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Presentation on theme: "Egypt."— Presentation transcript:

1 Egypt

2 The Nile River

3 Unification of Egypt = + White Crown of Upper Egypt
Red Crown of Lower Egypt Double Crown of United Egypt

4 Old Kingdom Capital located in Lower Egyptian city of Memphis.
Why is this a good location for a capital?

5 Nomes

6 Step Pyramid of Saqqara

7 Pyramids at Giza

8 Middle Kingdom Capital moved from Lower Egypt city of Memphis to Upper Egypt city of Thebes. What benefit would this bring?

9 Hyksos

10 New Kingdom Militarism -- the Pharaohs became focused on military strength Imperialism -- Pharaohs attempted to gain more land for Egypt Autocracy -- Pharaohs took complete power of Egypt--very little power to others

11 Hatshepsut as a man Hatshepsut as a woman

12 Hatshepsut’s Obelisk

13 Hatshepsut’s Temple at Dier Al-Bahari

14 Abu Simbel: Temple of Ramses the Great

15 King Tut

16 Riches of Tut’s Tomb

17 Demotic Hieroglyphics

18 Rosetta Stone Close-up of Rosetta Stone

19 Egyptian Art In Egyptian art the human body is usually shown in profile or partial profile

20 Osiris sitting in judgement

21 Egyptian Monuments Step Pyramid of Zoser Obelisk of Hatshepsut
Sphinx and Pyramids At Giza

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