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Third Grade Newsletter

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1 Third Grade Newsletter
GIFTED GAZETTE 1.3 August 28th - Sept. 1st What we’re learning this week… Spelling, Vocabulary, & Test Schedule Reading: Greek Mythology and Mythical Allusions! This week we will… read, watch, and discuss common Greek myths dissect personality traits of the characters identify story elements (problem, solution, theme). create a Bio-Poem about a character from this week’s readings present poem to classmates on Friday Language/Writing: This week we will… identify simple and complete subjects and predicates in sentences. Use a “mentor sentence” to apply grammar skills. Use the R.A.C.E. strategy (Restate, Answer, Cite evidence, & Expand/Explain thoughts) when responding to text. Spelling: Week 3 pre-test of on-level spelling words on Monday Complete 15 points of August Spelling activities by Friday Math: This week we will… learn how to multiply two, three, or even more digits using the box method and lattice multiplication strategies. begin small groups and math stations to individualize instruction. master 10’s facts with “Fluency Friday” speed test: 25 correct facts in 1 minute, 40 seconds. Project of the Week (P.O.W.): The 7 Natural Wonders of the World in-class assignment is due Friday. Research: Choose one of the 7 Natural Wonders of the World to research more about and share your findings with the class. Try using a kid-friendly search engine like , , or On-Level Spelling: Classical Roots Vocab: Lesson 3 pages 11-15 deli “pleasant” & ques “to ask; search” delicacy delicate delicatessen delicious delightful Test format addition! Students should also be prepared to answer 8 multiple choice questions to show their understanding of the vocabulary word meaning. Please use the pages in the orange workbook for studying and preparation. We’ve been very impressed with the student’s ability to write meaningful sentences, keep it up! Friday Test Schedule: Reading: Cold-read comprehension with character traits Vocabulary: Lesson 3 test Language: Subject & Predicate test Spelling: only “on level” students only will retest Math: 2 digit by 2 digit multiplication using the box method (may use a multiplication chart). Fluency Friday Test for 10’s times tables goal mole stone stove chose own fold flow sole blown bolt quote coaster motor *kite *shy *climb mold toll groan stole foam mows roasting lower quest questionable questionnaire A note from the teachers Open House Tuesday 8/29 6:00 p.m Our Greek Mythology unit is sure to be a class favorite! It will be an area of concentration for the next 3+ weeks and will culminate with our “Greek Fest” in which the students will role play and dress as the character/god/goddess/mythological monster of their choice. Please continue to study multiplication facts nightly to ensure confidence and success. It makes a noticeable difference when students practice at home! Remember, our goal is 25 problems in 1 minute and 40 seconds to achieve mastery. If your child did not pass the 5’s timed test on Friday, a retest will be given on Wednesday. Everyone will test on the 10’s times tables this Friday. Students are working on an individual basis towards their ice cream sundae incentive! Ms. Morrison & Ms. Doescher .

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