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Legacy of Monotheism.

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1 Legacy of Monotheism

2 Much of Western culture has also been shaped by the values of three monotheistic religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam


4 Judaism

5 Judaism 2000 BC Hebrews reach Cannan Abraham-” father “ of the Hebrews
Torah- first 5 books of Hebrew Bible Covenant




9 Man in God’s Image Human Dignity Moral Freedom
Individual Responsibility Worth of Individual


11 Moses Traditionally led Israelites out of Egypt Exodus


13 Law based on Morality The Ten Commandments Ethics
Rulers Subservient to Moral Law


15 The Kingdom of Israel 1000 BC King David
United the Israelite tribes into a single nation.


17 Solomon Turned Jerusalem into an impressive capital
Temple dedicated to God Fame for his wisdom and understanding




21 Prophets Social Conscience Oppose injustice and oppression
Bring reform


23 Diaspora - scattering of the Jews.
586 B.C Babylonian Captivity Jews migrate throughout Middle East and Mediterranean regions. 70 AD Romans destroy Jewish temple in Jerusalem



26 Depth of Knowledge “DOK” Table
Compare/contrast Roman and Hebrews views of the Rule of Law

27 V


29 Christianity

30 Beginnings of Christianity
Jesus Christ-”Messiah” Interpreted Jewish beliefs in new ways The Golden Rule Belief in Afterlife and Redemption

31 Spread of Christianity
Despite legacy of tolerance, Roman Persecutions The Diaspora 70 AD


33 Paul the apostle of Jesus
Spreads message to Gentiles Universal Religion Essential equality of Mankind


35 Growth of Christianity
By 380 AD, Christianity is official religion of Rome- Constantine Development of a clergy to perform ceremonies


37 Fall of Western Roman Empire
476 A.D. Church becomes unifying force in Europe Law Wealth Politics

38 Depth of Knowledge “DOK” Table
Compare/contrast Roman and Hebrews views of the Rule of Law What aspects and/or values of Christianity made it attractive to a large number of Gentiles


40 Islam

41 The Rise Of Islam Influenced by Judaism and Christianity
Koran holy text International faith Preserves Greek/Roman learning


43 Islam-early 600s Muhammad Dignity of Human Beings Brotherhood of all People Charity and Civic Responsibility Rulers Live Under Same Code as Ruled


45 Five pillars of faith Shahadah: Muslim Profession Of Faith.
Salat: Prayers Five Times A Day Zakat: Alms Sawm: Fasting during Ramadan Hajj: Pilgrimage To Mecca


47 Depth of Knowledge “DOK” Table
Compare/contrast Roman and Hebrews views of the Rule of Law What aspects and/or values of Christianity made it attractive to a large number of Gentiles “What are the commonalities between Judaism, Christianity, and Islam?

48 Renaissance and Reformation

49 The Medieval Church 1054, The Christian Church Split
The Eastern Church Came To Be Called The Orthodox Church The Western Church, Headed By The Pope, Became Known As The Roman Catholic Church



52 Thomas Aquinas Declared that reason and faith exist in harmony Summa Theologica


54 Renaissance Revives Classical Ideals
Secular Humanism Rebirth of Knowledge Individual value Renewed interest in non-church matters


56 The Reformation Challenges Church Power which had become authoritarian

57 Martin Luther 1521 Protestantism Individual Conscience

58 Legacy of Renaissance and
Reformation Challenges to Authority Power of the Written Word Value of the Individual

59 Legacy of Monotheism The Duty to Combat Oppression The Worth of the Individual Equality of People

60 Depth of Knowledge “DOK” Table
Compare/contrast Roman and Hebrews views of the Rule of Law What aspects and/or values of Christianity made it attractive to a large number of Gentiles “What are the commonalities between Judaism, Christianity, and Islam? What beliefs / values of the Western Religions we have discussed are part of our secular government today?

61 Monotheism-What I Learned

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