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Facing Regional Elections in the middle of a national crisis 2012

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1 Facing Regional Elections in the middle of a national crisis 2012
IDU Campaign Manager´s Meeting 6-7 December 2012, Stockhom

2 National Polls Evolution 2012

3 Generally the one who first occupies the battlefield awaiting the enemy is at ease; the one who comes later and rushes into battle is fatigued.


5 General risk & opportunities
Check the citizens support Punish the Socialist (still in mind) Reinforce democracy and legitimation of political representation Elections as a referendum about Central Government reforms Punish the measures Loosing support after absolute majority in 2011 Balance between Government responsibility and PP objectives

6 Galicia: Confirm the Regional Government
CONTEXT In the Government since 2009 Historic PP Region 23/30 years in government Rajoy´s bornplace RISKS National Debate in a Regional Elections Referendum about Govenrnment OPPORTUNITIES Reforms started before anybody in Spain Oposition completely broken Socialist Nationalista Radical Left Fear about coalition in the middle of a crisis.

7 Campaign Focused on Galicia
Different routes. Rich more places Selected presence of national leaders

8 Socialists wanted a national debate…
… but we managed to focus all campaign in Galicia


10 But at the same time in Basque Country

11 2009

12 CONTEXT Support of PP to Socialists ended
Legalization of ETA political party (TC) Self-determination right form Nationalist ETA announced definitive cessation of its 'armed activities‘ Few space for economic and social situation

13 Support of ETA political arm

14 If you don´t go, they win Now, more than ever PP

15 2012

16 And finally in Cataluña…

17 CONTEXT CiU Government in minority 2 years from last elections
CiU got the government thanks socialist but they ruled with PP support. Before summer polls were bad for them, corruption were in the atmosphere and then…

18 Generally the one who first occupies the battlefield awaiting the enemy is at ease; the one who comes later and rushes into battle is fatigued.


20 PP risks and opportunities
We had to face Spanish Government measures Traditional difficulties in Catalonia PP voters turnout Influence But we became in the reference for non nationalist Measures weren´t in the debate Heart vs Brain Moderate voters


22 Turn Out


24 In the most difficult moment, we are being able to face Regional Elections with quite success.
People knows what they are voting People doesn´t share some measures but understand them.

25 Thank you

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