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Published byEleanore Simon Modified over 6 years ago
LA+IOL SF without vitrectomy in Marfan syndrome
<Case conference> LA+IOL SF without vitrectomy in Marfan syndrome 서울성모병원 안과 R3 정수경/pf.주천기
최 O 희 M/15 C/C Dec VA(OU) P/Hx P/Ex F/Hx: mother- lens subluxation
Tall statue High arched palate
Ocular exam VA OD 0.16(n-c) OS 0.2(n-c)
Ref) OD Ds =-3.5Dc Ax40 OS error Ker) OD /38.25(WTR) OS /38.00(WTR) AL OD mm OS mm IOP OD 10 mmHg OS 11 mmHg EOM straight at 1 position by H-test, no LOM Orbit OU no exophthalmos Lid OU no swelling Conj. OD not injected OS not injected Cornea OD clear OS clear AC OD deep & cell(-) OS deep & cell(-) Pupil OD round & nl. sized, LR(+) OS round & nl sized, LR(+)
Stretched Zonule
Lens OD subluxated lens OS subluxated lens
Fundus OD CDR 0.6/0.6 c flat macula OS CDR 0.6/0.6 c flat macula OD OS
Imp. Plan Lens subluxation(OU) Marfan syndrome(OU)
Lens aspiration +IOL S-F (OS) Pediatrics consult for Marfan syndrome
동영상 삽입
Progress note <POD #1d> VA 0.5 (ref. error) IOP 7 mmHg
Cornea mild edematous AC deep & cell(++) Pupil round & nl. Sized Lens IOL fixated state/OS <POD#7d> VA 0.4(0.5x-1.75Ds = -2.50DcAx180) Cornea clear AC deep & cell(rare)
LA+IOL SF without vitrectomy in Marfan syndrome
Introduction Marfan syndrome
Chromosome # 15 long arm에 있는 fibrillin gene 결함 심혈관계, 골격계, 눈의 이상이 특징적으로 나타나는 결체조직 질환 AD or sporadic 10,000명당 1명의 빈도 인종이나 성별 간에 발생률의 차이는 없다. Ophthalmic features Ectopia lentis (80%) ; bilat./ symmetric Angle anomaly (75%) Retinal detachment ; lattice degeneration, high myopia Etc.. – hypoplasia of dilator pupillae, pph. Iris transillumination, strabismus, flat cornea, blue sclera 크고 마른 체격, scoliosis, sternal deformity 발생 팔 다리 길고, 손가락 발가락 길다. Aortic dissection 및 mitral valve disease
Introduction J Cataract Refract Surg 2000; 26:781–784
Introduction Lens subluxation Supero-temporal (m/c)
May be Microspherophakic Treatment Glasses prescription Operation Indication No correction with glasses Irregular astigmatism and glare BCVA <20/70 Posterior dislocation into vitreous Secondary glaucoma (anterior dislocation) or corneal endothelial damage Uveitis or monocular diplopia Ectopia lentis중에서도 lens subluxation이 많다. 사진 추가 할 것!
Surgical strategies for the management of zonular compromise
Capsular tension ring open, compressible, polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) ring with a rounded eyelet at each end it exerts a centrifugal force at the capsular equator, expands the capsular bag and redistributes tension from the weakened zonules to stronger, intact zonules indicated in the presence of mild segmental zonulysis (<4 clock hours) or mild generalized weakness as indicated by slight lens movement upon making a rhexis or mild ovalization/decentration of the completed rhexis contraindicated in the presence of an anterior radial or posterior capsule tear ; further radial or posterior extension
Modified capsular tension rings
Cionni and Osher modified the standard CTR in 1998 open, PMMA ring similar to the standard CTR, except one (model 1-L) or two (model 2-L) fixation eyelets where attached that extended anterior to the anterior capsule ; sutured to the scleral wall If the degree of zonular compromise is more severe (moderate to advanced) or progressive, the standard CTR in not sufficient for capsular stabilization and a M-CTR or CTS should be utilized contraindicated in the presence of an anterior radial or posterior capsule tear
Capsular tension segments
In 2002, Ahmed designed the CTS (Morcher), intended for use in cases of severe zonular compromise Providing intraoperative capsular stability and postoperative centration of the capsular bag and IOL partial open ring, PMMA segment (120 degree) with an anteriorly placed eyelet that allows suture fixation to the scleral wall Can be used in the presence of anterior or posterior capsular tear
Iris retractors and capsular support hooks
5-0 prolene iris hooks to tent the capsule opposite the phaco incision Iris hooks + CTR placement in eyes with 3~6 clock hours of zonular compromise 5-0 flexible nylon hook ending in a bifurcated T-shaped foot pad that contacts the capsular equator 4-0 nylon with two angulations ; 160 ° bend for iris and limbus, 30 ° for the capsulorhexis margin
When to place capsular support devices
At any point after capsulorhexis and hydrodissection Early placement ; Prior to phacoemulsification Prevent damage to the bag during phaco and I/A Make cortex removal difficult Further iatrogenic zonular weakening during insertion CTS may allow easier cortex removal
Pars plana approach Severe lens instability with greater than 180 ° of zonular dialysis or Complete lens dislocation Complete vitectomy eliminates future vitreoretinal traction However it is difficult to induce a posterior vitreous separation in young patients
IOL placement Mild to moderate capsular instability AC IOL
CTR or CTS allows in the bag placement of a PC IOL IOL haptics be positioned in the area of zonular compromise Sulcus placement; if the anterior capsular rim is intact and the extent of lens subluxation is less than 3mm AC IOL Technically less challenging and less time consuming Corneal endothelial cell loss Uveitis glaucoma hyphema syndrome Iris chaging with persistent inflammation Erosion of the haptic into the ciliary body
IOL placement Suture fixation of the lens in the PC
IOL closer to the nodal point of the eye Physiologic location Lower rate of corneal compromise Technically challenging Iris fixated PCIOL Iris chafe, chronic inflammation, irregular pupil, iridodialysis Appropriate placement of sutures is the key Scleral fixated PCIOL Suture erosion Intraocular hemorrhage IOL decentration and tilt
Endocapsular tension ring implantation
Endocapsular tension ring implantation
Cionni endocapsular ring implantation in Marfan’s Syndrome
15 eyes of 12 patients with a subluxated lens secondary to Marfan’s syndrome A 2-eyelet Cionni ring and an AcrySofH (Alcon) foldable intraocular lens (IOL) were implanted. Cionni ring implantation is an effective procedure to correct partial lens subluxation and has few complications (during 14 months of follow-up) in patients with Marfan’s Syndrome. Cionni ring: sclera에 fixation 되는 lens (그림 설명) Visante OCT photograph of the anterior segment of the same patient demonstrating the cionni ring eyelet anterior to the IOL, at the posterior chamber. Br J Ophthalmol 2007;91:1477–1480
Pediatric Secondary Lens Implantation in the Absence of Capsular Support
18 eyes with posterior chamber intraocular lenses (PCIOLs) 10 eyes implanted with anterior chamber intraocular lenses (ACIOLs) Conclusion; PCIOLs sutured to the ciliary sulcus offer a superior option to ACIOLs for correction of childhood aphakia in children lacking capsular support. J AAPOS 2001;5:301-6
Current Opinion in Ophthalmology 2001, 12:47–57
Iris fixated PCIOL; 16 eyes, Iris-craw ACIOL; 15 eyes Conclusion;
Outcomes of Iris-Claw Anterior Chamber (Artisan) versus Iris-Fixated Foldable Intraocular Lens (AcrySof MA60AC) in Subluxated Lens Secondary to Marfan Syndrome 31 eyes of 16 patients Iris fixated PCIOL; 16 eyes, Iris-craw ACIOL; 15 eyes Conclusion; The iris-sutured PCIOL and iris-claw ACIOL produced comparable improvements. Although IOL dislocation tended to occur more frequently in the iris-fixated PCIOL group, the difference was not significant. Ophthalmology 2010;117:1479–1485
Artisan Aphakic Intraocular Lens implantation in Cases of Subluxated Crystalline Lenses Due to Marfan Syndrome Two children and three adults 를 대상으로 시행함 No complications occurred during surgery Visual acuity was improved by 4 Snellen lines Endothelial cell status remained constant Possible complications (1-2%) irregular pupil, transient corneal edema, transient intraocular pressure elevation, and IOL decentration Artisan : iris clawed IOL lens Journal of Refractive Surgery Vol. 22 January/February 2006
Transscleral IOL Fixation With Preserved Anterior Vitreous Face
in Marfan Syndrome With Ectopia Lentis 6명, 12안을 대상으로 함 모든 환자에서 2줄 이상의 시력 향상 보임 술후 합병증- 2안에서 동공물림; medical treatment로 해결됨 한계 오랜기간 subluxation된 환자에서는 부적합함 (ant. Hyaloid membrane 이 보존될 가능성이 적음) Intraocular lens implantation using the scleral fixation technique is the first choice in patients with Marfan's syndrome because it reduces the complications of IOL decentration. J Korean Ophthalmol Soc 2009;50(8): J Pediatr Ophthalmol Strabismus2000;37:206-8
Summary….. Br J Ophthalmol 2007;91:1477–1480
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