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Section 2 Exam Preparation

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1 Section 2 Exam Preparation
Part 1 - The Questions and Identifying How to Answer Them

2 What is Dramatic Impact?
Dramatic impact refers to impact the events on stage have to the communication of story, themes and issues, genre, message, character or other important information to the audience

3 What is Audience Response?
The audience refers to the effectiveness of the dramatic impact. Remember that you were an audience member and your opinions about the performance count here.

4 What are the Questions like?
There are two parts to the question. The first part is completely random and will ask you a drama related question about the play you say e.g. Consider the message and/or purpose of the play in a performance you have seen recently Consider the contrasts of the play in a performance you have seen recently Consider the themes and issues of the play in a performance you have seen recently Other things you may be asked about include: key moments, creating tension, creating mood and atmosphere. There is no way to predict or prepare for this first part. The exam is designed this way in order to make sure you don’t just write and memorise an essay you have previously written.

5 The second part gives you a list of areas to choose from
The second part gives you a list of areas to choose from. They can be chosen from: The company performing the play The Set The genre of the play Lighting The theme/s of the play Sound The performance space Props The director’s intentions and effectiveness Costume The acting and development of characters Make up and Hair

6 Example Question Now select two production areas from the list below
Consider the contrasts of the play in a performance you have seen recently. Now select two production areas from the list below acting setting costume sound In your analysis, identify and explain in detail the ways in which your two selected production areas helped to communicate the contrasts of the play and enhanced your appreciation of the performance.

7 Planning for the Performance Analysis – Each paragraph could follow this layout:
WHAT WAS USED · Production area and that it helped to ………. · Describe what was used: red dress on Abigail, ripped clothes on tribe in Act 2 etc. HOW IT WAS USED · How it communicated the themes and/or ideas of the production.OK, so they used a red dress on Abigail, how did she wear it? what kind of dress was it? how does it create a contrast or communicate themes and issues? ( this will change depending on the question) WHY IT WAS USED · Why do you think they did this? · Was it effective or successful to the audience? · Is there any deeper meaning behind what they did? HINT: this is the section that will get you that elusive second mark by adding deeper thought to the intentions behind why they are doing what they are doing: THERE IS ALWAYS A DEEPER MEANING

8 Actual Answer from Last Year’s Paper
The acting also contributed to the production’s achievement of its overall purpose. At the very beginning of Act 2, Tottie comes pushing her way out of the layer of soil on stage. From this point on she no longer ran with her arms out in a carefree manner, she ran as if she had been wounded. She now held her arms close to her body, as if defending herself from everyone. (1 mark) This showed to us that something had happened between the acts. We could clearly see the theme of change being communicated in the after characterisation of Tottie, helping to portray the overall purpose of the production. (1 mark) Total for paragraph: 2 marks

9 Another Example Levick also directed the lighting to be very dim and with very few colours as this, along with the music showed how vague and dreamlike this all is to Tom rewatching it. The moments when the lights were lowest and the music is playing were some of the most impactful scenes. For example, near the end of the play, there is only a spot on Laura and music playing faintly as the box closes and Laura blows out the candles. This moment created dramatic impact and showed the messages of the play because the dull lighting and sad music showed how not everyone has a way out of their struggles, particularly in a depression. (1 mark) As a member of the audience, I felt this closing scene was the furthest Tom could think without completely breaking down, again separating him and showing how only he escaped the depression both in America and in his family. (1 mark)

10 Commentary The common areas between both of these paragraphs indicate that you should: Answer the main question (e.g. another way the performance managed to communicate contrasts was through the use of……….) Explain how the production area was used and what is was used to show (e.g. the lighting in Lord of the Flies helped to communicate contrast by changing when……..happened. At first we were blinded by the sunlight and the positive possibilities of life on the island. As the events darkened, so did the lighting, as if to match the mood of the boys and the happenings on the island.) next page!

11 Commentary Continued Go on to discuss what this told you as an audience member and what you understood from it. (e.g. the change in lighting was very effective in foreshadowing the extremely dark place the boys would go to at the end of the play. Having gone from blinding “heavenly” light, it appeared that we were not to descend into the true darkness of the human soul. This could also help to be a contrast between our outer and inner selves as audience members.

12 Our Question for tomorrow:
Consider the contrasts of the play in a performance you have seen recently. Now select two production areas from the list below acting setting costume sound In your analysis, identify and explain in detail the ways in which your two selected production areas helped to communicate the contrasts of the play and enhanced your appreciation of the performance.

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