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Welcome to Reception September 2017

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Reception September 2017"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Reception September 2017
The EYFS Assessment Learning to read and write Becoming confident in Maths Our typical day Communication Questions

2 What is the EYFS? Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum- birth to 5 years Transition to school Hands on activities Learning through play Small group and one to one work Mix of adult directed and child initiated actvities Child led and flexible topics Skills based curriculum

3 7 Areas of learning Personal, Social and Emotional
Communication and Language Physical Development Literacy Mathematics Understanding the World Expressive Arts and Design

4 The importance of play Interaction and negotiation Social skills
Exploration and investigation Meaningful Exciting and engaging Problem solving Confidence Independence

5 Assessment in the early years
Long observations Short observations Photographs/ Video Literacy Books/ Maths Books Learning Journey Books

6 Learning to read and write in reception
In Reception we will: Begin Phase 2 of the ‘Letters and Sounds’ program. Focusing first on one letter phonemes and then onto two letter phonemes as we begin phase 3 later in the year. We will learn several sounds a week. We will not follow the typical alphabet order. Phonic Books will be sent home each day with the new sounds stuck in as we learn them. As we learn our sounds we will begin to blend them together to make words. We will also be introduced to the tricky words as we learn our sounds. We will bring home key words to practise, as we learn them confidently more will be added. This will include high frequency words and tricky words. We will bring home reading books as we learn the sounds. We will take part in lots of speaking and listening activities in class and there will be lots of opportunities for us to write for a purpose in our daily literacy sessions.

7 Reading and writing How to help at home
Phonics Books: recap sounds taught, demonstrate correct letter formations, sing phonic songs with actions and talk about words that begin with that sound Reading Books Practise Key words Ask questions Give praise Share stories Read a variety of print and talk about it, e.g. magazines, menus, recipes, Speaking and listening skills & communication Encourage writing for a purpose, e.g. make a diary or holiday journal, write a shopping list, write instructions or a treasure map, make posters, write a card, write a letter. Talk about print in the environment Use tools and develop fine motor control . e.g. pencils, scissors, computer mouse, paint brush, play dough, Bake Thread

8 Becoming confident in maths
In Reception we will: Count accurately, count an irregular set of objects. Match numerals to quantities, order numbers beyond 20. Write numerals using the correct formations. Count backwards. Count in 2s, 10s and 5s. Addition and subtraction. Doubling and halving. Develop mathematical vocab e.g. more, less, big, bigger, biggest, capacity, length, height, size, weight and positional language Develop understanding of money Begin to tell the time. Recognise and describe 2D shapes and 3D shapes using mathematical vocab.

9 Maths How to help at home
Continue to practise counting and number recognition/ count objects and actions Make patterns Recognise numerals in the environment e.g. bus numbers, car number plates, price tags, door numbers Play puzzles Use junk to create models and talk about the shapes Practise writing numbers using the correct formations Match numbers and quantity Play dominoes Create numerals using play dough Use vocab related to size, height and capacity in discussions Use positional language in play e.g. Play hide and seek or go on a treasure hunt using clues. Talk about 2D and 3D shapes and compare them. Go on a shape hunt and draw what you find. Share chocolate drops on cakes or biscuits, ensuring everyone has the same. Begin to use language involved in number problems such as, more, less, add, take away Use objects to add, take away, double and half. E.g. “I have 2 sweets and I add one more, how many do I have all together?”

10 A typical day in reception
Registration/ Welcome/ Early morning work Circle Time 1 followed by classroom activities and free flow Outdoors Snack Circle Time 2 followed by classroom activities and free flow Circle Time 3: Phonics Lunch Circle Time 4 and activities 3pm Worship Home time PE will take place on a Friday morning with Jelly Beans. Welly Wednesday on Wednesday afternoons with Jelly Beans. Music and dancing with Year 1 & 2 on Tuesday afternoons Friday afternoons with Year 1.

11 Barnaby bear and the star of the week
Each Friday a ‘star of the week’ will be selected and invited to take home Barnaby Bear for the weekend. Please write a few sentences about your weekend, take photos for Barnaby’s diary or encourage your child to draw a picture, to help them discuss their weekend news, with the class, on Monday morning. We use our behaviour clouds to help us regulate our behaviour and make good choices. If your child has spent time on the ‘sad cloud’ you will be informed.

12 Class rewards This year we have introduced the crayons to Reception Class. Each child will have their own crayon and they will earn colours to fill up their crayon. When 3 children fill up their crayons the whole class will receive a reward of their choice. The first child to fill up their crayon will receive an individual reward.

13 Communication Reading Record
Talk with teacher before or after school- please make an appointment if you need more time Telephone the office with messages the office with messages (If you are phoning/ ing to let us know about an alternative adult picking up, please can we have this message by 2.30pm.) Weekly information is shared on the Early Years newsletter. Early Years Notice Board School Bulletin School Website

14 What else can you do to help at home?
Socialise Turn taking skills Sharing Resolving arguments Talking during play Independence Getting dressed, particularly, buttons/zips & shoes/ socks Folding clothes Tidying up Eating with a knife and fork Going to the toilet Washing hands Label all belongings Regular and early bedtime routine Spare clothes kept in school on peg Ensure Welly boots and PE kits are in school

15 Any questions?

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