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Basics of Microsoft Excel

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1 Basics of Microsoft Excel
By: Gaurav Rajendra Bandekar

2 Basics of Microsoft Excel
Arranging the data: How to align the data in the spreadsheet based on the format that is to be maintained according to data. Arranging the data according to the row that suites it. Selecting the correct sheet in which it is to be entered and also changing the sheet name for better vision.

3 Knowing the formatting tool bar:
The different main adjustments in formatting which are supported on the formatting tool bar are: FILE, HOME, INSERT, PAGE LAYOUT,FORMULAS, DATA, REVIEW, VIEW. In addition to these, the formatting tool bar also consists of options like: Cut, Copy and Format Paint which helps in editing, aligning a particular cell and the format paint option is useful in copying the color from some other cell. Type of font style and font size can be selected from the drop down menu. The written document can be made bold, italic and also underlined as per the circumstantial requirements. The underline option can also be double based on requirements. For a particular tabular column which is to be differentiated from the other data in the Excel sheet, the page border option is of prime importance. The color for the entire page, area of recorded data and font for the recorded data can be colored to make it look different or can be used to differentiate two types of data of the same sheet. The Page indenting and merge option makes use of data more simpler, with easier distribution and recording of data dependant on situational requirements.

4 The Alignment option also helps to align the horizontal data into vertical and vice versa.
In order to fit the unorganized or wide text in a proper cripped format, the Wrap text option of the alignment tool is useful. Orientation of text i.e vertical, horizontal or angular can be adjusted in the alignment tool formatting option. It also comes with a custom option for irregular angles in which the text is placed. The Merge and Centre option helps the data and text to be centre aligned. The merged cells can also be unmerged according to the conditional requirements. The Number option in the formatting tool bar helps the currency formatting i.e rounding off the currency in times of unknown figures to the nearest number and also helps in currency conversion. This formatting option helps in aligning the date according to the format required. Example: DD/MM/YY, MM/DD/YY. This tool bar also helps in recording currencies of different formats in one format with the currency conversion option in decimal points. The comma or hyphenation option works as a thousands separator. The nearest and farthest decimal value of a given number or product can be adjusted accordingly with its movement to the right or left in decimal values.

5 The Style formatting option on the formatting tool bar helps in measuring the strength of the Mathematical or Statistical data and helps to classify the same based on color scales, icon sets, data bars. It also helps to highlight the cells with the options like greater than, lesser than, equal to, between, date, peculiar text etc. The top bottom section of the style formatting tool helps to highlight the text requested at that instant. It also permits Custom formatting. The portion of the Excel sheet where the data is highlighted is called Pivot and the colorful aligning of the same is termed as Pivot table. Data recording and formatting with Pivot table also helps in charting it with different peculiar chart options. The different data arrangement and distribution formats required for maintaining and distribution of work progress in business, at work, office or while studying can be easily maintained and recorded effectively with the genuine and custom formats of data and model arrangement. It can also be differentiated based on color and font style. The cells section of the formatting tool bar helps in inserting, deleting and also supports formatting of an existing cell. The editing option of the formatting tool bar helps in Auto-sum calculations, fill option helps in filling the cells by replicating the copied cell and the clear option helps in clearing the recorded or copied data.

6 INSERT The Insert option on the formatting tool bar helps in different options like: Tables: Inserting a Pivot table, recommended pivot tables and normal tables are the options available for efficient recording and formatting of data based on situational need and requirements. Note: Pivot is a data recording table available with charting options of tabulated data recorded in an Excelsheet. Illustrations: The different pictures stored in the computer, taken from the Internet, hand sketched diagrams, and flowcharts as per the situational convenience of recording and distribution of data can be very easily inserted, and also formatted, according to the situational requirements from the Illustrations tab of the formatting tool bar Insert tool. Store: The different applications available for MS office on its application portal can be stored and extracted from here. Charts: The Charts section of the Insert tool helps in recording the data in the format as per the need based requirement like: Bar Chart, Pie Chart, Statistical Graph, Pivot Chart etc. Tours: The Tours tool of the Insert option on the formatting tool bar helps in mapping of data. Sparklines : The different sparklines available on the Insert tool bar helps in graphical representation of data, based on the type of graphical requirement: For Example: Binary or Win/Loss type, Line , Column.

7 Filters: The Filters option of the Insert tool on the formatting tool bar consists of Slicer and Timeline which are helpful in segregation of data based on its date of publishing, type, name, edition. Slicers and Timeline filter is useful in Pivot table formatting. Links: The links section of the Insert tool bar helps in inserting an hyperlink to reach a particular page or website. Text: The text option of the formatting tool bar helps in Inserting a Text Box, Header, Footer, WordArt, Signature line, Subject to the existing document. The Symbols tool of the formatting tool bar helps in assigning formulae and also make symbolical representation of selected data.

8 Page Layout: The Theme option in the page layout formatting tool helps in changing the font, color, effects and colors of the document under evaluation or editing. The Page setup option of the Page layout formatting tool helps in setting up the Margin, Page Orientation, Size, Print Area, Inserting Page Breaks, Background and Print Titles. The scale to fit option helps in adjusting the height and width of the document.

9 Sheet Options: The Sheet options tool bar consists of gridlines and headings option which helps in aligning the data in an organized format. Arrange: The Arrange option of the Page Layout tool helps in arranging the data Ahead of text, Behind the text, Align left and right, Group, and also rotate the entire recorded document.

10 Formula Auditing: The Formula auditing section of the formatting tool bar consists of different insert functions for performing Mathematical, Logical, Trigonometric, Financial and also Custom calculations. It also helps in tracing the dependants and precendants of a particular cell or a group of cells. It also helps in error checking based on evaluation of formula or rule assigned to a particular calculation under progress. The Watch window helps in understanding what kind of data is recorded in a highlighted portion of the Excel sheet for instantly understanding the distributed data transmitted online or viewed in some other workbook of the same computer. Calculation function: The Calculation function of the Page layout tool bar helps in making automatic and manual calculations.

11 Data: The Data function of the Formatting tool bar helps in importing external data into the existing worksheet i.e from other sources of MS Office. Also data from the Internet and other external sources like external harddisk’s, flashdrives can be migrated into the workbook. Connections: The Connections function of the formatting tool bar helps in customizing the connections of the external file based on the situational requirements. Sort and Filter: The Sort and Filter option helps in picking up the required data from a pile of distributed unknown data or scattered set of data and further processes alphabetically when you sort and also filters to highlight the row which is in use.

12 The Data tools function of the formatting tool bar helps in performing the following functions:
Text to columns Flash fill Remove Duplicates Data Validation Consolidating the data from many cells to a single cell. Performing- What If analysis. Getting to know the relationships between two or three different types of recorded and saved data on the Excel sheet. Outline: The Outline option of the formatting tool bar helps in performing the following functions like: Group Ungroup Subtotal Show detail Hide detail.

13 Review: The Review option of the Formatting tool bar helps in performing the following functions:
Spell check Translate Password protect the Document Password protect the Workbook Show User dependent edit ranges. View: The View function of the Formatting tool bar consists of the following options: Workbook Views Show Zoom Window Macros

14 Workbook views: It defines the theme or layout of the datasheet on the Microsoft Excel Workbook.
Show: The Show tool bar helps in adjusting the formatting options available based on need based requirements like Ruler, Gridlines, Formula bar, Headings etc. Zoom: The Zoom function helps in magnifying the respective document under use. Window: The Window function helps in inserting new windows or excel sheets in the existing workbook. It also helps in arranging them according to the conditional requirements and also freezing the data of a particular column or row with the freeze panes option which freezes the movement of the first row or column. The split, hide and unhide feature of the Microsoft Excel workbook helps in performing the split function, hide/unhide function on the Excel sheet to facilitate customizing options on it. View side by side, synchronous scrolling, Reset window position are other options available to edit the functioning and relate the resemblance of the different Excel sheets available on the workbook.


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