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Who Has Seen the Wind?   Who has seen the wind? Neither I nor you:

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Presentation on theme: "Who Has Seen the Wind?   Who has seen the wind? Neither I nor you:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Who Has Seen the Wind? Who has seen the wind? Neither I nor you: But when the leaves hang trembling, The wind is passing through.


3 Personification is one way to get an even clearer picture in your mind
Personification is one way to get an even clearer picture in your mind. Per


5 I want ice cream. I want ice cream
I want ice cream! I want ice cream! You repeat what you say because you want to make sure someone heard you. Or because it’s so important to you that you get that ice cream! Well poets also will repeat words or phrases, and they might be doing it for the same reason. They want to make sure you realize that this part is important to them!

6 But when the leaves hang trembling, The wind is passing through.
Who Has Seen the Wind? Who has seen the wind? Neither I nor you: But when the leaves hang trembling, The wind is passing through. Neither you nor I: But when the trees bow down their heads, The wind is passing by. Christina Rossetti In this poem, the author chose to repeat the title of the poem as the first line of each stanza. I see “Who has seen the wind?” repeated three times!

7 Ask yourself, “Why do I think the poet
repeated this part?”


9 Find other words or phrases that repeat in the poem “Who Has Seen the Wind?”
Why do you think she repeated those parts? Jot your ideas on a sticky note. LearnZillion Notes: --The “Guided Practice” should include 1 practice problem that targets the skill that was used in the Core Lesson. Use the same vocabulary and process you used in the original lesson to solve this problem. You’ll be making a video in which you solve this question using your tablet and pen, so all you need to do is write the question on this slide.

10 Read through the poem “Something Told the Wild Geese” by Rachel Field.
Identify repeating words or phrases. Why do you think she repeated those parts? Jot your ideas on sticky notes. LearnZillion Notes: --On the Extension Activities slide(s) you should describe 2-3 activities written with students as the audience (not teachers). Each extension activity should push the students a bit further with the lesson but in a different application or context. Each activity should be designed to take roughly minutes. Teachers will likely display the slide in class and then assign an activity to a student or group for additional practice and differentiation. Ideally, these Extension Activities will be created such that a teacher can differentiate instruction by giving more difficult extension activities to students who have shown mastery of the lesson, and less difficult activities to students who are not yet proficient. --If you need more than one slide to list your extension activities, feel free to copy and paste this slide!

11 Think about why you are choosing to repeat certain words or phrases?
Using Christina Rossetti’s poem as a mentor text, write your own poem that has repeating words or phrases. Think about why you are choosing to repeat certain words or phrases? LearnZillion Notes: --On the Extension Activities slide(s) you should describe 2-3 activities written with students as the audience (not teachers). Each extension activity should push the students a bit further with the lesson but in a different application or context. Each activity should be designed to take roughly minutes. Teachers will likely display the slide in class and then assign an activity to a student or group for additional practice and differentiation. Ideally, these Extension Activities will be created such that a teacher can differentiate instruction by giving more difficult extension activities to students who have shown mastery of the lesson, and less difficult activities to students who are not yet proficient. --If you need more than one slide to list your extension activities, feel free to copy and paste this slide!

12 Why do you think he chose to repeat those parts?
Afternoon on a Hill I will be the gladdest thing 
   Under the sun! 
I will touch a hundred flowers 
   And not pick one. 

I will look at cliffs and clouds 
   With quiet eyes, 
Watch the wind bow down the grass, 
   And the grass rise. 

And when lights begin to show 
   Up from the town, 
I will mark which must be mine, 
   And then start down! Identify a repeating phrase in “Afternoon on a Hill” by Edna St. Vincent Millay. Why do you think he chose to repeat those parts? LearnZillion Notes: --”Quick Quiz” is an easy way to check for student understanding at the end of a lesson. On this slide, you’ll include a way for teachers to quickly and authentically assess student understanding. That’s it! You won’t be recording a video of this slide and when teachers download the slides, they’ll direct their students through the example on their own so you don’t need to show an answer to the question.

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