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Presentation on theme: "NSF INCLUDES – DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT LAUNCH PILOTS"— Presentation transcript:

NSF INCLUDES Conference - CoExIST March 8-10, 2017

2 What is NSF INCLUDES? A comprehensive national initiative designed to enhance US leadership in STEM through diversity and inclusion. The strategy is to create networked relationships among organizations whose goals including broadening participation in particular STEM fields or across STEM fields. I.e., creating an broadening participation ecosystem. Overarching goal is to ensure the contributions of all Americans are catalyzed to improve the STEM enterprise; especially the contributions of those who have been traditionally underrepresented in STEM: women and girls, people with disabilities, underrepresented minorities (African Americans/Blacks, Hispanics/Latinos, American Indians, Native Alaskans and Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders), and persons from economically disadvantaged backgrounds.

3 Program Objectives of NSF INCLUDES
Novel systems approaches and social innovation strategies New research, models, networks, and partnerships to scale social innovations Leverage the current Broadening Participation Portfolio Collaborative alliances spanning education levels, public and private sectors,… Our objectives are to fund novel approaches. We will eventually create collaborative alliances.

4 INCLUDES Key Multi-year Strategies
Support partnerships and networks that may be local or regional, discipline specific or cross-cutting multi-stakeholder efforts and develop a multi-year plan for a NSF INCLUDES National Network (NSF INCLUDES Launch Pilots, Alliances, and a National Backbone organization). Support stakeholders, including those from specific STEM disciplines as they identify and develop a set of shared goals and objectives which are essential for success in achieving inclusion in high quality science learning opportunities and in the nation’s scientific workforce. Support research-informed activities to synthesize and build the research base to define and measure broadening participation efforts, foster the spread and adaptation of proven effective practices, and increase the knowledge base around new and innovative strategies to engage underserved populations in STEM.

5 Design and Development launch Pilots Backbone Organization
Three Essential Components of NSF INCLUDES: a multi-stage, multi-year initiative Design and Development launch Pilots Plan activities and lay the foundations for potential partners Share common goals and purposes through collective impact-style approaches. Alliances Build on the activities of launch pilots Add new partners, collaborators, or networks. Each alliance will have its own local communication (backbone) organization. Backbone Organization Provide increased communications, interoperability, coordination, support, and accountability for the network of NSF INCLUDES alliances. Drive overarching vision and strategy, align common activities, establish shared measurement practices, build public will, advance policy, and mobilize funding across the network.

6 NSF INCLUDES National Network
PILOTS ALLIANCE We have pilots funneling to Alliances. Each Alliances has a Mini-backbone to support it. And everything flows to the National Backbone that support the Network of Alliances (INCLUDES National Network). Design and Development Launch Pilots: Plan activities and lay the foundation for potential partners. Shared common goals and purposes through collective impact-style approaches. Alliances: Build on the activities of launch pilots. Add new partners, collaborators, or networks. Each alliance will have its own local communication (backbone) organization. Backbone organization (national): Provide increase communications, interoperability, coordination, support, and accountability for the network of NSF INCLUDES alliances. Drive overarching vision and strategy, align common activities, establish shared measurement practices, build public will, advance policy, and mobilize funding across the network. Turner, Merchant, Kania & Martin, 2012.

7 NSF INCLUDES Timeline Development Implementation Expansion 2016 2017
Launch Pilots – NSF Workshops for Backbone Organization - DCLs Launch Pilots – NSF Linkages to BP portfolio National Backbone Organization Assessment & Evaluation Alliances National Backbone Organization Linkages to BP portfolio Assessment & Evaluation Last year we had the development stage, we funded the first awards and conferences. Now we are in the implementation stage looking forward to welcoming a new cohort of Design and Development Launch Pilots. Next year we will start our expansion stage when we welcome the first alliances. 2016 2017

8 How is NSF INCLUDES different from other NSF Programs?
The focus is on collaborative infrastructure building. This Launch Pilot phase is a testbed, the long term objective is the formation of Alliances. Successful Launch Pilots should have some kind of organizing approach. They should also have a focus on the potential scalability of the collaboration.

9 Examples of Organizing Approaches
Collective Impact Networked Improvement Communities Research + Practice Partnerships Others are also possible.

10 Launch Pilot 2016 – Proposed Approaches

11 NSF 17-522 – Guiding Questions
Vision What broadening participation challenge(s) will be addressed and what is the broader vision of the partnership, network, or alliance for effecting change? What innovative strategies will be used? How do those strategies build upon previous efforts? How are the strategies unique from what was done in the past by the participating organizations?; Partnership Which institutions are the proposed partners and what is the evidence that the partnership will be able to use social innovation frameworks such as collective impact to achieve the goals of the project? What expertise do the partnering organizations bring to the effort?; Goals and metrics What is the preliminary strategic plan to address the broadening participation challenge(s) identified above, including goals and measurable objectives? Which specific objectives will be addressed by the pilot, and why will successfully addressing these objectives position the PIs to launch a successful, expanded NSF INCLUDES Alliance? What types of data will be collected and how will data be used? Leadership and communication How will the collaboration build capacity for leadership among all partnering organizations? How will the network provide for collective leadership among the partnering organizations? How will project activities and outcomes be broadly shared with the communities of interest? Potential for expansion, impact and scale How will the pilot project’s activities contribute to next steps for a research agenda and development plan to expand the network of organizations and activities into a broader alliance? What strategies will be used to getting the project to scale? What will be the overall contribution to broadening participation in the nation's scientific workforce?. The most competitive preliminary proposal project narratives will address the following questions: Vision: What broadening participation challenge(s) will be addressed and what is the broader vision of the partnership, network, or alliance for effecting change? What innovative strategies will be used? How do those strategies build upon previous efforts? How are the strategies unique from what was done in the past by the participating organizations? Partnerships: Which institutions are the proposed partners and what is the evidence that the partnership will be able to use social innovation frameworks such as collective impact to achieve the goals of the project? What expertise do the partnering organizations bring to the effort? Goals and Metrics: What is the preliminary strategic plan to address the broadening participation challenge(s) identified above, including goals and measurable objectives? Which specific objectives will be addressed by the pilot, and why will successfully addressing these objectives position the PIs to launch a successful, expanded NSF INCLUDES Alliance? What types of data will be collected and how will data be used? Leadership and Communication: How will the collaboration build capacity for leadership among all partnering organizations? How will the network provide for collective leadership among the partnering organizations? How will project activities and outcomes be broadly shared with the communities of interest? Potential for Expansion, Impact and Scale: How will the pilot project’s activities contribute to next steps for a research agenda and development plan to expand the network of organizations and activities into a broader alliance? What strategies will be used to getting the project to scale? What will be the overall contribution to broadening participation in the nation's scientific workforce?

12 Questions?

13 Building the BP-STEM-SI Infrastructure
NSF INCLUDES Building the BP-STEM-SI Infrastructure A National Backbone-Style Support Mechanism for a Broadening Participation (BP) in Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Social Innovation (SI) Infrastructure

14 What is the objective of creating this infrastructure?
Vision Engage the community in a shared vision; Partnership Provide a platform for collaborative action; Goals and metrics Allow for evidence-based decision making; Leadership and communication Increase communication and visibility; Potential for expansion, impact and scale And establish the capacity for expansion, sustainability and scale.

15 NSF Functions Create a program roadmap and timeline
Track progress and provide for accountability Provide program-level guiding vision and strategy Serve as convener Design and manage opportunities for the field Manage bureaucratic and government landscapes Provide program-level guiding vision and strategy; Create a program roadmap and timeline; Track progress and provide for accountability; Design and manage opportunities for the field (e.g., solicitations and DCLs); Serve as convener; And manage bureaucratic and government landscapes.

16 Support Coalition Functions (Cooperative Agreement)
First Tier Activities Second Tier Activities Third Tier Activities Sustain-ability Design and launch community building activities Technical Assistance for Alliances NSF INCLUDES visibility and impact Convene networks and stake-holders Facilitate shared measure-ment and data analysis Expansion Facilitate communication Provide administra-tive support Conduct research and write reports Serve as clearing-house for evaluation First tier activities Incorporate notions of sustainability from the start; Facilitate continuous communication and information updates for and with the field, including technical communication infrastructure; Design and launch community building activities (competitions, campaigns, mini-grants, etc.) and collaboration spaces (virtual and face-to-face); Convene networks and stakeholders; Provide administrative support (staffing); Second tier activities Provide technical assistance for the Alliances; Conduct research and write reports in support of partners; Facilitate shared measurement and data analysis; Third tier activities Focus on expansion; Increase NSF INCLUDES visibility and communicate impact; Serve as a clearinghouse for evaluation, evaluation strategies and syntheses.

17 A Support Coalition should:
Be a neutral party that can build trust and relationships; Focus on supporting others rather than doing the work; Have demonstrated expertise (i.e., credibility) in Broadening Participation in STEM and Social Innovation; Be flexible enough to change over time as the program evolves and as new actors join at different times and levels; Demonstrate successful collaboration and social innovation strategies; Build an ecosystem for sustainable change; Function as NSF’s Thought Partner.


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