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1950’s & 60’s Domestic Politics

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1 1950’s & 60’s Domestic Politics

2 I. Dwight Eisenhower (1953-60)
Moderate (Keeps most New Deal/Fair Deal Policies) & “apolitical” War Hero and Grandfather-like Image Reassures Cold War era anxieties

3 Economic & Social Trends in 1950’s: GI Bill, Interstate Highway Act, Military – Industrial Complex, & Move to the Sun Belt, Suburbia

4 II. JFK (1961-1963)

5 “New Frontier” = JFK Domestic Plans
Goals include: medical insurance for elderly, more civil rights, environmental regulation, increased funding for public transportation & education, higher minimum wage, reorganize income taxes Gets mixed Congressional support initially due to narrow victory Most programs passed when LBJ becomes President

6 JFK & Cold War Space Race/Moon Pledge Establishes Peace Corps Targets Latin America & “3rd World” Nations JFK adjusts “New Look” to “Flexible Response” Cuban Missile Crisis

7 III. LBJ as President (1963 – 1968)

8 “Daisy Commercial” helps spark Landslide for LBJ
1964 Election: LBJ vs Goldwater “Daisy Commercial” helps spark Landslide for LBJ

9 LBJ Aspires to be another FDR
“War on Poverty” Job Corps, VISTA, Head Start, School Lunches, Appalachian Development, EEOC, HUD “Great Society” Education, Medicare, Immigration, PBS, NEA, Environment, Consumer Protection, Civil Rights

10 Vietnam dilemma takes $ & focus away from domestic agenda (Guns vs
Vietnam dilemma takes $ & focus away from domestic agenda (Guns vs. Butter)

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