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An experiment about social media detachment

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1 An experiment about social media detachment
Signed off An experiment about social media detachment

2 Social media is changing the way we communicate and the way we are perceived, both positively and negatively. Every time you post a photo, or update your status, you are contributing to your own digital footprint and personal brand. -Amy Jo Martin

3 The mission Understand the impact social media has on participation and attention structures. Understand on the psychological effects social media has on a user Compile a digital diary that completely captured the experience.

4 Let's begin

5 The process The proposal Revision Research The write up
Archiving photos and videos Accepting changing ways Conceptualize digital diary

6 Proposal Figure out perimeters for project
What would be the best possible angle ? What would I want the end product to be? What were my intentions?

7 Revision Narrowing down Set completed and fixed guidelines
Bring project proposal up to date Engage others within project due to its nature

8 Research Research was academic and opinionated
There were a lot of relevant information on this topic of social media interference on cognition and the psyche However it was limited Much of my research was based on personal speculation Research found for the most part supported all claims made

9 The Write up Daily pieces
Scree shots from ‘Signed Off’ WordPress site. Daily pieces Reflected on noticed changes in attention structures Accompanied photo or video representation Integrated research to support claims Harder some days than others because of experiment time line Each day had a specific focus due to this

10 Archiving Photos and Videos
Take either pictures of videos for the day that in some way inspired the blog post for the day. Videos were harder to produce because of self concept Artistic exploration, used new apps to manipulate pictures, and edit videos

11 Accepting the Changing nature of project
Initial project outcome was to be a video Changed due to lack of video progress Uncomfortable being in front of the camera Figure out new way to present project that encompassed all captured material collected

12 The Digital Diary Much of the write up was based on reflection, integrated with research, and conceptualized based on a photo or when lucky a video Had to generate an idea that brought all these components together The idea of a diary came to me because it integrated all these components in a way that fit. Screen shot from ‘Signed off’ hosting WordPress site Screen shot from ‘Signed off’ OpenLab E-portfolio site

13 Closing remarks I hope that from both this presentation and the project itself you were able to understand the affects social media has on our attention and participation structures.

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