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Chapter five Ensure a safe workplace

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1 Chapter five Ensure a safe workplace
Copyright  2004 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Occupational Health and Safety by Margaret Stewart and Frank Heyes Slides prepared by Frank Heyes

2 Chapter aims Prepare policy on OHS
Define OHS responsibilities and identify the resources required to fulfil those responsibilities Establish and maintain participative arrangements With assistance, develop procedures for hazard identification and control With assistance, systematically select, implement and improve risk control measures With assistance, develop a total OHS system Copyright  2004 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Occupational Health and Safety by Margaret Stewart and Frank Heyes Slides prepared by Frank Heyes

3 OHS management systems and an employer’s duty of care
A planned, documented and verifiable method of managing workplace hazards and the risks associated with them, which ensures that the policies and procedures necessary to meet an employers legal obligations are developed, implemented, constantly maintained and continuously evaluated. Copyright  2004 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Occupational Health and Safety by Margaret Stewart and Frank Heyes Slides prepared by Frank Heyes

4 Essential features of an OHS management system
Clear policies are stated and procedures are developed to implement the policy Policies outline achievable standards and targets Roles are identified and clear responsibilities are assigned Management commitment is strong and clear Copyright  2004 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Occupational Health and Safety by Margaret Stewart and Frank Heyes Slides prepared by Frank Heyes

5 Essential features of OHS management system
The necessary financial and human resources are provided The policy and the procedures for their implementation are effectively communicated The effectiveness of policies and procedures is evaluated and reviewed Copyright  2004 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Occupational Health and Safety by Margaret Stewart and Frank Heyes Slides prepared by Frank Heyes

6 Features of effective procedures
Organisation specific Provide comprehensive coverage of all areas of potential risk Integrated with other organisational policies and procedures―OHS is not an add on Aligned with organisational performance measures The issue of violence in the workplace, particularly in relation to bullying and harassment, is often overlooked. A policy, and procedures to implement the policy, illustrate the need for the comprehensive coverage of all areas of potential risk. Each of the preceding chapters contain material dealing with violence in the workplace. Copyright  2004 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Occupational Health and Safety by Margaret Stewart and Frank Heyes Slides prepared by Frank Heyes

7 Features of effective procedures (cont.)
Based on employee involvement, consultation and participation Accountability for performance at all levels of the organisation Adequate resourcing which reflects management commitment Copyright  2004 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Occupational Health and Safety by Margaret Stewart and Frank Heyes Slides prepared by Frank Heyes

8 Risk management Risk management involves: identifying risk
seeking information about the risk―its potential impact and probability identifying options for the control of risk selecting and implementing controls evaluating controls involving stakeholders in the process Some students with experience or training in risk or project management may grasp the elements and context of OHS management systems on the basis of that experience and training. Copyright  2004 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Occupational Health and Safety by Margaret Stewart and Frank Heyes Slides prepared by Frank Heyes

9 The law Occupational health and safety considerations do not mean that you can ignore other employment-related legislation Anti-discrimination legislation applies when assigning tasks and in selection and recruitment Workers compensation legislation applies when an employee is returning to work, in part or totally Copyright  2004 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Occupational Health and Safety by Margaret Stewart and Frank Heyes Slides prepared by Frank Heyes

10 Rehabilitation Definition Employer legal obligations
Employee legal obligations Role of insurance agent family and work colleagues supervisor return to work coordinator Copyright  2004 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Occupational Health and Safety by Margaret Stewart and Frank Heyes Slides prepared by Frank Heyes

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