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Professor Ronald L. Carter

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1 Professor Ronald L. Carter
Semiconductor Device Modeling and Characterization – EE5342 Lecture 13 – Spring 2011 Professor Ronald L. Carter

2 SPICE Diode Model t Dinj Drec N~1, rd~N*Vt/iD rd*Cd = TT =
Cdepl given by CJO, VJ and M Drec N~2, rd~N*Vt/iD rd*Cd = ? Cdepl =? t ©rlc L13-28Feb2011

3 Diode Equations*** ©rlc L13-28Feb2011

4 Diode Equations for DC Current**
©rlc L13-28Feb2011

5 Diode Equations for Temperature Effects**
©rlc L13-28Feb2011

6 Diode Equations for Capacitance**
©rlc L13-28Feb2011

7 ln iD ln(IKF) ln[(IS*IKF) 1/2] ln(ISR) ln(IS) vD= Vext VKF
Vext-Va=iD*Rs low level injection ln iD ln(IKF) Effect of Rs ln[(IS*IKF) 1/2] Effect of high level injection ln(ISR) Data ln(IS) vD= Vext recomb. current VKF ©rlc L13-28Feb2011

8 Interpreting a plot of log(iD) vs. Vd
In the region where Irec < Inrm < IKF, and iD*RS << Vd. iD ~ Inrm = IS(exp (Vd/(NVt)) - 1) For N = 1 and Vt = mV, the slope of the plot of log(iD) vs. Vd is evaluated as {dlog(iD)/dVd} = log (e)/(NVt) = decades/V = 1decade/59.526mV ©rlc L13-28Feb2011

9 Static Model Eqns. Parameter Extraction
In the region where Irec < Inrm < IKF, and iD*RS << Vd. iD ~ Inrm = IS(exp (Vd/(NVt)) - 1) {diD/dVd}/iD = d[ln(iD)]/dVd = 1/(NVt) so N ~ {dVd/d[ln(iD)]}/Vt  Neff, and ln(IS) ~ ln(iD) - Vd/(NVt)  ln(ISeff). Note: iD, Vt, etc., are normalized to 1A, 1V, resp. ©rlc L13-28Feb2011

10 Static Model Eqns. Parameter Extraction
In the region where Irec > Inrm, and iD*RS << Vd. iD ~ Irec = ISR(exp (Vd/(NRVt)) - 1) {diD/dVd}/iD = d[ln(iD)]/dVd ~ 1/(NRVt) so NR ~ {dVd/d[ln(iD)]}/Vt  Neff, & ln(ISR) ~ln(iD) -Vd/(NRVt )  ln(ISReff). Note: iD, Vt, etc., are normalized to 1A, 1V, resp. ©rlc L13-28Feb2011

11 Static Model Eqns. Parameter Extraction
In the region where IKF > Inrm, and iD*RS << Vd. iD ~ [ISIKF]1/2(exp (Vd/(2NVt)) - 1) {diD/dVd}/iD = d[ln(iD)]/dVd ~ (2NVt)-1 so N ~ {dVd/d[ln(iD)]}/Vt  2Neff, and ln(iD) -Vd/(NRVt)  ½ln(ISIKFeff). Note: iD, Vt, etc., are normalized to 1A, 1V, resp. ©rlc L13-28Feb2011

12 Static Model Eqns. Parameter Extraction
In the region where iD*RS >> Vd. diD/Vd ~ 1/RSeff dVd/diD  RSeff ©rlc L13-28Feb2011

13 Getting Diode Data for Parameter Extraction
The model used .model Dbreak D( Is=1e-13 N=1 Rs=.5 Ikf=5m Isr=.11n Nr=2) Analysis has V1 swept, and IPRINT has V1 swept iD, Vd data in Output ©rlc L13-28Feb2011

14 diD/dVd - Numerical Differentiation
©rlc L13-28Feb2011

15 dln(iD)/dVd - Numerical Differentiation
©rlc L13-28Feb2011

16 Diode Par. Extraction 1/Reff iD ISeff ©rlc L13-28Feb2011

17 Results of Parameter Extraction
At Vd = 0.2 V, NReff = 1.97, ISReff = 8.99E-11 A. At Vd = V, Neff = 1.01, ISeff = 1.35 E-13 A. At Vd = 0.9 V, RSeff = Ohm Compare to model Dbreak D( Is=1e-13 N=1 Rs=.5 Ikf=5m Isr=.11n Nr=2) ©rlc L13-28Feb2011

18 Hints for RS and NF parameter extraction
In the region where vD > VKF. Defining vD = vDext - iD*RS and IHLI = [ISIKF]1/2. iD = IHLIexp (vD/2NVt) + ISRexp (vD/NRVt) diD/diD = 1  (iD/2NVt)(dvDext/diD - RS) + … Thus, for vD > VKF (highest voltages only) plot iD-1 vs. (dvDext/diD) to get a line with slope = (2NVt)-1, intercept = - RS/(2NVt) ©rlc L13-28Feb2011

19 Application of RS to lower current data
In the region where vD < VKF. We still have vD = vDext - iD*RS and since. iD = ISexp (vD/NVt) + ISRexp (vD/NRVt) Try applying the derivatives for methods described to the variables iD and vD (using RS and vDext). You also might try comparing the N value from the regular N extraction procedure to the value from the previous slide. ©rlc L13-28Feb2011

20 Reverse bias (Va<0) => carrier gen in DR
Va < 0 gives the net rec rate, U = -ni/2t0, t0 = mean min carr g/r l.t. ©rlc L13-28Feb2011

21 Reverse bias (Va< 0), carr gen in DR (cont.)
©rlc L13-28Feb2011

22 Reverse bias junction breakdown
Avalanche breakdown Electric field accelerates electrons to sufficient energy to initiate multiplication of impact ionization of valence bonding electrons field dependence shown on next slide Heavily doped narrow junction will allow tunneling - see Neamen*, p. 274 Zener breakdown ©rlc L13-28Feb2011

23 Reverse bias junction breakdown
Assume -Va = VR >> Vbi, so Vbi-Va-->VR Since Emax~ 2VR/W = (2qN-VR/(e))1/2, and VR = BV when Emax = Ecrit (N- is doping of lightly doped side ~ Neff) BV = e (Ecrit )2/(2qN-) Remember, this is a 1-dim calculation ©rlc L13-28Feb2011

24 Reverse bias junction breakdown
©rlc L13-28Feb2011

25 Ecrit for reverse breakdown (M&K**)
Taken from p. 198, M&K** Casey Model for Ecrit ©rlc L13-28Feb2011

26 Junction curvature effect on breakdown
The field due to a sphere, R, with charge, Q is Er = Q/(4per2) for (r > R) V(R) = Q/(4peR), (V at the surface) So, for constant potential, V, the field, Er(R) = V/R (E field at surface increases for smaller spheres) Note: corners of a jctn of depth xj are like 1/8 spheres of radius ~ xj ©rlc L13-28Feb2011

27 BV for reverse breakdown (M&K**)
Taken from Figure 4.13, p. 198, M&K** Breakdown voltage of a one-sided, plan, silicon step junction showing the effect of junction curvature.4,5 ©rlc L13-28Feb2011

28 Diode Model Parameters ** Model Parameters (see .MODEL statement)
Description Unit Default IS Saturation current amp 1E-14 N Emission coefficient 1 ISR Recombination current parameter amp 0 NR Emission coefficient for ISR 1 IKF High-injection “knee” current amp infinite BV Reverse breakdown “knee” voltage volt infinite IBV Reverse breakdown “knee” current amp 1E-10 NBV Reverse breakdown ideality factor 1 RS Parasitic resistance ohm 0 TT Transit time sec 0 CJO Zero-bias p-n capacitance farad 0 VJ p-n potential volt 1 M p-n grading coefficient FC Forward-bias depletion cap. coef, 0.5 EG Bandgap voltage (barrier height) eV 1.11 ©rlc L13-28Feb2011

29 Diode Model Parameters ** Model Parameters (see .MODEL statement)
Description Unit Default XTI IS temperature exponent 3 TIKF IKF temperature coefficient (linear) °C-1 0 TBV1 BV temperature coefficient (linear) °C-1 0 TBV2 BV temperature coefficient (quadratic) °C-2 0 TRS1 RS temperature coefficient (linear) °C-1 0 TRS2 RS temperature coefficient (quadratic) °C-2 0 T_MEASURED Measured temperature °C T_ABS Absolute temperature °C T_REL_GLOBAL Rel. to curr. Temp. °C T_REL_LOCAL Relative to AKO model temperature °C For information on T_MEASURED, T_ABS, T_REL_GLOBAL, and T_REL_LOCAL, see the .MODEL statement (in the document Pspcref.pdf). ©rlc L13-28Feb2011

30 Estimating Junction Capacitance Parameters
Following L29 – EE 5340 Fall 2003 If CJ = CJO {1 – Va/VJ}-M Define y  {d[ln(CJ)]/dV}-1 A plot of y = yi vs. Va = vi has slope = -1/M, and intercept = VJ/MF ©rlc L13-28Feb2011

31 Derivatives Defined The central derivative is defined as (following Lecture 14 and 11) yi,Central = (vi+1 – vi-1)/(lnCi+1 – lnCi-1), with vi = (vi+1 + vi-1)/2 Equation A1.1 The Forward derivative (as applied to the theory in L11 and L14) is defined in this case as yi,Forward = (vi+1 – vi)/(lnCi+1 – lnCi), with vi,eff = (vi+1 + vi-1)/2 Equation A1.2 ©rlc L13-28Feb2011

32 Data calculations Table A1.1. Calculations of yi and vi for the Central and Forward derivatives for the data in Table 1. The yi and vi are defined in Equations A1.1 and A1.2. ©rlc L13-28Feb2011

33 y vs. Va plots Figure A1.3. The yi and vi values from the theory in L11 and L14 with associa-ted trend lines and slope, intercept and R^2 values. ©rlc L13-28Feb2011

34 Comments on the data interpretation
It is clear the Central derivative gives the more reliable data as the R^2 value is larger. M is the reciprocal of the magnitude of the slope obtained by a least squares fit (linear) plot of yi vs. Vi VJ is the horizontal axis intercept (computed as the vertical axis intercept divided by the slope) Cj0 is the vertical axis intercept of a least squares fit of Cj-1/M vs. V (must use the value of V for which the Cj was computed). The computations will be shown later. The results of plotting Cj-1/M vs. V for the M value quoted below are shown in Figure A1.4 ©rlc L13-28Feb2011

35 Calculating the parameters
(the data were generated using M = 0.389, thus we have a 0.77% error). VJ = yi(vi=0)/slope =1.6326/ = 0.640 (the data were generated using fi = 0.648, thus we have a 1.24% error). Cj0 = 1.539E30^-.392 = pF (the data were generated using Cj0 = 1.68 pF, thus we have a 12.6% error) ©rlc L13-28Feb2011

36 Linearized C-V plot Figure A1.4. A plot of the data for Cj^-1/M vs. Va using the M value determined for this data (M = 0.392). ©rlc L13-28Feb2011

37 Physical basis for FC1 ©rlc L13-28Feb2011

38 Junction Width and Debye Length
LD estimates the transition length of a step-junction DR (concentrations Na and Nd with Neff = NaNd/(Na +Nd)). Thus, For Va=0, & 1E13 < Na,Nd < 1E19 cm-3 13% < d < 28% => DA is OK ©rlc L13-28Feb2011

39 References 1Semiconductor Device Modeling with SPICE, 2nd ed., by Massobrio and Antognetti, McGraw Hill, NY, 1993. **OrCAD Pspice A/D Reference Guide, Copyright 1999, OrCAD, Inc. ***MicroSim OnLine Manual, MicroSim Corporation, 1996. ©rlc L13-28Feb2011

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