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Air Freshener Air Ionizer.

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Presentation on theme: "Air Freshener Air Ionizer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Air Freshener Air Ionizer

2 What are air ionizers? -Air ionizers are negative ion generators
-They use high voltage to ionize, or electrically charge air molecules -Purpose is to clean air of cat fur, dust, smoke, etc

3 How do they work? -Ionizer turned on, voltage applied to built in needles, electrons form -Electrons attach to air molecules, ions formed -Negative ions dispensed into room, pick up cotton, pollen, dust, cat fur to form larger particles -Larger particles easily picked up by vacuum cleaners, and air cleaner filters

4 How are air ionizers an application of static electricity?
Electrons are negatively charged, attach to air molecules and become negative ions 1 Negative ions attach to debris, cat fur, etc, and are easily cleaned via vacuum or air filters 2

5 What exactly does an air Ionizer do, The Spruce- purifier-ionizer-uses Air ionizer-Wiki- Bibliography

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