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Early Classical Period ca B. C. E

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1 Early Classical Period ca. 480-450 B. C. E
Early Classical Period ca B.C.E. Defeat of Persians, Use of Bronze Sculpture, more detail in sculpture High Classical Period ca B.C.E. Parthenon & Erectheion, Doric and Ionic Orders, Caryatids, Canon of Polykleitos Late Classical Period ca B.C.E. Sparta beats Athens, Corinthian Order, ends with the death of Alexander the Great; Praxiteles redefines Polykleitos’ figures; sculptures are created with a more 360-degree interest Hellenistic Period ca B.C.E.

2 Early Classical or Transitional Period
Greek city-states banded together and defeated the Persians in 479 BCE This victory gave them a self-confidence that accelerated their society and art. Lasted until about 450 BCE Kritios Boy, ca. 480 BCE

3 Early Classical or Transitional Period
The use of HOLLOW-CASTING BRONZE developed toward the end of the Archaic Period made for more complex, detail poses. Charioteer, ca. 470 BCE, Bronze.

4 Early Classical or Transitional Period
Using bronze allowed such an extensive study of the anatomy that it paved the way for the achievements of the CLASSICAL period. Riace Warrior, ca BCE, Bronze. With Copper lips and nipples.

5 Early Classical or Transitional Period
Poses like this could only be done with the invention of CONTRAPPOSTO Zeus, from the sea off Cape Artemision. Greece, ca BC

6 High Classical or “Golden Age” Period
Lasted from about BCE Sparta and Athens became enemies ELGIN MARBLES – Statue Pieces from the Parthenon that Lord Elgin (Thomas Bruce) recovered from ruins and sold to British Government The Parthenon, completed in 438 BCE. Sculptural designs by PHIDIAS

7 High Classical or “Golden Age” Period

8 High Classical or “Golden Age” Period
The Erechtheion, completed in 438 BCE. Architectural design by MNESIKLES

9 High Classical or “Golden Age” Period

10 ERECHTHION Ionic Order

11 High Classical or “Golden Age” Period
Polykleitos Wrote the treatise “Canon of Polykleitos” – set of mathematical rules or laws for human sculpture Doryphoros – The ‘Spear-Bearer’ Polykleitos, Doryphoros c BCE HIGH CLASSICAL GREEK

12 Late Classical Period Lasted from about 400-330 BCE
Sparta defeats Athens in Peloponnesian War Greek Art still flourishes with IONIC order, and even introduces CORINTHIAN order for interiors – Romans later copied it

13 Late Classical Period Praxiteles Developed more extensive rules based on Canon of Polykleitos (e.g. – body is 8 heads tall instead of 7) Hermes and Infant Dionysus – 343 BCE Roman Copy


15 Late Classical Period Praxiteles, Apollo Sauroctonos

16 Praxiteles Aphrodite Taking a Bath –
Late Classical Period Praxiteles Aphrodite Taking a Bath – BCE Roman Copy

17 Praxiteles Aphrodite Taking a Bath –
Late Classical Period Praxiteles Aphrodite Taking a Bath – BCE Roman Copy

18 Late Classical Period Lysippos, Apoxyomenos (The “Scraper”)
Roman copy based on bronze original ca 320 BCE

19 Time to Play… WHAT IS THIS?

20 The Parthenon, completed in 438 BCE
The Parthenon, completed in 438 BCE. Sculptural designs by PHIDIAS HIGH CLASSICAL GREEK

21 Kritios Boy ca. 480 BCE Early Classical Greek

ca BCE, Bronze with Copper lips and nipples. EARLY CLASSICAL GREEK

23 Praxiteles Hermes and Infant Dionysus (Roman Copy) 343 BCE
Late Classical Period

24 Charioteer ca. 470 BCE Bronze. EARLY CLASSICAL GREEK

25 Seated Khafre Gizeh, Egypt, Dynasty IV Ca BC OLD KINGDOM EGYPT

26 Kouros Greece ca. 600 BC ARCHAIC GREEK

27 2141-2122 B.C. Neo-Sumerian period
Gudea of Lagash B.C. Neo-Sumerian period

28 Nefertiti Tell el-Amarna, Egypt Dynasty XVIII Amarna Period

29 Temple of Queen Hatshepsut
Deir el-Bahri, Egypt, Dynasty 17 NEW KINGDOM EGYPT

30 Temple of Ramses II Abu Simbel, Egypt Dynasty 19 Ca 1290-1224 BCE NEW KINGDOM EGYPT

31 Standing Male Votive figure at the Temple of Abu
Early Sumerian c BCE

32 Praxiteles Aphrodite Taking a Bath (Roman Copy)
Late Classical Period

33 Exekias, Achilles and Ajax playing a dice game. ca. 540 -530 BC

34 Zeus (from the sea off Cape Artemision)

35 Kroisos ca. 530 BC ARCHAIC GREEK

36 The Erechtheion, completed in 438 BCE
The Erechtheion, completed in 438 BCE. Architectural design by MNESIKLES HIGH CLASSICAL GREEK

37 Menkaure and Khamerernebty
Gizeh, Egypt Dynasty IV, ca BC OLD KINGDOM EGYPT

38 Peplos Kore Athens, Greece ca. 530 BC ARCHAIC GREEK

39 Akhenaton and Nefertiti, From the temple of Amen-Re,

40 The Palette of King Narmer
Hierakonpolis, Egypt, Early Dynastic EGYPTIAN BC

41 Ti Watching a Hippopotamus Hunt
Saqqara, Egypt Dynasty V, ca BC OLD KINGDOM EGYPT

42 Standard of Ur (Sumerian) c. 2400 – 2200 BCE

43 Stele of Hammurabi BABYLONIAN c BCE

44 Fowling scene, from the tomb of Nebamun,
Thebes, Egypt, Dynasty XVIII, ca BC NEW KINGDOM EGYPT

45 Stele of NaramSin AKKADIAN c BCE

46 Last Judgment of Hu-Nefer
Thebes, Egypt, Dynasty BC NEW KINGDOM EGYPT

47 Imhotep, Stepped Pyramid and mortuary precinct of Djoser, Saqqara Egypt Dynasty III OLD KINGDOM EGYPT

48 Queen Tiye Dynasty XVIII AMARNA PERIOD BC

49 Polykleitos Doryphoros (The ‘Spear-Bearer’)

50 Human-headed Winged Bull (Lamassu)
Assyrian Reign of Sargon II, BCE

51 Temple of Hera I Paestum, Italy ca. 550 BC ARCHAIC GREEK

52 Ziggurat of Ur Sumerian About 2100 BCE

53 Death Mask of Tutankhamen
Thebes, Egypt, Dynasty XVIII 1323 BC NEW KINGDOM EGYPT

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