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Blood smear.

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1 Blood smear

2 Blood smear: A drop of blood is placed directly on a glass slide and spread over its surface with the edge of another slide. Stained with Wright’s stain.

3 Blood smear:Wright X400 Erythrocytes: 7-8um Biconcave disc
Stain uniformly with eosin Neutrophil: proportion %; Most numerous Multilobed nucleus Pale pink granules The method of producing a blood smear: a drop of blood is placed directly on a glass slide and spread over its surface with the edge of another slide. A smear from peripheral blood.The cells are mainly erythrocytes. Blood smear:Wright X400

4 Eosinophils. Blood smear:Wright X400 8-10 microns morphology
2-4% 8-10 microns morphology bilobed nucleus large, uniform eosinophil granules. Blood smear:Wright X400

5 Blood smear:Basophil Giemsa stain X400
Basophils. a.Proportion 0.5% b.morphology - large, irregular basophil granules obscure the nucleus The basophil granules are very large and irregularly shaped. Granules obscure the nucleus. Blood smear:Basophil Giemsa stain X400

6 Blood smear:Wright X400 Lymphocyte: Intensely stained nucleus
Possess a slight indentation Small amount of cytoplasm Pale blue Blood smear:Wright X400

7 Blood smear:Wright X400 Monocyte nucleus ovoid to kidney shaped
blue-gray Cytoplasm Blood smear:Wright X400

8 Blood smear:Wright X400 Platelets: Small speck-like objectives
Aggregated into small groups From megakaryocytes in myeloid tissue. Platelets are indicated by arrows. Some leukocytes are present. Blood smear:Wright X400

9 Blood smear:Wright X400

10 Thymus Lymph node Spleen
Immune system Thymus Lymph node Spleen

11 Capsule Interlobular septa Incomplete lobule Cortex medulla Thymus: HEX40

12 Capsule Interlobular septa Incomplete lobule Cortex medulla Thymus: HEX100

13 Thymocyte Epithelial reticular cell Thymic corpuscle Thymus: HEX400

14 Spheroid or kidney shaped organ
Hilum Cortex Medulla Lymph node

15 Capsule Cortex Lymphoid nodules Paracortical zone Cortical lymph sinuses subcapsular peritrabecular Lymph node: HEX40

16 Small lymphocytes Germinal center young lymphocytes reticular cells macrophages Lymphoid nodule

17 Postcapillary venules In the paracortical zone LC within the wall
thick endothelial cell LC within the wall opening for LC enter LN

18 Lymph node:HEX400 cortical lymph sinuses (subcapsular)

19 Cortical lymph sinuses: peritrabecular sinuses

20 Afferent lymphatic vessel in the capsule: with valves

21 Efferent lymphatic vessels
Blood vessels Hilum of lymph node

22 Pacinian corpuscle Nerve fiber bundle

23 Medullary cords Medullary sinuses Medulla of lymph node

24 Spleen

25 Capsule DCT Smooth muscle mesothelium Spleen

26 Trabeculae artery vein Trabecular artery Trabecular artery Spleen

27 White pulps Lymphatic sheath lymphatic tissue central artery
Splenic nodule Trabecular vein

28 White pulps Lymphatic sheath lymphatic tissue central artery Splenic nodule

29 Red pulps splenic cord Splenic sinusoid

30 Postcapillary venules in inner cortex

31 SS: subcapsular sinus T: trabecular

32 Capsule Subcapsular sinuses Trabeculae

33 Afferent lymph vessels

34 Older adult thymus has large amounts of adipose tissue


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