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Book 3 Unit 3: Latin & Greek Roots

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1 Book 3 Unit 3: Latin & Greek Roots

2 1. HIB, HAB Latin for “to have, hold”

3 2. PROHIBIT Synonym: ban Antonym: allow
To stop one from doing something; prevent Synonym: ban Antonym: allow If the law did not prohibit speeding, there would be far more traffic accidents.

4 3. INHIBIT To get in the way of; hinder Synonym: constrain
Antonym: aid If you let your fears inhibit your goals, you will never achieve them.

5 4. FUS, FOUND Latin for “to pour out”

6 5. SUFFUSE To fill up from within; to spread throughout
Synonym: saturate The light of inner peace suffused the monks face as he spoke to us about the history of the monastary.

7 6. CONFOUND To confuse and frustrate Synonym: perplex
Antonym: enlighten Many people are confounded by Math, especially Algebra and Trigonometry.

8 7. INFUSE To inject; to fill something or someone with Synonym: imbue
Antonym: empty, remove After three losses in a row, the coach tried to infuse the team with a new attitude.

9 8. TEN, TAIN, TIN Latin for “to hold”

10 9. SUSTAIN To support for an extended period of time Synonym: preserve
Antonym: obstruct Dialysis allows you to sustain your life until a kidney becomes available.

11 10. ABSTAIN To not do something; refrain Synonym: shun
Antonym: indulge Many people, especially Christians, believe you should abstain from sex until you are married.

12 11. TENACIOUS Stubbornly persistent; determined Synonym: steadfast
Antonym: weak Thanks to the tenacious work of suffragettes in the late 19th and early 20th century, women now have the same rights as men.

13 12. RETINUE A group that attends an important person
Synonym: entourage Queen Elizabeth II always had a large retinue of ladies-in-waiting around her.

14 13. PLE Latin for “to fill”

15 14. REPLETE Filled up with Synonym: rife Antonym: emptied
The cupboards were replete with groceries after the blizzard.

16 15. IMPLEMENT To put into action; execute Synonym: enforce
Antonym: halt Schools across Virginia implemented a new 10 point grading scale.

17 16. DEPLETE To use up; waste Synonym: drain Antonym: expand
The lost hikers were careful not to deplete their water supply.

18 HOMEWORK Select 10 vocabulary words and use them correctly in a sentence. Make sure you write a variety of sentences, or it may affect your grade. DO NOT select root words because that wouldn’t make any sense.

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