Someone needing greater and greater amounts of drugs in order for it to be effective

28 What is difference between communicable and non-communicable diseases?
Communicable is Contagious (people to people transmission). Non-communicable- you cannot catch from someone else (cancer)

29 Formula for heart rate and cardiovascular heart rate range %
220-age….. between 65% and 85%

30 What is the FITT principle?
Frequency Intensity, Time, Type

31 What is PTSD? PTSD or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is a disorder associated with traumatic or stressful experiences People who have been in car accidents, military combat or natural disasters could experience PTSD Often those people can have flashbacks of these events and relive the experiences in their mind

32 What is adrenaline? Hormone that gives you extra energy

33 What is a stressor? Anything that cause stress

34 What is fight or flight response?
Reaction to danger…fight and take action and defend or escape

35 What is Resiliency? Resiliency is the ability to bounce back from difficult situations or problems People who can adapt to situations or ask for help at difficult times are considered resilient

36 Coping skills It is important for one to develop good coping sills during stressful times or during a loss or while grieving Coping is the ability to seek out activities which reduce one’s feeling of anxiety, stress or depression such as reading, exercise, time for oneself, meditation,

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