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Evidencing progress in writing

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1 Evidencing progress in writing
Lucy Nicholls Kings’ school Al Barsha

2 Ready Wonder Write Steady Write
School’s Aims and priorities: - To consistently evidence progress in writing from Year Ensure children are successful writers and aware of next steps.

3 Ready Steady Write - Beginning of every writing unit minutes unaided piece of writing - Followed by text type analysis/generating success criteria - Children can then self-assess the effectiveness of their own writing and their own next steps - Clearly evidences the child’s baseline

4 Wonder Write - End of every writing unit (1,2 or 3 weeks long) - Unaided piece of writing - Followed by analysis against the success criteria – self and by the teacher - Clearly evidences the child’s progress throughout the unit - Next steps targets are identified by the teacher

5 Ready Steady Write Year 4 Non-chronological report – Autumn term

6 Wonder Write Year 4 Non-chronological report – Autumn term

7 Ready Steady Write Year 4 Diary writing – Spring term
Using purple pen the children identify the strengths and next steps against the success criteria

8 Wonder Write Year 4 Diary writing – Spring term

9 Wonder Write Year 4 Diary writing – Spring term

10 Ready Steady Write Year 4 Non-chronological report – Summer term

11 Wonder Write Year 4 Non-chronological report – Summer term

12 Let’s All Write - Once every half term - Unaided piece of writing - Whole school writing stimulus - Writing is moderated in teams and across the phases - Clearly evidences the child’s current level of attainment - Next steps targets are identified at a year group level and informs planning

13 Purple pen feedback - Written responses to feedback - Evidences children editing and improving their own writing - DSIB feedback commended the marking and feedback across Primary - Develops critical thinking skills through higher-order questions


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