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Created July 2016..

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1 Created July 2016.


3 Increasing market share will come through acquiring new customers
THE POWER OF RADIO “The day you stop advertising, is the day that your customers begin to forget about you” Phil Bernstein (apparently America’s finest advertising, sales and marketing consultant) Maintaining market share means keeping a constant dialogue with your customers. Increasing market share will come through acquiring new customers Retain current customers by talking to those most likely to visit your store (ie; those who live nearby). Keep them away from your competitors stores. Grow by acquiring new customers. Promotion-led comms will give new customers a reason to visit your stores. To increase the potential you need to cast the net wide. Radio advertising can provide longer-term strategic benefits, such as converting customers from your competitors, encouraging trial, and building / retaining brand values.

4 REACHING THEM ONLINE 9 out of 10 South Islanders have used the internet in the last 24 hours*
The day starts checking online headlines and the weather, and they will do this across the morning as well. South Islanders will visit online news sites consistently across the day. The early evening (6pm news time) sees them checking up on what’s been going on throughout the day and what the weather will be the next day! Online video viewing starts in the afternoon and peaks in the evenings. Any spare moment they have, South Islanders will be on online news sites and watching online video. % Engage with Media by Time of Day (Weekday) *excludes Source: Nielsen CMI Q2 15 to Q1 16. April Fused. Southern 15+

Radio is also important across the day. These consumers are tuning in to their radio stations first thing in the morning when they wake up and listening in across the morning. They take a break at lunchtime and this is where social media is predominant. The late evenings also see strong engagement with social media. However, in any spare moment, South Islanders prefer their radio, online news sites and online video. % Engage with Media by Time of Day (Weekday) *excludes Source: Nielsen CMI Q2 15 to Q1 16. April Fused. Southern 15+

6 MULTI-DEVICE CONSUMERS How to reach them
First thing in the morning when they wake up, South Islanders reach for their smartphones. When they hit the office they are making use of desktop computers and Laptops. There is a break around lunchtime when they are on their smartphones checking social media! From the afternoon and into the evening laptops and tablets reach their peak. Smartphones are the device of choice when commuting. % Device by Time of Day (Weekday) Source: Nielsen CMI Q2 15 to Q1 16. April Fused. Southern 15+

Source: Nielsen CMI Q2 15 to Q1 16. June Fused. Southern 15+ NZME Digital Monthly UA’s and South Island Radio Stations Unduplicated

NZME Digital and Radio Brands reach 553,000 people 15+ living in the South Island. That’s 17% more than reaches and 9% more than MediaWorks South Island Radio. Source: Nielsen CMI Q2 15 to Q1 16. June Fused. Southern 15+ NZME Digital Monthly UA’s: Bite, GrabOne, Viva, Coast, Newstalk ZB, The Hits, ZM

9 NZME’S QUALITY AUDIENCE 553,000 South Islanders
40% of NZME’s South Island Audience are Families They enjoy family meals together, spend time running them around and watching them play sports. In fact Sports is a ‘big thing’ in the South Island, the last year has seen our NZME South Islanders head to an International, National or Regional Sports event. They are 10% more likely to have been to these events that all South Islanders. They love other events as well, such as live concerts, food & wine festivals and free concerts in parks or beaches. A third of NZME’s South Island audience are Empty Nesters, indicating high levels of disposable income. The kids have left home, their mortgages are paid off and they have time & money to spend on luxuries. The average household income for our NZME Audience is 8% higher than all South Islanders. They will put quality ahead of cost. Source: Nielsen CMI Q2 15 to Q1 16. June Fused. Southern 15+ NZME Radio & Digital (NZH, Bite, GrabOne, Viva, Coast, Newstalk ZB, The Hits, ZM)

476,000 (86%) intend to take a NZ or Overseas holiday in the next year – they love destinations where they can experience the local culture. 401,000 are considering a cruise! 193,000 intend to buy a new car in the next year. While only 10,000 currently own and Electric/Hybrid car, 258,000 would consider buying one. They know it’s important to make investments now for the future and two thirds already have some form of savings & investments. The average value of these investments is over $100,000. When it comes to food there is a core group that will pay more for top quality goods. They love trying new types of food as well as recipes and enjoy cooking from scratch. Ideas for making cooking meals at home easier is of great appeal. They have to have the latest gadgets and agree that technology has made their lives easier. Being up with technology, 65% have a smartphone and 35% have a tablet. 36,000 have a wearable fitness tracker, and they are 10% more likely than all South Islanders to have one of these. Source: Nielsen CMI Q2 15 to Q1 16. June Fused. Southern 15+ NZME Radio & Digital (NZH, Bite, GrabOne, Viva, Coast, Newstalk ZB, The Hits, ZM)

NZME offers advertisers the unique ability to reach audience segments specific to their needs. We know when these segments want to engage with different media, which device they prefer at different times of the day and when they want to be informed or entertained. Understanding the type of content and the tone of communication that best resonates with each segment means stronger engagement. 27% of our NZME South Island audience are Creatures of Habit who are after local news and content. They are daily radio listeners. 19% are Community Spirited, sports junkies that will engage with any sport content, especially radio & online. Our younger Aspirationals and Escapists are connected 24/7 on their smartphones and mainly want to be entertained. Open Minded Observers engage with social media and national & international websites and Information Junkies will engage with all media in order to keep ahead of the rest. % % Empty Nesters Prefer tablets Wide range of passions Provocative & challenging content, Highest standards of journalism. Online news NZ & Intl Daily radio Young & ambitious Want excitement & to be different from the rest Early adopters Connected 24/7 on smartphones % Mainly Women love broad range of opinions, passion for self-improvement, Online news content NZ & Intl. Young & cruisy Want to escape the ‘everyday’. Entertainment all the way, no news Love technology, Connected 24/7 on smartphones, social media & video % Average Kiwi, love travel, reading, gardening. Family is their priority Local news and content Just want the facts Depth & insights for them to make up their own mind Daily radio listeners Mainly male, Sports Nuts Family is top priority Local news relevant to them & their community Great story tellers Heavy radio consumers, enjoy online sports sites. % % Source: Nielsen CMI Q2 15 to Q1 16. June Fused. Southern 15+ NZME Radio & Digital (NZH, Bite, GrabOne, Viva, Coast, Newstalk ZB, The Hits, ZM)

12 WHY NZME NZME Radio and Online brands reach more than half a million South Islanders. We reach a high income, quality audience. They are mortgage free with money to spend on travel, big ticket items such as Cars and Sport Events Our NZME Audience in the South Island love their sport, attending regional, national and international sports events. NZME connects with South Island audiences across the day. We know how to reach them, what time of day to connect with them and which device to reach them on. Our NZME segments offer a unique, in-depth picture of NZ consumers and we can help advertisers target them. Source: Nielsen CMI Q2 15 to Q1 16. June Fused. Southern 15+ NZME Radio & Digital (NZH, Bite, GrabOne, Viva, Coast, Newstalk ZB, The Hits, ZM)


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