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Welcome to the enchanted forest

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1 Welcome to the enchanted forest
Welcome to the enchanted forest. The crystal you seek lies to the north east. Many obstacles are in your path. You can remove them by answering questions. Be warned, if you answer incorrectly you will find yourself back here. Which path do you wish to take? East North

2 After following the yellow brick road,
The crystal lies along the same path that Dorothy needs to take. She’s looking for a wizard to get her back home after an incident with a tornado. Which road should the two of you choose? East North After following the yellow brick road, you come to a junction. Which way?

3 Aladdin is here but he won’t let you pass - not unless you help him get into the cave with the magic lantern in it. What could possibly open the cave? East North Aladdin disappears into the cave and you proceed on your way. Which route should you take?

4 The troll thanks you for your advice
A troll is on a bridge reading his horoscope. It says that he will meet three hairy strangers whom he should avoid at all costs. What should he be on the look out for? North The troll thanks you for your advice and lets you pass. The road continues

5 North East Shoe Cart Pumpkin
A fairy godmother is here, trying to get Cinderella to the ball. She’s turned mice into horses and a rat into a coachman but what should she use for the coach? Shoe Cart Pumpkin East North The fairy godmother speeds you on your way. Which direction do you wish to go?

6 North East Tantuin Hamlin Emerald City
The path to the crystal lies through a town that has a problem with rats. Three sign posts are before you. Which do you follow? Tantuin Hamlin Emerald City East North You pass through Hamlin successfully. Now you must decide where to go next.

7 East North A fairy A mirror A puppet
You appear to be in some sort of wooden container. An evil queen is asking you a question but you only catch the last part of it “...who is the fairest of them all?” What are you? A fairy A mirror A puppet East North As the queen turns her attention to Snow White you are able to escape your magical mirror prison. Where now?

8 A princess will help you on your way provided you help her find her prince charming. But where can you find a prince in this amphibian infested swamp? North As the princess kisses the frog, it transforms into a prince. As thanks she leads you towards the crystal. You head:

9 You are lost but there is a tall tower here
You are lost but there is a tall tower here. It has smooth sides and no door. A beautiful maiden is leaning out of the window at the top. You could get your barings if only you could work out how to get up the tower? East North Rapunsel let’s down her hair and you climb up trying to ignore her cries of pain. Where next?

10 As a woodcutter rushes in and kills a member of an endangered species
A girl in a scarlet hoodie is here, wondering why grandma looks different all of a sudden. Predict what she is about to say and you may pass... East North As a woodcutter rushes in and kills a member of an endangered species you move on. Choose:

11 The missing dwarf appears when Snow White calls his name. Where now?
Snow white won’t let you pass until you’ve helped her remember the name of her missing dwarf. She’s got Sneezy, Sleepy, Dopey, Happy, Bashful and Grumpy. Who is she missing? Prudent Cheery Doc East North The missing dwarf appears when Snow White calls his name. Where now?

12 A family of bears are checking out their house following a break-in
A family of bears are checking out their house following a break-in. What will little bear find if he goes upstairs? North As Golidilocks is lead away by police the confusion enables you to sneak past the angry bears. The only road is:

13 Steering well clear of any ovens you
You can see a gingerbread house with smoke coming out the chimney. Hansel and Grettle are running away. You’d better watch out for the witch. Where could she be? East Steering well clear of any ovens you proceed on your way:

14 Grudgingly, Rumplestiltskin allows you to pass. You go:
There’s a man who won’t go away unless you can tell him his name. What is it? East Grudgingly, Rumplestiltskin allows you to pass. You go:

15 East Sticks Bricks Straw
The second little pig is here, trying to work out what he should use to build his house. Should he choose: Sticks Bricks Straw East As a wolf wearing asbestos trousers strolls towards the house looking confident, you decide to head:

16 CONGRATULATIONS! You made it! The crystal is yours

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