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57. HERO’S JOURNEY “The Hero’s Journey is a circular path of discovery where a young hero realizes their true destiny of greatness.”

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Presentation on theme: "57. HERO’S JOURNEY “The Hero’s Journey is a circular path of discovery where a young hero realizes their true destiny of greatness.”"— Presentation transcript:

1 57. HERO’S JOURNEY “The Hero’s Journey is a circular path of discovery where a young hero realizes their true destiny of greatness.”

2 The Hero’s Journey is also called the “Monomyth” or the one myth.
The monomyth is a popular idea of mythology by American writer Joseph Campbell, who found that all heroes in different countries throughout history follow a similar journey of discover.

3 The hero’s journey is important to study
because it shows that throughout time, over thousands of years, the human idea of a hero and their symbolic meaning has not changed. Their journey has not changed. So the actual steps of their journey become “archetypes” of something greater, a collective consciousness of understanding that guides us and links us throughout history . It becomes the central philosophy of literature.

4 The Hero’s Journey has specific stages.


6 These steps are followed by all young heroes.

7 The Hero’s Journey has been carefully identified and de-constructed over the past several years.

8 You could spend a lifetime trying to understand all the intricate characters and storylines.

9 Joseph Campbell, in his Hero of a Thousand Faces, outlines the Hero’s Journey in these stages:
I. DEPARTURE INITIATION RETURN 1. Call to Adventure 6. The Road of Trials 12. Refusal of the Return 2. Refusal of the Call 7. Meeting with Goddess 12. The Magic Flight 3. Supernatural Aid 8. Woman as Temptress 14. Rescue from Without 4. Crossing the Threshold 9. Atonement with Father 15. Crossing of Return 5. Belly of the Whale 10. Apotheosis 16. Master of Two Worlds 11. Ultimate Boon 17. Freedom to Live

10 Many characters have been on the Hero’s Journey, from Theseus to Luke Skywalker, Siddhartha to Frodo Baggins, Neo in the Matrix to Harry Potter.

11 What do you think about the Hero’s Journey and the ‘Monomyth’
What do you think about the Hero’s Journey and the ‘Monomyth’? Can there be one story that unites all of humankind? Do you ever think of your life as a journey? What part of your journey are you on now? BRAINSTORM

12 Writing #57: What is the Hero’s Journey?
(Define) The hero’s journey is a __________________ ____________________________________________. (Explain) It is important because _________________ _____________________________________________ (Example) Every story has certain archetypes stages such as _________, ___________, and __________. (Describe) In my life, I understand the hero’s journey because ___________________________ ___________________________________________.

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