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James and the Giant Peach Author: Roald Dahl

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1 James and the Giant Peach Author: Roald Dahl

2 Illustrator CHAPTER ONE
(Post-It) ILLUSTRATOR This is the old ramshackle house where James now lives with his two mean aunts. The yard is desolate. The house is on the hill and has great views. Describe the illustration. Use evidence from the story… LOTS OF EVIDENCE!!! Draw your illustration on the post-it! p. 4

3 Cite a quote from the chapter on
Connector CHAPTER ONE (Post-It) I remember seeing a video where an enraged circus elephant named Tyke turned on his trainer. He then escaped to trample others in the streets. CONNECTOR “Both of them suddenly got eaten up by an enormous angry rhinoceros which had escaped from the London Zoo.” What about this quote reminds you of a past experience or of something else in the world you live in? Cite a quote from the chapter on the post-it! p. 1

4 community, other people
Connector CHAPTER ONE (Post-It) Great Grandma Vickie had missing teeth, bony knuckles, and smelled of old greasy onions! Ha! CONNECTOR My sister’s husband had an old ugly great grandma Vickie. She wasn’t nearly as bad as Sponge or Spiker. Find connections between the book and you, and between the book and the wider world. Try to connect what you are reading to your life, school, community, other people or problems. p. 2

5 Word Wizard CHAPTER ONE
(Post-It) They lived – Aunt Sponge, Aunt Spiker, and now James as well – in a queer ramshackle house on the top of a high hill in the south of England.” Word Wizard beat up? run down? ramshackle crummy? old? Locate an unfamiliar word. Write it down on the post-it. Quote the sentence it is in in the book. Use context clues to help guess it’s meaning. Finally, provide definition. p. 2 DEFINITION: adj. Ready to fall apart; shaky, rickety

6 Summarizer CHAPTER SIX
(Post-It) Summarizer Aunt Sponge discovered a peach on the highest branch of their peach tree. This was after James accidently spilled the magic crystals near the peach tree that never grew fruit. Both the aunts can’t believe their eyes that there is a peach on that tree. They believe it’s a miracle that it is growing bigger right in front of them! This chapter is about the peach growing on the tree. Provide a brief summary of the chapter. Describe the main idea of the chapter. p.16-19

7 Questioner CHAPTER SIX
(Post-It) I think James knew because he is the only one who knows about the magic crystals, and where they fell. The strange old man told him that whomever met the crystals first would get the full power of their magic! Questioner How did James know something peculiar was about to happen? Write down a question you have about this part of the book? Provide the answer or what you think the answer may be. p.18

8 Questioner CHAPTER SIX
(Post-It) Questioner I think the peach is going to grow as big as their house on the hill. How big is the peach going to grow? Write down a question you have about this part of the book? Provide the answer or what you think the answer may be. p.19

9 Literary Luminary CHAPTER SEVEN
(Post-It) This simile is comparing the two mean aunts to safari hunters. They were inspecting the growing peach carefully. They weren’t sure nor trusting of it yet. This simile helps me visualize how the aunts were moving around the peach. Literary Luminary “They were like a couple of hunters who had just shot an elephant and were not quite sure whether it was dead or alive.” Find a phrase, sentence, or scene you LOVE! It could be a metaphor, simile, rhyme, or full of descriptive adjectives. p.23

10 Literary Luminary CHAPTER SEVEN
(Post-It) This sentence is FULL of descriptive words for the giant peach. It appeals to my sense of sight. I can see all the beautiful colors of the peach in my mind. It makes me remember how much I also love to eat peaches. Literary Luminary “The skin of the peach was very beautiful – a rich buttery yellow with patches of brilliant pink and red.” Find a phrase, sentence, or scene you LOVE! It could be a metaphor, simile, rhyme, or full of descriptive adjectives. p.23

11 Predictor CHAPTER SEVEN
(Post-It) I predict this because at the end of the chapter Aunt Spiker tells Aunt Sponge that there’s money to be made from the peach. These two aunts seem to be nasty, greedy women who would do anything to get rich. Predictor I predict that Aunt Sponge and Aunt Spiker will try to sell the peach for money. Make a prediction about what you think is going to happen next. Pay attention to see if you were right. p.24

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