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* 07/16/96 Associate Degree of Applied Business Business Planning Practice and Portfolio II Assessment 3 *

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1 * 07/16/96 Associate Degree of Applied Business Business Planning Practice and Portfolio II Assessment 3 *

2 Department of Education
* 07/16/96 Department of Education Nicole Round Co-Ordinator Human Resources Operations Systems & Reporting *

3 Business Planning Unit Overview
Introduced to a variety of business planning tools and processes Reviewed both traditional and adaptive business planning frameworks With a particular focus on one tool that is primarily used by Entrepreneurial businesses with that being the Business Model Canvas (BMC)

4 Business Model Canvas Spent time experimenting and adapting the BMC to try to capture the different aspects in each of our work environments. Focus was on identifying a particular issue within HROSR and then apply the BMC template to this, irrespective of this not ordinarily being use within a structure environment like DoE. BMC is a 1 pager business plan.


6 Analysis of Work issue & BMC
We tailored the business plan to our work issue Overlaid a potential solution to the identified issue Ascertained how different parts of DoE will be impacted by both the issue and the solution In consideration of determining/analysing the issue, solution and implementation we also needed to asses if the BMC had been a useful tool in the determination of all of the elements of business planning process. Throughout this assessment it was imperative to demonstrate a connection between study and work.

7 What are we here for today?

8 Purpose Articulate the problem that I identified within our section of HROSR, to use as the basis for my assessment. Detail an recommended solution. Discuss concept of change and how the solution will be implemented.

9 What do we deliver within our section and what was the major identified issue within HROSR?

10 Workplace Overview DoE HROSR responsible for processing of employment related documentation; ensuring accurate entry/payment of staff leave, conditions and payroll. Provision of departmental reporting, running/reconciliation of payroll and systems development and support with a strong client focus working in collaboration with Managers, Principals and SBM’s. A SWOT analysis was undertaken, determining Internal Strengths/Weaknesses and External Opportunities/Threats.

11 Paper Forms and Manual processes
Workplace Issue Paper Forms and Manual processes

12 Workplace Issue Significant time/resources spent is submitting and following up paperwork for staff conditions and payroll Evidenced by large volume of calls and late/incorrect paperwork. Level of confusion exists around processes and forms required for staff movements to occur. Magnitude of forms with differing content and varying approval requirements based on delegations. Duplication. Overall process time consuming/daunting for many. Focus-education of students, HR forms 1 element

13 Automated in system Workflow to create a seamless process
Workplace Resolution Automated in system Workflow to create a seamless process

14 Workplace Solution Automated in system HR workflow facilitating the existing manual forms and internal processes. Pre-existing manual processes would be completed directly into electronic forms that are set up within core systems and these forms would then be work flowed within the system. Allowing new e-forms to be work flowed to Managers for approval and then sent in system to HROSR for processing. Alerts, notifications and reminders will be triggered as part of this process.

15 Workplace Solution Varying complexities in each processes, in system business rules allowing form to workflow, with parallel processes/approval undertaken, create time efficiencies. The system will have the smarts/validation to know who to workflow the form to and if all required information is entered. Similar to that of a train, where the information is collected at each station and then carried through to the end of the journey in a seamless state.

16 Implementation Plan How are we going to deliver this automated system process to create efficiencies?

17 Change Plan for Implementation

18 Implementation Plan During our unit we have studied 4 models for change Kurt Lewin’s calm waters model John Kotter’s 8-step accelerate model Riel’s action research model The organisational development model All of which are vastly different, but for me John Kotter’s 8-step accelerate model - beneficial within the fast changing society that we live Riel’s action research model - aligns with how we undertake change processes within Government.

19 Implementation Plan Communication is paramount to a successful implementation plan. Plan must be realistic and achievable and all stakeholders need to have a sense of involvement, achievement and improvement. Consideration to small scope for initial phase (Quick wins i.e. 6 high use forms), then deliver phase 2 (majority) once stakeholders are engaged/participating. Work in collaboration help to facilitate change. Support, training/education, consultation, documentation is imperative.

20 Implementation Plan Communication plan and schedule needs to be defined to ensure that all parties are working to a timeframe that is achievable. Be accountable for the management, development and stakeholder engagement/consultation throughout. Keep people interested in change with Quick Wins. “Without short-term wins, too many employees give up or actively join the resistance. Creating” ― John.P.Kotter

21 Business Planning Presentation

22 Questions & Answers Are you enjoying your study? It is really rewarding and i am finding the connection between work and study in assessments like this are really interesting as they are relevant to what we are actually doing. Time management is one element that i need to work more on. How do you think this concept would be received by other business units? As part of the business planning process we undertook stakeholder engagement sessions that allowed us to hear concerns, thoughts and experiences from business units who were both business owners of part of the HR form process and also those that were clients within schools.

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