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All About Drug Rehab

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1 Drug Rehab

2 Synopsis  Signs To Show You Are In Need Of Drug Rehab Signs To Show You Are In Need Of Drug Rehab  5 Step Process Used By Drug Rehab Clinics 5 Step Process Used By Drug Rehab Clinics  How To Choose The Right Drug Rehab Clinic How To Choose The Right Drug Rehab Clinic

3 Signs To Show You Are In Need Of Drug Rehab  Fixation ▫One of the most obvious signs which may only be obvious to you at the start of your addiction is that you spend all your time thinking about your next fix. This is a classic sign that you are addicted and can often lead to feelings of paranoia or anxiety when you start to think about not getting your next hit.  Failure To Quit ▫If you have realized that you may have a problem and have tried, unsuccessfully, to quit then you need drug rehab. It is very difficult to beat a drug addiction by yourself. It involves more than just stopping your intake of the drug; there are many environmental factors which will influence your success or failure.  Hygiene Issues ▫The more you become fixated on the drug the less you will think about other things. This includes the basic washing and even changing your clothes. You may not notice that your hygiene is suffering but your family and loved ones certainly will and will probably tell you often.

4 Signs To Show You Are In Need Of Drug Rehab (cont.)  Problems At Work ▫Just as your hygiene will start to suffer so will your performance at work. Even the best boss in the world will get tired of your excuses and the way n which you lose focus. This is because you are starting to live in your own world, one which revolves round the drug and nothing else. ▫At this stage you are reaching the end of your opportunity to put yourself into drug rehab; the deeper you get into your drug addiction the less you will be able or willing to see or admit the problem exists. Many drug addicts end up losing good jobs.  Lying About The Issue ▫It is very common for people to lie when asked directly about whether they have a drug problem. This is because you still know that it is an issue which is causing you problems but you don’t want to admit it. ▫If you find that you have lied about your drug taking at any point then you almost certainly have an issue and need a drug rehab clinic.

5 5 Step Process Used By Drug Rehab Clinics Intake ▫The first step involves visiting a drug rehab clinic to find out if it is the right one for your needs. You must feel comfortable with the staff at the facility and the procedures it uses. ▫It is essential to understand that addiction affects your brain as well as your behavior and the earlier you treat it the more likely it is to be successful. But, for it to be effective you must want to enter drug rehab and for it to succeed. Detox ▫Once you have been admitted you will go through the detox phase. This is administered within the clinic and involves complete withdrawal from the addictive drug. Many facilities will provide you with an alternative to help reduce the pain and side effects associated with withdrawal. ▫During this stage you are likely to experience fatigue, depression, sweating, diarrhea and headaches. The staff will be on hand to help you through each part of the process.

6 5 Step Process Used By Drug Rehab Clinics (cont.) Individual Therapy ▫Once you are ‘clean’ and do not have any of the drug in your system you will start individual therapy sessions. This is an opportunity for the counselor to find out what has led you down the path to drug addiction and how you can avoid repeating the same mistakes in the future. ▫Your individual therapy sessions will centre on you and how you can use your time. The busier you are the less time you will have to think about drugs. Group Therapy ▫Group therapy is usually completed alongside the individual therapy. This is the time when you can hear about other people’s experience. The idea is to make sure that you know you are not alone. These people can beat their addiction and with their support you can too! Aftercare ▫Perhaps the most important stage of the treatment is actually the aftercare. This is the time when you return to your old life and all the temptations will resurface. During this stage you will need the support of your family and the staff at your drug rehab clinic.

7 How To Choose The Right Drug Rehab Clinic Location ▫It is generally advisable to select a clinic near your home, or the home of your family. This will make it much easier for them to offer the support you need. Fees ▫You must be sure to verify what is included in the charge and what extras cost; the one that looks the cheapest might not actually be when all costs are added in. Reputation ▫It is important to look at the reputation of a drug rehab clinic. This means speaking to people who have been there regarding their experience. Success Rate ▫The higher the success rate the better. But, you must also look at the relapse rate; if this is high then the initial success rate is not as impressive as it might look. Staff ▫It is important to feel comfortable with them and able to chat to them freely and honestly. If you can’t do this then the clinic may struggle to provide you with effective treatment.

8 For More Details, Please Visit -

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