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I Image by Tang Yau Hoong

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Presentation on theme: "I Image by Tang Yau Hoong"— Presentation transcript:

1 I Image by Tang Yau Hoong Get Started with Pearson MyLab & Modified Mastering in CHEM 100 at CSUN Fall 2017 Presentation Title Arial Bold 7 pt 1

2 You need 2 things to register:
AND 1 2 & Pearson sign-in account Credit Card or Access code If you’re creating a Pearson username and password for the first time, you’ll need an address that you check regularly to create a student account. You will need to enter your instructor’s Course ID. You will need to enter an access code that you purchased at the bookstore, or you can purchase immediate access during registration using a credit card or PayPal account. If you’re waiting on financial aid, there is a temporary access option, which allow you to enroll and will give you 14-days of complimentary usage until you can purchase access. Get Started with Pearson MyLab

3 Bookstore purchase? Package includes: Loose-leaf custom text & Access Code for eText and Mastering $136.25

4 Want instant access? Purchase online with credit card or PayPal account $60.00


6 Step 1. Login to your CSUN Canvas account
Note to presenter: you can also modify this slide to include the specific product website, e.g. Get Started with Pearson MyLab

7 Step 2. Click on the MyLab and Mastering Link
Get Started with Pearson MyLab

8 Step 3. Create a Pearson Username & Password
Or Sign In with a username and password you already have, if you’ve used another Pearson MyLab & Mastering product before. Note to presenter: Ask class if anyone has used Pearson REVEL before. If the only Pearson product a student has registered for in the past is REVEL, he will not be able to use that username and password to sign up for a MyLab & Mastering course. He will need to CREATE A NEW STUDENT ACCOUNT. Get Started with Pearson MyLab

9 Step 4. Select a Purchase Option
Select Access Code if you’ve already purchased one. Use a Credit Card or PayPal Note to presenter: explain that students may have the option to purchase MyLab access that includes an eText, or MyLab access only. Get Started with Pearson MyLab

10 Congratulations! You’re now enrolled in your CSUN Chem 100 Modified Mastering course.
Next time you want to access your Canvas account and sign in. Get Started with Pearson MyLab

Connect with other students, find links to helpful videos, and get inspired! Get Started with Pearson MyLab

12 Need Help? Contact Pearson Support, 24/7, at Live chat or call dedicated student support at Get Started with Pearson MyLab

13 Join the Pearson Student Insiders NOW!
Would you like to… share your insights to shape product development? raise awareness for social causes you care about? learn career skills from professionals to get hired? earn rewards, like resume reviews, mock interview, coffee, free access code for your course, and cool swag? If so, we want you to join the Pearson Student Insiders! Sign up free in less than two minutes at:


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