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Lesson starter What is the central nervous system made up of?

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson starter What is the central nervous system made up of?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson starter What is the central nervous system made up of?
What are the three main areas of the brain and what job does each part do?

2 The brain The Cerebrum Controls conscious thought, memory, reasoning and imagination

3 The brain The Cerebellum
Controls balance and co-odination of muscle action

4 The Medulla Oblongata The brain
Controls involuntary actions like heart rate, breathing and digestion

5 Control and Communication
Lesson 2- The journey of the impulse

6 Learning Intention Revise the journey of the impulse
and talk about the different types of neurones

7 Receptors and Effectors
Information is passed through nerves to the CNS in the form of electrical impulses

8 Receptors and Effectors
Our sensory organs detect information from our surroundings The information is the stimulus which triggers off a nerve impulse. This impulse is carried along a sensory nerve cell to the C.N.S. where it is processed

9 What are our SENSORY ORGANS?
Sensory organs have RECEPTORS to gather information (stimuli) from the environment What are our SENSORY ORGANS?

10 Sensory Organs Ears- Detects sounds (hearing)
Skin- detects changes in pressure/ temperature/pain (touch) Eyes- Detects pictures (sight) Ears- Detects sounds (hearing) Tongue- Detects chemicals in food (taste) Nose- Detects chemicals in the air (smell)

11 Receptors and Effectors
Information is gathered by RECEPTORS (in sensory organs) and sent along a sensory nerve in an electrical impulse. It is PROCESSED by the CNS Messages are then sent to along a motor neuron to the EFFECTORS in order to bring about a RESPONSE

12 Effectors The EFFECTOR will carry out the suitable response to the STIMULI Muscles- contract and pull on the bones to bring about movement Glands- Send chemical messages in the form of hormones

13 Neurones Neurone is another name for a NERVE CELL
They information is carried along neurones in an electrical impulse Three types of neurone!

14 Sensory Neuron The neurones are responsible for carrying messages from the sensory organs to the CNS

15 Found in the CNS and link the motor and sensory neurones
Relay Neurones Found in the CNS and link the motor and sensory neurones

16 Motor Neurone The MOTOR NEURON carries information from the CNS to the EFFECTOR Effector (eg muscle) Axon Cell Body Dendrite Direction of Impulse

17 The Flow of Information
Nerve impulses only travel in ONE DIRECTION SENSORY NEURONS carry info from the RECEPTORS (sensory organs) to the CNS RELAY NEURONES link sensory and motor neurons MOTOR NEURONES carry info from the CNS to the EFFECTOR


19 The flow of information: Synapse
Neurons don’t actually touch each other- there is a tiny gap between them, the impulse has to cross this gap, called a synapse. The impulse crosses the synapse using chemicals called neurotransmitters. The chemical diffuses across the gap and triggers an impulse in the next neuron.

20 Task: Individual In your jotters write a summary and draw a diagram showing The journey of the impulse. Include the words: SENSORY NEURONE, RELAY NEURONE, MOTOR NEURONE, EFFECTOR, SYNAPSE and NEUROTRANSMITTER

21 Control and Communication
Lesson 3- Voluntary and Involuntary Actions

22 Voluntary Actions What does it mean if something is VOLUNTARY?
What are examples of VOLUNTARY actions?

23 Voluntary Actions Requires thinking Slow reaction
Controlled by the brain – the CEREBRUM is involved For everyday actions

24 Reflex Action A rapid automatic response to a stimulus (to protect from harm) Involuntary action- no conscious thought They happen so fast that there is often no time for them to reach the brain The impulses pass through the white matter in the SPINAL CORD instead The brain becomes aware of the action only after it has happened.


26 The Reflex Arc The pathway that brings about the reflex action is called the REFLEX ARC- an arrangement of nerve cells which makes sure that we react quickly to hazardous stimuli.

27 The Reflex Arc Stimulus (burn to hand) detected by receptors in skin
Nerve impulses travel along sensory neurone towards CNS Impulse passed across synapse to relay neuron in spinal cord Relay neurone passes impulse across second synapse to motor neurone Impulse travels along motor neurone towards effector (muscle in hand) Muscle contracts and hand is withdrawn quickly

28 Task: Individual In your jotters, draw a table comparing a VOLUNTARY action to an INVOLUNTARY action Include: Is thinking required? Speed? What controls it? When do they happen?

29 Voluntary Involuntary
Requires thinking No thinking required Slow Reaction Rapid reaction Controlled by the brain Controlled by spinal cord Everyday reactions Life saving actions

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